McConica, James K. English Humanists and Reformation Politics under Henry VIII and Edward VI. DOI: 10.3138/9781442673328Save Citation Export Citation Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni. Leonardo da Vinci Overview, Artworks, and Biography Albrecht Drer Overview, Artworks, and Biography Remove Ads Overview of Renaissance Humanism "After seeing this no one need wish to look at any other sculpture or the work of any other artist," Giorgio Vasari said of Michelangelo's David. CD-ROM version available under the direction of Lucinda Floridi (Leiden, The Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1995). Renaissance humanism was a worldview centered on the nature and importance of humanity, that emerged from the study of Classical antiquity. 1508), the most important early German humanist, known for his poetry and for founding humanist societies. Surveys the rediscovery and growing influence of classical Greek learning in Italy from the 14th century to the beginning of the 16th century. From Poliziano to Machiavelli: Florentine Humanism in the High Renaissance. The Poet as Philosopher: Petrarch and the Formation of Renaissance Consciousness. By contrast, Witt 2000 evicts Petrarch from his position of father of humanism.. Lists and describes the manuscripts and printed works of Latin editions of ancient Latin and Greek authors up to the year 1600. Studies the social, political, and economic situations of forty-five Florentines strongly committed to humanism. Humanism became a significant intellectual force in England during the reign of Henry VIII (b. The Case against Johann Reuchlin: Religious and Social Controversy in Sixteenth-Century Germany. Offers detailed investigations of the humanist Giovanni Caldiera and several female humanists. The Schoolmaster (1570). 1463d. Share Citation . Each volume contains articles on individual Greek and Latin writers, with a brief history of the author and his works, plus a comprehensive listing of manuscripts and printed editions, along with information on the editors and translators, as well as excerpts from prefaces, usually in Latin. DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511562525Save Citation Export Citation Wealthy patrons supported the artistic endeavors that were influenced by concepts from Greco-Roman antiquity and subsidized the careers of humanists.Ancient Greek and Roman models were utilised in the works of artists who . Rome: Descle, 1965. Boston: Twayne, 1975. A caricature of the art human delineation! The term is alternatively applied to a variety of Western beliefs, methods, and philosophies that place central emphasis on the human realm. The Praise of Pleasure: Philosophy, Education, and Communism in Mores Utopia. Share Citation . Study of another Florentine chancellor and humanist. Renaissance Transformations of Late Medieval Thought. Jenkins, Allan K., and Patrick Preston. Helps explain why many German humanists supported Luther. Includes a historical introduction and translation of key texts. The Renaissance, that is, the period that extends roughly from the middle of the fourteenth century to the beginning of the seventeen century, was a time of intense, all-encompassing, and, in many ways, distinctive philosophical activity. Valla demonstrated his brilliant rhetorical and philological expertise in proving that the Donation of Constantine, which awarded political authority over the Western Empire (and by extension, Europe) to the pope, was a medieval forgery rather than an authentic work of Emperor Constantine the Great (ruled 306337). Petrarch: Poet and Humanist. Several comprehensive scholarly aids and sources useful for students and advanced scholars of Renaissance humanism are available. 4 vols. Studies the biblical humanism of Erasmus, Thomas More, William Tyndale, and Tommaso de Vio Cajetan, and conservative reactions to them. Bainton, Roland H. Erasmus of Christendom. 1437) chronicling his successes and failures. Emphasizes the Roman humanist themes, including Ciceronian Latin style and humanistic theology, from the 1480s to 1527. Monfasani, John, ed. Stone, Donald, Jr. France in the Sixteenth Century: A Medieval Society Transformed. Biblical humanists used their philological skills to study the texts of the Bible in the original languages. Fascinating combination of biography and historiography. Erasmus and His Catholic Critics. As of January 2017 it listed more than 1,400,000 entries, with new entries added daily. Edited by Christopher S. Celenza and Kenneth Gouwens, 295325. Provides Latin text and English translation of texts by Angelo Poliziano, Paolo Cortesi, Gianfrancesco Pico, Pietro Bembo, Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio, Celio Calcagnini, Lilio Gregorio Giraldi, and Antonio Possevino on the Ciceronian controversy. Translated and edited by Olga Zorzi Pugliese. 