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liberal humanism in education

As a facilitator in the classroom, teachers create group opportunities to help students explore, observe, and self evaluate. By contrast, the No case asserts, no matter how pervasive a technology is, we dont need to understand how it works (Felker, 2013, para 9). [6] Some faculty see this movement towards "civic engagement" as more pedagogically powerful than traditional classroom teaching, but opponents argue that the education occurring within an academic institution must be purely intellectual and scholarly. Retrieved from:, Raja, T. (2014). A macro-level analysis explored how the arguments for and against compulsory coding are both produced by and seek to reproduce versions of the arguably dominant political-philosophy framing education circulating within the broader socio-political context in which the debates occurs. Not everyone needs to learn to code. Thus, humans become permeable to all images and. W. Kaufmann. (2017b). Voogt, J., Fisser, P., Good, J., Mishra, P., & Yadav, A. Agon likewise associates coding with how to better live in this new economy and society (Rawlins, 2015, para 5). Humanistic educators help students perform self-evaluations so they can see how students feel about their progress. Woolf, C. (2014). Humanist Education. But more than simply produce a list of arguments, this discussion contributes to our understanding of this reception by identifying the discourses deployed by both cases (namely, digital ubiquity, disadvantage, and habits of mind discourses) and by providing theoretical framings through which these discourses and their potential implications might be differently understood. 1968. History, or the already underfunded art and music departments? (2013, para 6). Abu Dhabi: IEEE global engineering education conference, 1013 April. The word "humanism" derives from the Latin word humanitas, which was first used in ancient Rome by Cicero and other thinkers to describe values related to liberal education. Thus, Baudrillard asks: am I man or machine? This argument asserts the power of the market to negate state intervention. Although widely and commonly confused with republicanism, civic humanism forms a separate and distinct phenomenon in the history of Western political thought. West, E. (1965). RPTEL 14, 14 (2019). Deployment of the digital ubiquity discourse by the Yes case seems convincing. Should computer science be taught in elementary schools in Europe? Humanistic education (also called person-centered education) is an approach to education based on the work of humanistic psychologists, most notably Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, liberal education focused mostly on the classics. While this argument does not contest the role of the state in providing children with access to knowledge supporting liberty, it represents coding as deleterious to the capacity of more valued subjects to achieve this goal. University of Oulu Department of Information Processing. In D. Clarke, M. Doel, W. Merrin, & R. Smith (Eds. (1980). New York: Random House. Maslow, A.H. 1970. Hotly contested: Should coding be mandatory? Compulsion will equalize access to a field often unavailable to or not accessed by underrepresented students (Della Cava, 2015; Gilbert, 2017), exposing their talent (Guzdial, 2014). The individual subject, truth and factual knowledge are thus important to liberal-humanism and the Enlightenment more broadly. 2nd ed. In the screen, we consume as opposed to decipher in any depth information intended to be explored instantaneously (p. 54), which comprises an abreaction immediate to meaning, a short-circuiting of the poles of representation (p. 54). Informatics in Education, 13(1), 3350. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from: Australia must embrace AI revolution with automation set to affect Every Job, Report Says. Gouvea, R., & Vora, G. (2018). The Myth of Liberal Humanism | M.A.R. Habib | Rutgers University But this consensus breaks down with the Yes cases deployment of the habits of mind discourse, wherein prioritization of computational thinking constructs the individual as less analogue, independent and inscribed by liberty than liberal-humanism perhaps ever imagined. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 44(154), 10951109. Beyond the lack of definitional clarity, they highlight the challenge of being too precise, which would have the effect of restricting it largely to computer science, although a too encompassing-a-definition might render the notion of computational thinking almost meaningless (Voogt et al., 2015). Wing, J. (2017). (2015). Teachers who utilize humanistic learning believe that its crucial for students to find motivation and engagement in their learning, and that is more likely to happen when students are choosing to learn about something that they really want to know. At one level, this emerges in referencing the significance of humanities-based knowledge to the digital. In: The Portable Nietzsche. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning Foucauldian - New Discourses By contrast, several of the arguments within the No case alone themes were relatively strong. Gadamer, H.G. This too is a concern with disadvantage. In: H. Giroux and R. Simon, ed., Popular Culture Schooling and Everyday Life. Hence, the challenge arising from the compulsion to code is arguably that signalled by Kissinger. Find out more about scholarships for new students. Simulacra and simulation. September 13. (2009). Retrieved from Communications of the ACM (2016, December 16). Retrieved from:, Editorial Board. SIGCSE Bulletin, 34(4), 3639. In The grim conclusions of the largest-ever study of fake news Retrieved from: Retrieved from:, Rawlinson, K. (2015). The emergence of visual coding environments has in part been responsible for the traction of the coding for all initiative (Popat & Starkey, 2019, p. 365; Wong, Cheung, Ching, & Huen, 2015). It is based on the medieval concept of the liberal arts or, more commonly now, the liberalism of the Age of Enlightenment. Retrieved from:, Atwood, J. Educational Reform and Teacher Empowerment. Emile or on Education. At the same time, humanistic concepts such as imagination and critical thinking, which cannot be tested by such methods, are disappearing from college curricula. Hence, discussion above references Baudrillards argument around deepening abstraction, not to invalidate the Yes case, but to suggest how its implications might damage key liberal-humanist tenants, which it otherwise upholds. Communication man is assigned to the network in the same way the network is assigned to him (p. 21), rendering individuals not as subject but object. For Baudrillard, it is the deepening engagement with abstraction, which is potentially most problematic. More specifically, Yes case discourse is inscribed by positive liberty, and the No case, negative liberty. Hai Hong from Googles K-12 outreach programs maintains that it offers problem-solving skills and promotes creativity (Della Cava, 2015, para 7). Students are beginning to view higher education as a preparation for careers. . The search revealed a range of non-formal and grey literature including blogs, news reports, webpages, policy and reports, curriculum documents and associated social media commentary. Reading, Math and Javascript? The Yes case maintains the digital impacts all aspects of our lives (Ruseva & Rissola, 2016), and that computers are pervasive (Kafai & Burke, 2014, p. iv), while the No case acknowledges this is an increasingly tech-driven world (Editorial Board, 2017, para 1). [23] Liberal education revived three times in the United States during periods of industrialization and shifts of social preoccupationsbefore World War I, after World War II, and in the late 1970sperhaps as a reaction against overspecialization in undergraduate curricula. Appealing to the authority, the No case references Jeff Atwood, co-founder of Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange. Indeed, part of the push for computational thinking in school education is consequently grounded in the claim that this is something that we innately already do (Wing, 2008), which may be correct. Compulsory coding in schools: The new nerd tourism. In: On Education. The concept of humanism has been under the influence of liberal ideas in different political, social, economic and especially educational field. th April. Learn more about the humanistic learning theory and discover how it can be implemented in the classroom. The relevance of this argument is somewhat validated by Yes case discourse, not in the sense of a capitalist conspiracy, but in recognition that an increased supply of developers will lead to lower wages. Educating citizens for humanism: Nussbaum and the education crisis. Carroll, N. (2016). These outcomes are today referred to as spill-over or transfer skills, such that Popat and Starkey (2019) ask: Are students learning coding or coding to learn? Retrieved from:, Clark, Bryan. Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity. Guzdial, M. (2014). Good teachers are always looking for ways to improve their methods to help students thrive in their classroom. Anthony Grafton & Lisa Jardine. From Humanism to the Humanities Extending coding skills to all, the Yes case is seemingly grounded in Rawlsian (liberal) distributive social justice, wherein disadvantage is reduced through state resource re-distribution (Rawls, 1999). (2014). Kotsopoulos, D., Floyd, L., Khan, S., Namukasa, I. K., Somanath, S., Weber, J., & Yiu, C. (2017). New York: Guilford Press. What Exactly is Meant by Liberal Arts and Humanities? Students are responsible for learning choices, so helping them understand the best ways to learn is key to their success. Masters Thesis. The formers goal is to produce creative solutions to social (among other) problems through coding; the latters is using coding to access the social and partake in the sociality of coding (Kotsopoulos et al., 2017; Fields, Kafai, & Giang, 2014). Such conclusion would ignore liberal-humanisms equal focus upon the science of Humankind and Nature. Visual programming languages integrated across the curriculum in elementary school: A two-year case study using Scratch in five schools. G. Highet. Continental Philosophy Since 1750: The Rise and Fall of the Self. Nursing - Education (BSN-to-MSN Program) M.S. Why does the Tesla look so fake in space? Notwithstanding disagreement around what computational thinking more precisely comprises (Shute, Sun, & Asbell-Clarke, 2017), it is a framework for understanding (if not constructing) human-computing machine relations well discussed within formal literature (Gover & Pea, 2013). It is the habits of mind discourse, however, which seemingly places the Yes case outside of the otherwise (relatively) consensual liberal-humanist framing of the ubiquity and disadvantage discourses. 