The door at the north end leads to a bedroom. Jorrvaskr is a place of honor and courage, and to walk into the hall is to proclaim, "I am a warrior, and will die as I livedin glorious battle!" JK's Haelga's Bunkhouse needed for its patch. Janquel Last updated: 3 weeks ago | Published: Dec 08, 2021 Revision 10 (33.5MB) Add to vortex Endorse Endorsements 316 Total Downloads 38,106 Comments 37 Rockpile with visible edge CE5BB near Alchemist's Shack. There are two unusable beds in here, as well as some high-value potions, two silver ingots, and a mammoth tusk. JKs Interiors All In One | Skyrim Special Edition | Nexus Mods Patch wont do anything without the original mod, Fixed landscape seams and inconsistencies in cells 00009256, 00009257, 00009278, 00009279, Fixed position of a RoadCurveLong45R01 in cell EastEmpireTradingCompanyDocks, Covered a visible landscape model edge in cell EastEmpireTradingCompanyDocks, Replaced a RockCliff08PineForest02 and a RockCliff08 with lawf_RockCliff08Dirt02 in cell 000092BE, Fixed position of a RockL01 in cell SolitudeAttackStart01, Covered a visible landscape model edge in cell SolitudeAttackStart01, Replaced two RockCliff08PineForest02 with lawf_RockCliff08Dirt02 in cell 0000929E, Replaced a RockCliff08PineForest02 with a lawf_RockCliff08RiverBottom01 in cell 00009278, Fixed position of a RockPileS02 in cell SolitudeDocksEntrance, Covered a visible landscape model edge in cell SolitudeDocksEntrance, Fixed Alternative Armors - Elven Hunter patch plugin name, Fixed landscape seams and inconsistencies in cells 000090FD, 00009249, 0000926A, 00009637, 00009638, 00009761, 0000BD93, 0000BD94, 0000BDC7, 0000BDC9, 0000BCAA, 0000BCCB, 0000BCA9, 0000BCCA, 00009305, 000095D4, 000095D5, 000095F3, 000095F4, 00009612, 00009662, 00009681, Fixed two holes in the ceiling in cell ForsakenCave01, Fixed a misplaced RockL02Wet in cell 00009761, Fixed position of some objects in cell 0000BCCA, Imprved and old fix about position of a TreePineShrub03 in cell 000092C2, Fixed position of a TreeFloraCanisRoot01 "Canis Root" in cell 000092DB, Removed an old and useless fix in cell MarkarthOrigin, Covered an hole due to a misplaced cliff in cell 00009B50, Fixed position of a misplaced RockCliff02 in cell 000096D3, Fixed position of two TreePineShrub02 and 03 in cell 00009B55, Covered an hole due to a misplaced cliff in cell 00009B72, Covered an hole due to a misplaced landscape model in cell 0000B34E, Fixed position of an InvisibleChairMarkerF "Invisible Chair Marker" in cell WolfskullCave01, Fixed position of a CaveGDirtMound01 and a CaveGFloor01 in cell WolfskullCave01, Fixed position of a RoadSCurveRamp01 in cell LoreiusFarmExterior03, Fixed position of a TreeClover01 in cell KatlasFarmExterior, Fixed position of a RockPileL04ReachDirt01 in cell 00009ABE, Fixed vertex issues and holes in sbluepalace.nif, solitudebase.nif and whouterwall2.nif, Fixed numerous misplaced/floating objects in DLCSkaalVillage location, Added ECPLW -ENB Complex Particle Lights for Windows- patch, Added Alternative Armors Elven Hunter patch, Modified an old fixes regarding a bird nest in cell Riverwood05, this change still fixes the clipping issue but without conflicting with the SkyBirds mod, Fixed position of three PortalMarkers in cell WolfSkullCave01, Fixed landscape seams and inconsistencies in cells 000090FD, 000090FE, 0000911C, 0000911D, 0000915C, 0000915D, 0000917B, 0000917C, 000095BA, 000090A3, 000096F1, 000096F2, 00009711, 00009712, 000095F9, 00009618, 00009694, 000096B3, 000095D9, 000095F8, 