2 includes a revised version of Barons important essay on the evolution of Niccol Machiavellis ideas from the Prince to the Discourses. 1444), emphasizing his originality as a reforming pedagogical humanist who wanted moral philosophy, history, and rhetoric based on the classics to be taught. Translated by Peter Munz. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 20012008. Argues by means of close analysis and dating of numerous humanistic texts that Bruni and other Florentines created civic humanism during the political crisis of the war against Milan at the beginning of the 15th century. Foster, Kenelm. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 1990. Supplements Baron 1955a with detailed, somewhat technical chapters concerning the genesis and dating of humanist texts in the early 15th century. Rummel, Erika. Bracciolini, Poggius. Also available in paperback from the University of Notre Dame Press, 1995. Broad study analyzing how Italian humanists used ancient philosophical sources to develop a more secular literature of consolation, with psychological insights, rather than that of Scholastic Christian theology. Epistolario di Guarino Veronese. The Renaissance (UK: / r n e s n s / rin-AY-snss, US: / r n s n s / REN--sahnss) is a period in European history marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity and covering the 15th and 16th centuries, characterized by an effort to revive and surpass ideas and achievements of classical antiquity.It occurred after the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages and was . 1429d. Bouwsma, William J. Venice and the Defense of Republican Liberty: Renaissance Values in the Age of the Counter Reformation. DOI: 10.4159/harvard.9780674063266Save Citation Export Citation Watts, Pauline Moffitt. Humanism - Renaissance, Education, Literature | Britannica Share Citation . Brills Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World. Voigt 1960 is the most recent printing, while Grendler 2006 describes Voigts scholarly approach and explains his importance. Reprinted in DAmicos Roman and German Humanism, 14501550 (Aldershot, UK, and Burlington, VT: Variorum, 1993), edited by Paul F. Grendler. London: Macmillan, 1969. Florence: Felice le Monnier, 1937. Garins scholarship on humanism has had enormous influence on Italian and European scholars, but less on North American scholars. After an introduction about the Renaissance and humanism, it provides succinct summaries of key figures and themes, organized around the reigns of French kings. Trinkaus, Charles. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1978. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968. All demonstrate Kristellers wide knowledge. Binghamton, NY: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1987. Humanists paid conscious tribute to realistic techniques in art that had . Humanists put great store in a classicizing rhetoric in order to spread their messages on a variety of topics. Baron, Hans. Ianziti 2012 offers a detailed study of the most important historian of the early Renaissance. London: Warburg Institute, 19631997. 1331d. 1505) used new humanistic techniques. A projected eighty-six volumes will eventually be published. Translated by members of the Language Department of the School of Economic Science, London. DOI: 10.1515/9781400860357Save Citation Export Citation Toronto and Buffalo, NY: University of Toronto Press, 19851987. English translation of Die deutschen Humanisten und die Anfnge der Reformation (1959). Aldershot, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2005. Tracy 1978 looks at Erasmuss political views. London and New York: Arkana, 1990. Grendler, Paul F., ed. 2004), professor of the history of philosophy at the University of Florence and the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, argued that humanism was a broad philosophy of life. Right Thinking and Sacred Oratory in Counter-Reformation Rome. By Hans Baron, 51101. humanism - Humanism - Erasmus, Renaissance, Reformation: Desiderius Erasmus was the only humanist whose international fame in his own time compared to Petrarch's. While lacking Petrarch's polemical zeal and spirit of self-inquiry, he shared the Italian's intense love of language, his dislike for the complexities and pretenses of medieval institutions both secular and religious, and his . Petrarch and His World. Baron, Hans. Humanism, also known as Renaissance Humanism, was an intellectual movement embraced by scholars, writers, and civic leaders in 14th- and early-15th-century Italy. Martines, Lauro. Humanistic Historiography under the Sforzas: Politics and Propaganda in Fifteenth-Century Milan. Francesco Petrarca (known as Petrarch in English) has been identified as the first humanist, since Georg Voigt called Petrarch the father of Humanism in 1859 (see Voigt 1960 in Origins of Humanism). DOI: 10.4159/harvard.9780674335356Save Citation Export Citation New York: Harper and Row, 1965. 