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i'm not attracted to my husband anymore

To help motivate weight loss in your partner, you have to draw the line between encouragement and being the food police. I never acted like his mother. You may realize that looks had nothing to do with it and that it was just because you had forgotten how to romance each other. Now once again,he has stated he is not a happy person,but he loves me and wants to stay married. Success! Through those, I learned the problem wasnt my weight. We have been married 30 yrs and we had our share of good and bad times-like everyone else. I feel so much anxiety about it. It's hard to explain, and you may wonder why I married him. Hi Laura! But if all is well and intimate and passionate at your house, then I say carry on the good work you have begun. But thats all changed now. I work out when I want to. Good for you for being respectful as best you can. November 2, 2021 - 125 likes, 25 comments - Trisna Veradilma Younger (@blessedyoungers) on Instagram: "This is one of my answered prayers ! Melawne, Im sorry to hear that. I have a free webinar coming up thats perfect for you. He doesnt go out and do stuff, but always seems upset, just wants to watch TV or play video games. When I look back I feel like he maybe was never attracted to me. You can apply for a complimentary discovery call to determine the best move for your relationship here: Do new, fun things. 2 weeks ago he said he doesnt feel in love anymore. He started to pat my butt again and make bedroom eyes at me. Try to remind yourself of those characteristics and how they made you feel. Zondra, I can relate to what you describe from the old days in my marriage, and I remember it was painful! I am devastated. I dont expect him to help, especially with my daughter(previous relationship) but to him thats his daughter. By different, I mean much, much better. To help give your husband motivation to want to look better and take care of himself, give him compliments when he makes an effort. Thats not right. Here are the most common signs your husband is no longer attracted to you and probably doesn't love you anymore. Do you find yourself tempted to mother your husband? Your vulnerability is so attractive, and I really admire you for having the hope to reach out for support. I was always the one to initiate sex, he would only on occasion after id mention that it had been a while. A Surrendered Wife is not an obedient wife or a subservient wife. My problem seems to be the opposite. I feel like it is a request and it helps him out and saves him time. Have an honest conversation with your husband if you feel something is causing him stress.. I just want to be desired! Instead of focusing on his beer belly, focus on how he still has an amazing head of hair that you love putting your fingers through. Could not get her husband interested in helping, all he would say was he worked full time too. I have quite a story about my 45 year marriage that might bless some women who have a good guy but as the years went on leave you so lonely!!!!! it is an issue of contention between us. You can register for it at I want this intimacy againall of it. Disrespectful Husband: 15 Warning Signs and Ways to Handle. Although he is retired now, he was a law enforcement officer for 34 years who was able to separate that job and his family needs. We have a 10 year old daughter and the only time we talk is when we argue about her. What to Do When You're No Longer Sexually Attracted to Your Partner Or is it too late? To bring the romance back again, you can start by making contact skin to skin again. Etc. What if my husband is the opposite? I can relate to feeling stuck as the mommy! I have been married almost 34 years . Theresa, That sounds lonely and painful for sure. Telling myself see, it is because Im fat. February 4, 2023 Marriage Do you no longer feel attracted to your husband? So I decided I wouldnt do anything for him that he could do for himself. I have rage outbursts at him and want to control him. He finally said he had made loose plans with a friend and that if they fell through or, maybe after, we could get together. Im just tired, lonely and on the verge of giving up. Dear UnattractiveI can see why youre feeling that way, and I still remember how painful that was! He cheers me on and tells me hes happy about it but I dont get that feeling. Find biblical, helpful Christian resources relating to marriage at . I dragged him to marriage counseling and nearly divorced him. Anna, Sorry to hear you feel rejected! The first thing is to tell them. I painted myself into the same unfun corner you describe. No one deserves to put forth such effort and still be stuck. There are plenty of guys out there who have affairs while taking Viagra. Do I have a attitude? I try not to help him when I know he can do it, but he does ask for my help a lot. Hi Laura Im 31 and my boyfriend is 48. You can get back to what it was like in those first six months again. I feel like Ive ruined things for good and feel so hopeless. Its not too late to save this marriage by making it playful and passionate again, but theres no time to waste either. Sounds very painful. If he had a problem with it? Ill show you how to get the affection and attention you need to revive your marriage in my upcoming Introductory Course on the 6 Intimacy Skills. Ouch! However, he does work longer so I want to do nice things for him, just like he does for me after a long day.) You could show him the article but you cant make him read it or do what it says. Right on!! Sharon, That sounds so painful. Sometimes it takes a while for the new way to feel comfortable, and he may just be looking for the old routine, which is human nature. I definitely feel that my not feeling physically attracted to my husband has a lot to do with my own deep feelings about myself. At first he blamed it on physical issues. I know its no fun being called a nag and having all those arguments. How am I suppose to take that now? Story short, I found out my boyfriend of almost 6 years told his father in a email that he wasnt attracted to me anymore. However, he likes to make my breakfast, coffee, carry my things and so on. You can let it go too and get treated like the lover you want to be. I feel fortunate and blessed to have someone who has been