00009693, 000096B2, 00009B96, 00009B97, 00009BB7, 00009BB8, 0000919F, 000091A0, 000095BD, 000095BE, 000095BF, 0000915D, 0000917C, 000095DC, 000095DD, 000095DE, 000070B7, 000070B8, 00007098, 00007099, 00009553, 00009574, 000099F8, 00009C60, 00009C81, Fixed position of a GiantCampfire01BurningDirt02Blank in cell BlizzardRestExterior, Fixed a misplaced RockTundraLand03FieldGrass01 in cell WhitewatchTowerExterior01, Fixed a misplaced ImpLRoomPillar03 in cell 0000919D, Fixed a misplaced ImpExtBlocks01 in cell 000095BA, Fixed a misplaced TreeFloraMountainFlower02Purple "Mountain Flower" in cell 00009618, Fixed a misplaced RockCliff07FieldGrass01 in cell 00009693, Fixed a misplaced RiftenRWHallArch02 in cell GoldenglowEstate04, Fixed a misplaced CaveGRockL02 in cell ShadowgreenCavernWorld, Fixed a misplaced CaveGBoulderM02 in cell ShadowgreenCavernOrigin, Fixed a misplaced RockCliff07RiverbedEdge01 in cell 00009B96, Fixed a misplaced MountainTrim02ReachGrass01 in cell 00007099, Fixed a misplaced RockTundraLand03FieldGrass01 in cell 00009574, Fixed a misplaced RockCliff02Snow01 in cell BYOHHouse2Exterior02, Fixed a misplaced RockCliff07SnowSnow in cell BYOHHouse2Exterior03, Fixed a misplaced DirtCliffs01FieldGrass01 in cell 00009A54, Fixed a misplaced RockPileS01TundraRocks in cell 00009A73, Fixed a floating TreePineShrub02Snow in cell 00009D01, Fixed wrong UV map of volcanicplateauc.nif, fixed a floating wood chopping block E1A6F in Narzulbur, fixed a floating wood chopping block B33BF in Largashbur, fixed a partially floating table in NarzulburExterior01, fixed a partially floating stone wall 12e81-12e7f-12e80 in Riverwood, fixed a lot of floating clovers in Riverwood, fixed a gap under a road chunk 2d69f in Riverwood, patched a hole under a dirtcliff inside of the pit with spikes at Halted Stream Camp, fixed gaps under load doors a3db0 and a3d84 in The Ratway Vaults, 3b8b2 in The Ratway Warrens, fixed floating dunmer flags 1ef53, 1ef57, 1ef50, 1efa5 and a clipping flag 1efe9 in Windhelm, improved old fixes for 97c45, 90d75, 957AE, Removed parallax flag from walkwaycwall01.nif. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. JK's Interiors Complete Set - Nexus Skyrim SE RSS Feed - Schaken-Mods To the west are Aela the Huntress and Skjor's bedrooms. Ryan Reos Dark Elf Blader armor set and weapons. JK's Jorrvaskr | Skyrim Mods (SE/AE) - YouTube It consists of one large 'horseshoe' shaped table around a fire; there are only nine chairs, which is less than the total number of Companions. Fixed an ugly AF landscape down to the Falkreath Hunters Rest (-16/-15 -14). Farm clothes F3CD0 on Windhelm market that might lay on the ground. The main hall is where the Companions meet for meals and relaxing between training and missions. Companions Questline Ryan Reos Dark Elf Blader - CBBE 3BA - TBD - BHUNP at Skyrim Special JK is back with an interior series! : r/skyrimmods - Reddit Powered by Invision Community. JK's Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection - Nexus Mods It was founded around the Skyforge before Whiterun even existed. and our type this into the console commands by hitting ` on your keyboard (tilde key) to open the console: prid 77fa2 then hit enter. Fixed visible seams and wrong landscape editing in cells 00009165, 00009184, 00009540, 00009561, 000095C1, 000099A2, 00008F55, 00008F56, 00008F74, 00008F75, 00009066, 00009085, 00009167, 00009168, 00009185, 00009186, 000095A3, 000095A4, 000095A5, 000099C3, 000095D8, 000095D9, 000095F7, BattleBornFarmExterior, 