1536), an influential French biblical humanist. Eight Philosophers of the Italian Renaissance. Although neo-Latin (new Latin) means the Latin language from the time of Petrarch to the present, this work concentrates on neo-Latin in the Renaissance. Wilson, N.G. From Byzantium to Italy: Greek Studies in the Italian Renaissance. Edited by Eugene F. Rice Jr. New York: Columbia University Press, 1972. Share Citation . Despite its age, it is still useful, not least because of the 124-page essay by Scott on the controversy in Italy and northern Europe. 1909d. 1503) in the Kingdom of Naples. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 19602011. Valla (b. Collection of studies by well-known scholars on French humanism and humanists. This question lies at the heart of Renaissance Humanism, described as an intellectual movement during the 13th to 16th Centuries CE, which started in Italy and spread across Europe. 4 (Utopia) is particularly good. Raimondi, Ezio. Latin text and English translation of Vallas important defense of earthly and heavenly joy, derived in part from Epicurus, but more so from St. Augustine. DOI: 10.3138/9781442674530Save Citation Export Citation Humanistic and Political Literature in Florence and Venice at the Beginning of the Quattrocentro: Studies in Criticism and Chronology. Hence, the history of English humanism is bound up with the Tudor monarchy and Henrys religious policies. Camporeale, Salvatore I. Lorenzo Valla: Umanesimo e teologia. The work is particularly strong in its analysis of lesser-known humanists. 3 vols. Leiden, The Netherlands, and Boston: Brill, 2006. This article provides a sampling of some of the best and most influential scholarship on the subject and demonstrates the broad impact of humanism in the era of the Renaissance and Reformation. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1989. Bainton 1969, which views Erasmus as a religious figure, marks a major shift in scholarship, since previous studies saw him as a somewhat skeptical and detached pre-Enlightenment intellectual. Classic biography that emphasized Erasmus as humanist, scholar, and religious reformer who steered a middle road between Catholic and Protestant. 4th ed. Humanists elsewhere in Europe followed their lead and added their own insights, especially after the invention of printing accelerated the diffusion of ideas. The Philosophy of Marsilio Ficino. Historical introduction and prefatory letters in Latin and French to works by Lefvre dtaples (b.c.1455d. Lists thousands of manuscripts by Italian humanists found in libraries throughout the world. Important study of Petrarchs Secretum (Secret Book), his self-examination in the middle of his life, which continues to fascinate today. His translation of works by Plato into Latin and his Platonic Theology (published in 1482) and other works influenced many. McClure, George W. Sorrow and Consolation in Italian Humanism. Akkerman and Vanderjagt 1988 studies Rudolph Agricola, Rummel 2002 surveys a humanist-Scholastic clash, and Rummel 1995 looks at the broader reasons for the quarrels between humanists and Scholastics. The works in this section offer a sampling of studies on individual Italian humanists. In Praise of Aeneas: Virgil and Epideictic Rhetoric in the Early Italian Renaissance. Neapolitan humanism revolved around the court and articulated princely values to some extent. Rodolphus Agricola Phrisius, 14441485: Proceedings of the International Conference at the University of Groningen, 2830 October 1985. Bietenholz and Deutscher 19851987 provides numerous short biographies. In the opinion of the majority of scholars, it began in late-14th-century Italy, came to maturity in the 15th century, and spread to the rest of Europe after the middle of that century. While noting some criticisms, they accept his view about the importance of Florentine civic humanism and its links to republicanism. Major survey of the themes of Venetian humanism in the 15th century, with extensive bio-bibliographical information about ninety-two leading Venetian humanists. Wilcox, Donald J. Garin, Eugenio. Biblical Scholarship and the Church: A Sixteenth-Century Crisis of Authority. Bataillon 1991, originally published in 1937, is a monumental study of Spanish humanism that is still valuable. 