so committed to our family. Im so hurt, literally feel like my heart is broken and Im not sure what to do about it. Controlling Husband: The Signs, Reasons, and Tips to Handle It, Think About What Attractive Really Means. Being able to show not only my passion for writing, but also my passion to help others in their relationships, means the absolute world to me and I hope to continue doing so. So, I came about to be a relationship advice writer! No matter what, I continued to remain physically attracted to him. My mum for example still talks about how she loves my dads icy blue eyes. This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest. Utilize this tool to verify if he's truly who he claims to beWhether you're married or just started dating someone, infidelity rates have risen by over 40% in the past 20 years, so your concerns are justified. Hes kind. Step 1. But you can change yourself, and youll have a completely different husband when you do. What has made you become less attracted to your partner? Its overwhelming and it all hurts my feelings as well. Heres a free Roadmap for you: The thing Im most proud of is my playful, passionate relationship with my hilarious husband Johnwho has been dressing himself since before I was born. As you already know, men are not sexually attracted to their mothers. I feel like maybe I have taken on a role that just makes him feel bad because he cant support me anymore, but I cant change the fact that he is on dialysis and cant be the provider. Than we moved to the US and he couldnt find a job at first. It's important to remember all relationships go through ebbs and flows and if you look back and remember what attracted you to them in the first place, think about why you don't see them the . Thanks! He made the point of saying that, during my pregnancy, he never felt that way as I couldnt help my growing belly. I too am feeling alone and rejected as he goes to Facebook for his entertainment right now. He announced he is no longer sexually attracted to me. You may have been married for 1 year or 10 years . Very impatient. By paying him extra attention and complimenting will give him more reason to make an effort to look good more often. I know that he is still masterbating to porn at least twice a week. Has he let himself go and youre unsure how to tell him? My daughter complained of that same thing. I want to make this work but I just cant seem to see how to bring the sexual attraction back Thx! Corona del Mar, CA, USA 92625 We went to counseling for 5 months. Thats why my coaches and I have helped over 15,000 women fixtheir relationships, even when there was no physical intimacy. My husband says he loves me so much, that Im his world but hes just not attracted to me because of my body. The good news is that you can turn this aroundits totally solvable. He said he chose me because he thought i was cute and nice but not because he liked my body. He doesnt seem to care. It would make a big difference for you. I think people will treat you the way you act or the way you teach them to. I have been using the 6 skills for about 2 months. On the 1 day I am off I grocery shop, cook 2 or three meals for him and do the laundry. 3 beautiful children. Well, then I get a resentment and stop. I'm Not Attracted To My Wife Anymore And I'm Ashamed To Say Why - YourTango Im lonely and feel cut off. Rebecca, Sorry to hear how painful it is at your house. Thank you. He agreed. I was blindsided and its messing with my head. Help! I treated him like he didnt need any help. Youre the expert on your own life, and I trust youre doing whats best for you and your marriage. And he couldnt keep his hands off of me. I feel like he is hiding something or maybe I am just being extra sensitive but he has no interest in me and I feel so rejected. Dont focus so much on how your husband has let himself go but focus on all his good qualities instead. I really want to make it work but he seems very resistant and my friends say I am letting him have his cake. Lately I've been having dreams about sex with other men, some I have met and others I've not, but when I see my husband I don't have those same feelings of attraction like I do in these dreams. RELATED: 5 Reasons Physical Attraction Alone Isn't The Most . He wants me to take care of himpay the bills, put his laundry in his drawers, etc. I wouldnt like that either. After awhile, he stopped being annoyed and took responsibility. Email: Intimacy thrives when youre making yourself happy. I can see why youre frustrated. If you dont really go anywhere where your husband has to make an effort then start going out on dates more. Receive weekly tips & tricks to improve your love life. I dont want to offend him anymore, or act like his mother, I dont know what it means to be a lover and friend to him. I still love him but dont like him and Im sure he feels same way. I asked him to go to the Dr.and he had his testosterone levels checked. Those werent the problems in my marriage when my husband was acting repulsed instead of attracted to me. Thats a good start. Ive always thought of this as being helpful. By Laura Doyle | Updated: 12/16/2022. My question is, I work 6 days a week. Thats when he told me women were disgusting to him. If youre happy the way things are, then why do anything different? At first, he just didnt do it and complained, but it made my self esteem go way up and my stress go way down. Tammy, In my experience that is totally fixable. Sorry to hear youre going through that. He dident want to tell me the truth not to hurt me .. but then he did . My weight is still an issue (for me), as my physical and medical issues are not yet resolved, but my overall attitude is different. Im excited to see what happens for you as you start practicing all 6 Intimacy Skills! Join the waitlist for The Ridiculously Happy Wife coaching program here. Help. If you get bothered by that then that means you still have some feelings for the relationship. We generally only get together on weekends and now we wont see each other until the next weekend. I controlled all the finances and made all household decisions. The bickering has stopped and kindness has returned. Consider applying for a complimentary discovery call to connect with one of my coaches and discover the best step for your marriage. How to Tell Your Partner You Are