0000982E, 00009830, 00009831, 00009832, 0000984D, 0000984F, 00009850, 00009851, 000095C2, 000095E1, 00009621, 00009622, 00009640, 00009641, 0000B2CB, 0000B2CC, 0000B2CE, 0000B2ED, 0000BCF8, 0000BCF9, 0000BCFA, 0000BCFB, 0000BD19, 0000BD1A, 0000BD1B, 0000BC75, 0000BC96, 0000BC98, 0000BCD9, 0000BCDA, 0000B9E3, 0000BA04, 00009415, 00009436, 000094B9, 000094BA, 00009551, 00009552, 00009572, 00009572, 00009549, 0000956A, 0000958B, 0000958E, 0000958F, 000099AD, 000099AE, 000099AF, 000092B5, 000092B6, 000092DB, 000092DC, 000092FC, 000092FD, 0000937F, 000091B1, 000091D2, 00009294, 00009295, 00009548, 00009569, 0000920C, 0000922D, 00009A37, 00009A39, 00009A3A, 00009A3B, 00009A3C, 00009A58, 00009A5A, FortSungardExteriorEdge, 00009A5B, 00009A5C, 00009A5D, 00009BDD, 00009A79, 00009A7A, 00009A7B, 00009A7C, 00009A7D, 00009BDE, 00009BFF, 00009C01, 00009C02, 00009C22, 00009C23, 00009C41, 00009C42, 00009C43, 00009C44, 00009C60, 00009C61, 00009C62, 00009C63, 00009C82, 00009C83, 00009C84, 00009BBC, 00009BBD, 000099CE, 000099CF, 00009A36, 00009A56, 00009A57, 00009A78, 00009B52, DragonLair03Exterior, 00009B54, 00009B55, 00009B73, 00009B74, 00009B75, 00009B76, Fixed position of a TreeTundraShrub08 in cell POITundra05, Fixed position of a MountainTrim01SnowRocks01_LightSN and RockPileS04Snow01Heavy_SN in cell 00008F36, Fixed position of a GiantObelisk01_MountainSlab in cell BlizzardRestExterior02, Patched visible hole on a MountainTrimSlab_HeavySN in cell 00008F6E, Fixed position of a DirtCliffs03VolcanicDirt01 in cell 00009186, Replaced a RockPileS01Rocks01 with RockPileS01VolcanicDirt01 in cell RiversideShackExterior01, Fixed position of a MountainCliffSlopeVolcanicDirt01 in cell 000095A4, Fixed position of a RockCliff01Snow01_HeavySN in cell BleackFallsBarrowExterior94, Fixed position of a WRWallRubblePile04 in cell WhiterunExterior17, Fixed position of a RockPileS01FieldGrass01 in cell 000095D8, Fixed position of a MountainTrim02WetRiverbedEdge01 in cell 00009851, Replaced a RockCliff08PineForest02 with RockCliff08 in cell 000096BE, Fixed position of a VolcanicPlateau02 in cell 000095C2, Replaced a RockPileL04Rocks01 with RockPileL04 in cell 000095C6, Fixed position of a TreeThicket01 in cell BrokenLimbCamp, Fixed position of a RockM04 in cella 00009626, Fixed position of a TreeThicket01 in cell 00009661, Fixed position of a VolcanicSteamPool01 in cell POIVolcanicTundra06, Fixed position of a VolcanicFissure01 in cell DoomstroneVolcanicTundra, Fixed position of a MineralPoolBig01 and a MineralPoolSm01 in cell 0000BA65, Fixed position of a VolcanicPlateau01 in cell BonestrewnCrestExterior03, Fixed position of a RockCliff03 in cell 000075E3, Fixed position of a TreeFloraHangingMoss01 in cell 000094B9, Fixed position of a MountainCliffSlopeReachMoss01 in cell 000094BA, RockPileS01FieldGrass01 RockPileS01FieldGrass01 in cell 0000A551, Fixed position of a RockTundraLand02FieldGrass01 in cell 000099AE, Fixed position of a DirtCliffs05FrozenMarshGrass01 in cell 000092DB, Fixed position of a DirtCliffs03FrozenMarshGrass01 in cell 000092B4, Fixed position of a RockCliff07Rocks01 in cell 00009251, Fixed position of a DirtCliffsCornerOut01Moss in cell 00009A21, Replaced a RockPileL03FieldGrass01Moss with RockPileL03TundraRocks01 in cell 00009A3A, Replaced a RockPileM01PineForest02 with RockPileM01RiverbedEdge in cell 00009B75, Fixed position of a MarkarthCliff03 in cell MarkarthOrigin, Fixed wrong XEMI - Emittance of SBrylingHouse in cell SolitudeRow02, Fixed position of all FXfireWithEmbersLogs01 in DLC2RavenRock