1478d. Humanism then became the dominant intellectual movement in Europe in the 16th century. Humanism in Renaissance Humanism was an intellectual movement of the renaissance, it was a philosophy based on the idea that the people are rational beings with emphasis on the dignity and the worth of an individual leading to the development of Renaissance many areas of Europe. It emphasizes the importance of the example of ancient Rome. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1979. This work provides a summary of his life and translates selections from his most important writings. Expand or collapse the "in this article" section, Expand or collapse the "related articles" section, Expand or collapse the "forthcoming articles" section, The Transmission of Greek and Latin Learning, Marsilio Ficino and Renaissance Platonism, Concepts of the Renaissance, c. 1780c. A collection of studies dealing with free will, the dignity of man, and other topics. T he revival of Classical learning inspired the philosophy of Renaissance Humanism, a key element that helped to shape the intellectual and artistic development in Italy and across Europe from around 1400 to 1650. The Works and Days of John Fisher: An Introduction to the Position of St. John Fisher (14691535), Bishop of Rochester, in the English Renaissance and the Reformation. March 24, 2022 in Art History W hat does it mean to be human? By Bernd Moeller, 1940. New York: Charles Scribners, 1969. Nauert, Charles G., Jr. Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe. Emphasizes the influence of Erasmus in Spain and the subsequent suppression of Erasmian humanism by the Inquisition. humanism - Humanism - Renaissance, Education, Philosophy: During the 14th century, humanism strengthened, diversified, and spread, with Florence remaining at its epicentre. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1983. Comprehensive and useful bibliography, although limited to English-language secondary sources and translations. . Ascham 1967 offers a precise humanist educational guide, including which classical texts to read, while Elyot 1992 combines a humanistic educational program with advice to rulers. 3 vols. Share Citation . Naples, Italy: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici, 1955. Studies in Renaissance Thought and Letters. Bataillon, Marcel. Monograph on Vergerio (b.c.1369d. 2d ed. Black, Robert. The humanists were clergymen rather than heads of families and civic office holders. Natural Philosophy in the Renaissance - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Its origins went back to 14th-century Italy and such authors as Petrarch (1304-1374) who searched out 'lost' ancient manuscripts. Share Citation . Vol. Biblical criticism was one of the most important and far-reaching effects of humanism both in Protestant and Catholic Europe. Study of George of Trebizond (b. English translation, by an international team of scholars, of almost all of Erasmuss works, including the works that he edited. The humanist movement of the renaissance was based on? 1446d. The humanist movement embraced the insights of many individual humanists, especially Italians, whose criticism of medieval culture and scholarship and bold pronouncements concerning man, classical studies, philosophy, history, and religion created Renaissance humanism. Education and Humanism | Western Civilization - Lumen Learning Augustijn 1991 continues this reevaluation. Hankins, James, ed. 1519), a churchman and preacher who founded an important humanist school, although Colet himself was only partly influenced by humanism. Among its many principles, humanism promoted the idea that man was the center of his own universe, and . Guarino da Verona (b. Benedetto Accolti and the Florentine Renaissance. Essays on the interpretation of the Renaissance, the ideal city, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei and the scientific culture of the Renaissance, and magic and astrology. Rowland, Ingrid D. The Culture of the High Renaissance: Ancients and Moderns in Sixteenth-Century Rome. The Platonism of Marsilio Ficino: A Study of his Phaedrus Commentary, Its Sources and Genesis. Ciceronian Controversies. Dost, Timothy P. Renaissance Humanism in Support of the Gospel in Luthers Early Correspondence: Taking All Things Captive. Ficinos wide correspondence reveals many aspects of his scholarship, influence, and contacts with other scholars and humanists. I Tatti Renaissance Library. Publishes in several languages. Humanism | Definition, Principles, History, & Influence Share Citation . Rummel, Erika. An introduction to Ficinos Platonism by means of his Phaedrus commentary, in which Ficino advances the myth of the winged charioteer as a way of explaining mans soul. Iter Italicum: A Finding List of Uncatalogued or Incompletely