Not Physically Attracted I really appreciate your vulnerability and your commitment to your relationship. We have an 11mth old son and my husband left 5 months ago and is currently living with his parents. A person who isn't attracted to their partner will find a way to stay away, both physically and emotionally. When her husband told her he wanted an open marriage, the woman decided to download dating app Tinder and received over 2,000 matches - making her husband regret his decision Hes attracted to me again. If you make a sincere attempt to brighten his life, he will fall in love with you in a whole new way. What do I do? I thought marriage meant being a team, but my teammate was falling short. I wrote a few books about what I learned and accidentally started a worldwide movement of women who practice The Six Intimacy Skills that lead to having amazing, vibrant relationships. I know for him hes showing that he cares. Something emotional? Weve been married for less than a year and we dont have much sex still. He is a workoholic,always has been, so it has been difficult to implement any thing to improve things. I feel foolish for wanting to stay but his best friend says that he told him he wants to come home but dont know how. When I found myself thinking that my husband wasnt as attractive as when we first met, I reminded myself that Im not the little fitty that I was 15 or so years ago. So when you suddenly change, he needs time to change too. We began fighting and now he says he isnt attracted to me because we argue. And that he views me more like a sister he bickers with.. Cherri, thank you for sharing your inspiring experience. Learn why your Husband Is Not Physically Attracted To You and what you can do. My only excuse is, that i didnt realize it. I admire that youve stayed together this long! There are two "worst" things that you can do when you no longer feel attracted to your husband. So, I didnt volunteer. You can do that here: So, I asked if he wanted to go counselling. If youre looking through some old photos then mention how good he looked when he used to swim. Its just that his attraction towards me is dead. Consider applying for a complimentary discovery call to connect with one of my coaches about the best move you can make for your relationship here: Dear Abby: My husband and I never have sex, I'm thinking about divorce We were separated for 14 months but back together for a year. I'm not attracted to my husband | Love Letters Carrying the weight of our family when its his job to provide for us. Were still young, hes healthy. He is a kind and caring man, with no malice or underhand agenda (unlike my first husband). A woman will have empathy for her friend who no longer finds her balding husband attractive but will respond with disdain if a man were to say, "My wife has put on thirty pounds in the last ten years. But looking back now, I can see that I didnt act like his mom when we were dating. Delilah, I can see why youre so resentful and are having a hard time letting go of that hurt. But I do a lot for him. However,when he talks to others he is friendly. This advice is perfect right now for me to hear. I wish I could hear an update from Sherri . -Parineeta. We have tried to talk about it and thought, because he was addicted to porn in the past, that he has become desensitized to sex. He seemed to really want help and be very attracted to me. You shouldnt have to hear words like that from your husband. 15 Signs Your Husband Is Not Attracted to You(and What to Do) I'm not attracted to my husband: Marriage without chemistry? Consider applying for a complimentary discovery call to figure out the best move you can make for your relationship. I love your commitment to sharing your experience to give other women hope. Its almost like he is forcing me to be his mother and I dont know what to do. I had no idea what I was doing to our marriage of 17 years. I wonder what would happen if you focused on the one person you have control over: Yourself. He has said that this is how hes always been. You should not have to cry yourself to sleep or hold in your emotions. Could he be having an emotional affair with someone and that is why he is pulling away? Its so worthwhile! Trouble is everything you say so far is more appropriate for my husband than mehe has no friends is a loner, now we are retired he follows me round, I can hardly go to the loo without him waiting outside.after 45 years he is still madly attracted to me..but sadly I cant return the compliment.he turns me offff. I have not been communicating with him very much but I dont want to get to say anything and get in a fight. I am a stay at home mom and he is a forester who works in the woods and not at a desk in an office. Angie. You might say "Hey" to each other when passing through the hallway, but when was the last time you two really sat down and talked? I [22 F] feel like I'm not attracted to my husband [23 M] anymore, and Definitely has made me feel that he married me for a lot of wrong reasons. Then when I became injured, couldnt work out, gained back the weight, etc. He told me he is not attracted to me anymore and that sex is not good any more . I had vaginismus and we didnt have sex for over a year, my husband wasnt helpful at addressing the problem so it got left till he had an affair. HE actually talked proudly of me to his friends for it. He became my best friend, my companion, and the perfect father. Well Im sorry you feel like crap. I work only with women, so I invite you to do what you can to inspire her to take an interest in the Intimacy Skills. Neither of us wanna be without the other so i know that a good start. Of course i immediately looked at myself and found i had let myself go pretty badly. But I wish I didnt have to remind of things so much or ask him to help but 80% of the time when I do ask, he complains about it later. My husband said it feels like kissing a sister most time i try to kiss him. Ive been initiating sex and although hes participated he doesnt seem to be very intimate about it physically just getting it done. He is a grown man. etc. Six Intimacy Skills later, he cant stop telling her he loves her or kissing her on the lips. Recently we had an argument and i flat out asked him, why he wasnt interested in me anymore.

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