exteriors cells, Fixed position of a RockPileL02CoastBeach01 in cell DLC2StoneEarth, Fixed various seams in DLC2SolstheimWorld 0400EEFA, 0400EF39, 0400EF5A, 0400EE13, 0400EE34, 0400EE95, 0400EE96, 0400EEB6, 0400EEB7, 0400EEB8, 0400EE33, 0400EED8, 0400EED9, 0400EDD1, 0400EF38, 0400EF55, 0400EF56, 0400EF59, 0400EF76, 0400EF77, 0400EECE, 0400EECD, Fixed position of a RockPileL01WetCoastBeach01 in cell 0400EE33, Fixed position of a RockPileM02WetCoastBeach01 in cell 0400EEB8, Fixed position of a RockPileM01CoastBeach01 in cell 0400ED22, Fixed position of a DLC2MountainTrim03VolcanicAsh01 in cell 0400EECC, Fixed position of a CandleLanternwithCandle01 in cell MarkarthUnderStoneKeep, Fixed position of a MountainTrim03_HeavySN in CELL:00008FB7 28,16, Fixed landscape seams and inconsistencies in cells 00009B31, BleakFallsBarrowExterior02, 00009B33, 00009B51, 00009B52, DragonLair03Exterior, BrittleshinPassExterior02, 00009B72, 00009B73, Fixed position of a StonewallEndL01 in cell 00009BB6, Replaced a RockPileM02DirtSnowPath with RockPileM02Snow in cell 00009B52, Replaced a MountainRidge02_Light_SN with MountainRidge02_Heavy_SN in cell 00009B52, Replaced a RockPileL04DirtSnowPath with RockPileL04Snow01 in cell DragonLair03Exterior, Replaced a RockCliff05Rocks01 with RockCliff05Snow in cell DragonLair03Exterior, Replaced a RockCliff03 with RockCliff03Snow in cell 00009B54, Fixed holes and uncovered mesh segments in cell WhiterunSkyforge, Reverted some changes causing visual bugs in cell RiftenJail01, Added ELFX Shadows patch (Thanks to nicola89b), Fixed position of a peltfloor02 in cell RiftenRaggedFlagon, Fixed a misplaced GlacierPillarLg01 in cell 00008ECB, Fixed position of WRFenceBaseStr01 and WRFenceBaseEnd01 in cell ChillfurrowFarmExterior, Fixed terrain conflict with TundraPond01Tundra01 in cell WhiterunExterior14, Fixed misplaced MountainCliffSm01_SparseSN in cell KynesgroveBurialMound01, Fixed misplaced MountainTrimSlab in cell KynesgroveBurialMound05, Covered visible terrain seams in cell 0009562, Fixed misplaced RockCliff02Snow01 in cell DLC2SkaalVillage03, Removed edit for RockCliffMineEntrance02Dirt02 000B2DA6, Disabled a bucket 99EBB placed inside a wooden beam in Dushnikh Yal, Fixed a hole in Bee and Barb ceiling caused by misplaced floor 9F489, Fixed misplaced lantern f4750 in Windhelm exterior, Patched a visible edge of 2dd50 in Cronvangr Cave, Fixed a possibility of spiders in Cronvangr Cave getting stuck under the water and spitting at you while you're unable to attack them with melee weapons cause the water is too deep if they somehow fall into the water (extended the path and edited navmesh, Added a patch for Navigator for the previous fix, Removed a duplicated reference fix for 2A4F6 since it conflicted with JK's Temple of Mara, removed wild edit 273B9, Fixed terrain seams in cells NightgateInnExterior01, NightgateInnExterior02, NightgateInnExterior03 and 0000905D, dirtcliff 60840 with a visible edge near Falkreath, replaced raw food on the table in the Palace of Knights with cooked food, improved position of some of the food, floating candles ba4fa, ba501 in Korvanjund, b583e, eaafc, b5430, b5858, b585d, b585c, b5413, b5847, b5851, b5841, b5846, b584e, 10de49, in Shriekwind Bastion, landscape texture seams in cells 27,-8 and -11,-16, forwarded missing USSEP edits on [CELL:00009349] and [CELL:00009772], Disabled clipping objects that must not be visible: BDF52, BDF53 in Fort Kastav, b198d in Halldir's Cairn.
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