Catalogued Humanistic Manuscripts of the Renaissance in Italian and Other Libraries. Allen, Michael J. The Reception of Plutarchs Lives in Fifteenth-Century Italy. The newest interpretation of the origins of humanism is found in Witt 2000, a large study whose interpretation is based on analysis of the Latin style of many Italian scholars between about 1260 and the 1420s. 15 vols. Garin, Eugenio. Witt, Ronald G. Hercules at the Crossroads: The Life, Works, and Thought of Coluccio Salutati. Short biographies of over 1,900 Renaissance and Reformation figures mentioned in the works of Erasmus; particularly useful for northern Europe. Love is a major theme. Share Citation . McLaughlin 1995 surveys imitation both in Latin and Italian writing. Monfasani, John. Tempe, AZ: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1996. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012. Excellent guide that briefly charts the survival of ancient literature in the Middle Ages, plus the rediscovery of some major texts in the Renaissance and beyond. Oxford: Clarendon, 1952. 1560) was the most humanistic of the major Protestant reformers; see Kuropka 1999 for an English introduction. 1444), the chancellor of Florence, joined their classical scholarship to a defense of liberty. Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. All articles are in Italian. Toronto and Buffalo, NY: University of Toronto Press, 2002. DAmico, John F. The Progress of Renaissance Latin Prose: The Case of Apuleianism. Renaissance Quarterly 37.3 (1984): 351392. vernacular became an increased focus of education in the humanist movement secular secular focus led to a core of topics called liberal studies humanist educators believed that the purpose of education was to create well rounded citizens humanist educators stressed the importance of preparing the aristocrats Pico also attempted to find agreement on some propositions among a very wide range of Christian, pagan, ancient, medieval, and Renaissance sources. Res Publica Litterarum 4 (1981). 2, with the rest of Europe; and Vol. humanism - Humanism - Renaissance, Art, Philosophy: Humanistic themes and techniques were woven deeply into the development of Italian Renaissance art. Le scoperte dei codici latini e greci ne secoli XIV e XV. Edited by James Hankins and William Bowen. Italian Renaissance Art - Humanism - Artyfactory Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1969. It was a self-fulfilling faith. Does not take strong interpretive stances. DAmico 1983 points out that Roman humanists were strong Ciceronians, while Erasmus subjected Roman and Italian Ciceronians to satirical criticism and preferred an eclectic Latin style; see Erasmus 1986. New York: Harper and Row, 1972. Excellent brief introduction to the major works of Erasmus. Oxford: Clarendon, 1995. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1963. Argues that humanism began in the 1260s, when a small number of Italian scholars sought to develop a classicizing Latin style based on imitation of the ancients. Toronto and Buffalo, NY: University of Toronto Press, 1985. Vol. 1509d. Lorenzo Valla: Filosofia e religione nellumanesimo italiano. Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum: Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries; Annotated Lists and Guides. Focuses on Ficinos Platonic Theology, his largest and most important work. Originally published 19151919. Includes Sabbadinis additions and corrections to his original work, and an analysis of Sabbadinis scholarly contributions by Garin. Humanism then became the dominant intellectual movement in Europe in the 16th century. The starting point for study of Venetian humanism. First published in one volume in 1859, Voigts book has never been translated into English, except for a few well-chosen pages from the 1893 edition excerpted in The Renaissance Debate (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965), edited by Denys Hay; reprinted in 1976 (Huntington, NY: Robert E. Krieger), pp. Translated and introduced by Gordon Griffiths, James Hankins, and David Thompson. Field, Arthur. 1657 and 167178, contrasts Kristellers synchronic approach to humanism with Eugenio Garins diachronic approach. McConica 1965 and Mayer 1989 describe the growing influence of humanists at the court and the roles that they played in Henry VIIIs religious policies, while Gleason 1989 describes a nonhumanist who founded a humanist school, and Surtz 1967 studies a humanist churchman who opposed Henry VIII and was beheaded. The I Tatti Renaissance Library. When an eight-year-old boy, the son of a prominent Venetian patrician, died in 1460, humanists responded with an outpouring of consoling letters, orations, treatises, and poems. Studies of Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, Marsilio Ficino, Politian, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, and Savonarola, plus Garins important essay on how the humanist chancellors of the Florentine Republic used the classics to promote republican civic values and oppose tyranny, a key part of his civic-life thesis. See chapters 3, 12, 13, and 14 for Vallas thought about ethics, the Bible, the status of the religious, and the Eucharist. King, Margaret L. Venetian Humanism in an Age of Patrician Dominance. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006. In Search of Florentine Civic Humanism: Essays on the Transition from Medieval to Modern Thought. Surtz, Edward. The Development of Florentine Humanist Historiography in the Fifteenth Century. Renaissance Quarterly is the leading journal in the field. While Salutati was the most important early leader of Florentine humanists, Witt also emphasizes medieval and religious tendencies in his thought. 209233, presents survey articles on humanism in different countries by various specialists. 1568) was a humanist scholar and tutor to Princess (later Queen) Elizabeth. DOI: 10.4159/harvard.9780674435995Save Citation Export Citation Emphasizes Accoltis role as a humanist historian of the Italian Middle Ages, as well as his reforms as chancellor. Oxford: Clarendon, 1988. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1988. You could not be signed in, please check and try again. Broad study of the influence of humanism on French historiography and law. Nicholas of Cusa (b. The pioneering historian of humanism was Georg Voigt (b. 2 vols. Share Citation . Originally published in 1934. 1538), a humanist and political thinker, was educated in Italy and contributed to the Anglican middle way between Catholicism and Protestantism. This ideology was referred to as the uomo universale, an ancient Greco-Roman ideal. 1547). New York: Garland, 1985. Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1960. Notes Italian influences, religious themes, and reformist tendencies. Important study detailing the growth of humanist influence at the English court and the links between humanism and the English Reformation. Civic humanism created the intellectual foundations for a transformation of Italian culture in the Renaissance and, ultimately, the modern world, in Barons view. Study of the humanist historian Giovio (b. 1535) was the most accomplished and famous English humanist, and Utopia (1516) was his most famous work. Defining Renaissance Natural Philosophy Renaissance natural philosophy defies easy definition, since descriptions of it may oversimplify, either by reducing it to its connections with medieval science or, alternatively, forcing it into a teleology that culminates in the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century. King, Margaret L. Humanism, Venice, and Women: Essays on the Italian Renaissance. Petrarch searched for ancient Latin manuscripts, and others followed his lead. Jenkins and Preston 2007 mentions other figures. Filelfo in Milan: Writings, 14511477. Available online through libraries or by individual subscription. Di Napoli, Giovanni. Students and scholars seeking basic information may start with the articles on humanism in Grendler 1999, all of which offer reliable information and basic bibliographies. Cambridge, UK, and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Humanist Movement - Wikipedia Rummel, Erika. A fundamental assumption of the Renaissance movement was that the remains of . Roman and Iberian Inquisitions, Censorship and the Index i Royal Regencies in Renaissance and Reformation Europe, 140 Scholasticism and Aristotelianism: Fourteenth to Seventeen Sidney Herbert, Mary, Countess of Pembroke, Women and Work: Fourteenth to Seventeenth Centuries. The best way to understand Erasmus is to read his highly accessible works, which Collected Works of Erasmus (Erasmus 1974) makes possible for readers lacking knowledge of Latin. 2 vols. Rummel 1985 assesses Erasmus as a humanist translator and editor of the classics, while Rummel 1986 and Rummel 1989 show Erasmus battling conservative theologians and scholars in the midst of the Reformation. DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511522703Save Citation Export Citation Hence, modern scholars have paid considerable attention to his works and his influence. Several key works have shaped current scholarship on French and Spanish humanism; all have extensive bibliographies. Investigating the connections between the individuals who were part of the humanist movement, Brian Jeffrey Maxson reconstructs the networks that bound them together.
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