1968. In response to the public reception, discussion highlights popular argument around compulsory coding in school education. Teaching and learning languages other than English (LOTE) in Victorian schools. (2014). A practical and reflexive liberal-humanist approach to international The Humanism of Existentialism. : Successfully completes first ever autonomous aerial refuelling demonstration. Business Administration. While online discourse communities reveal a shared sense of interest and purpose, the higher degree of (relative) anonymitya factor currently informing policy discussion around social media regulation (Phillips & Bartlett, 2018)increases opportunities for personal disclosure, such that online comments about compulsory coding likely reproduces a truer account of feelings (Joinson, 2005). Still, a difference remains between the real and copy. Compulsion will allow the underrepresented to exercise choice about the relevance of coding to later school and post-school life (ECDL, 2015). Provide motivation for classroom tasks. At another level, however, it emerges from both cases validating broad principles of liberal-humanist philosophy, which variously underwrite modern Western education (Crittenden, 2006). This idea has negatively influenced the credibility of liberal education which has impacted how students view higher education. Retrieved from: New York: Macmillan. Thoreau, M. (2017). Teachers can utilize journaling to help students focus on self-evaluation and their feelings as part of learning. Excess information devours its own content and the social (p. 53). But arguably, a key difference between this default computational thinking and that associated with coding seems to be that the latter is mostly actioned through and with the screen, as part of a digital communications network, using (programming) languages which inherently impose limits on how such thinking can take place and be externalized. Wong, G., Cheung, H., Ching, E., & Huen, J. Elsewhere, languages would be removed (Hait, 2017). Maybe not everybody should learn to code. Sandy challenges the veracity of the research cited as evidence in terms of creative thinking, asserting, it is a myth. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This, I have argued, is the most significantthough arguably qualified point of difference between the cases. ISTE debate: Should we teach computer science in elementary school? Coding has come out of the lab and is now to be engaged by the masses, who, as I show below, have an opinion about this. Google Scholar, Burks, D. (2017). In W. Natter, T. Schatzki, & J. Jones (Eds. McGill-Queens University Press. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 20(2), 131141. Computational thinking and thinking about computing. (2015). Bourdieu and programming classes for the disadvantaged: A review of current practice as reported online Implications for non-formal coding classes in Bali. We asked a chemist. Upon Hutchins' resignation, the university got rid of the program, but an adapted version still exists at Shimer College. Both, however, assert disadvantage. Uppsala: ITICSE 14, June 2125, 2014. [19] Proponents of a liberal education therefore argue that a postsecondary education must prepare students for an increasingly complex labor market. ", "Against All Odds? Translated by Alan Sheridan Smith. British Journal of Sociology, 3(2), 271292. For Baudrillard, communication via the screen emerges from a different paradigm, wherein the other, the interlocutor, is never really involved, thus erasing the capacity for intimacy (Baudrillard, 1993, p. 54). Chicago: Regency-Gateway. [16] In the early twentieth century, American liberal arts colleges still required students to pursue a common curriculum, whereas public universities allowed a student to move on to more pragmatic courses after having taken general education courses for the first two years of study. For Baudrillard, however, while the social has been declining since separation from the political, its demise accelerated with the onset ICTs, with negative consequences for individual subjectivity, liberty and the social (Baudrillard, 1983; Baudrillard, 1993; Baudrillard, 1995). First Online: 01 January 2022 92 Accesses Part of the Studies in Humanism and Atheism book series (SHA) Abstract Humanism is a highly contested idea. Retrieved from: This is an argument between those supportive (hereafter referred to as the Yes case) and those unsupportive of compulsory coding (hereafter referred to as the No case). Rather, as noted, discourses comprise socially shared patterns of language (as texts). Simulacra and Simulation. While acknowledging one is not a Luddite if one cannot code (, many in the No case assert that coding is neither easy nor quickly learned, such that to assert otherwise devalues the profession and intelligence of those who can code (Byrne, 2013). Teachers can create a safe learning environment for students by having snacks, encouraging students to use the bathroom and get water, and creating good relationships with students so they will trust speaking to their teacher if there is an issue. A. Bloom. 24), it is, then, the second and third that are of more relevance here. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions. In: W. Baskin, ed., Essays in Existentialism. The Dakar framework: Constructing and deconstructing the global neo-liberal matrix. While these remain important, there is arguably a larger framing needing to be invoked to understand the states rationale for coding in schools, and the popular response to this. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. The Yes case maintains that the realization of the individual and their freedom emerges from compulsory exposure to state-sanctioned knowledge, while the No case holds that these only emerge where the individual self-selects valued knowledge. Dillon asks: do we know how to teach CS to students with learning or development disabilities? At this point in history, humanity is increasingly tied to this machinery of communication, which both cases acknowledge. Retrieved from:, Etchells, P. (2019). The school curriculum and liberal education. Whereas the coding agenda was once more so associated with programmers and computer societies seeking discipline exposure (Jovanov, Stankov, Mihova, Ristov, & Gusev, 2016), it is now an initiative shared more broadly by states, industry, entrepreneurs and presidents (Smith, 2016). They do not necessarily aim to copy the real, as much as provide some other kind of (virtual) space within which to interact. Burke, Q, O'Bryne, W. & Kafai, Y. note that: Witnessing the increasing role of Information Technology (IT), stakeholders began arguing for the inclusion of CS in secondary education. Create opportunities for group work with peers. From humanism to the humanities : education and the liberal arts in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Europe by Grafton, Anthony, author. 1623). Though as we are informed, the notion of informatische Bildung has no simple, straightforward English equivalent (p. 7), it resonates strongly with key tenets of liberal-humanism, highlighting the value of coding education to the individual and society. Fostering engagement to inspire students to become self-motivated to learn. Baudrillard is used here, not to establish what this new philosophy of humankind might be, a project beyond the scope of this paper. We are told that six of the worlds ten most valuable companies are technology companies, with Apple leading the pack (Broadband Solutions, 2016, para 1). Digital literacy and coding. Others, however, reference the human brain, with Lopes arguing that, its a matter of development of the human brain, to increase logical skills and prepare for the future of cyberworld (Sololearn, 2017), a (biological) framing reproduced in discussion at Broadband Solutions. [Web log post]. Traditionally, humanistic education and liberal education - studia humanitatis and artes liberales - were interchangeable synonyms, designating the education appropriate for a free man. Liberalism is the culmination of developments in Western society that produced a sense of the importance of human individuality, a liberation of the individual from complete subservience to the group, and a relaxation of the tight hold of custom, law, and authority. This dilemma signifies our times, characterised by Baudrillard as those of the third phase of the image (Baudrillard, 1995). Retrieved from: Tarnoff adds, it will proletarianize the profession flooding the market and forcing wages down and thats precisely the point (para 4). ), Objectivity and its other (pp. New York: Oxford University Press. March 8. Studies acknowledge the difficulty of learning coding (Cardell-Oliver, 2014, Bain and Barnes 2014; Guzdial, Hohmann, Konneman, Walton, & Soloway, 1998) and, related to this, how coding might be best introduced in education settings, in terms of how to best teach coding (Merkouris, Chorianopoulo, & Kameas, 2017; Hiltunen, 2016) and which languages and technologies are best introduced first (Pellas & Efstratios, 2017). Moreover, the response of the system to this logic is significant in relation to compulsory coding in schools. The negative impact being a focus on specific disciplinary practices separating it from the original ideology of liberal education as "a philosophy of education that empowers individuals with broad knowledge and transferable skills, and a stronger sense of values, ethics, and civic engagement " [25] Politicians have influenced the type of education provided at universities. Supply Chain and Operations Management B.S. Liberalism is one of the main western doctrines which have originated from the ideologies of ancient Greece. Liberty, 40(52), 129142. In terms of themes deployed by the Yes case alone, a number of these were relatively weak in terms of the number of individual arguments deployed. (2016). Notes towards a politics of fear. Rather, Baudrillard is used as an alternative framing for understanding the debate around compulsory coding in schools, allowing consideration of how the coding initiative challenges the existing dominant philosophy, namely liberal-humanism, upon which both it and indeed the modern education project rests. Tony Abbott ridicules his own party in school coding gaffe. A theory of justice. Despite deployment to achieve different outcomes, there is a (qualified) degree of resonance between protagonists in this debate. (1997). Retrieved from:, Hamilton-Smith, L. (2017). AnonymousCoward. E.J. 29.95. New York: Crossroad. The Snare of Definition. In Luis (2015) article, Dunford, for example, asserts, give the boot to art/woodwork/cooking and lessen the time for sport (para 1), though he supports retaining Geography and History. Retrieved from : Teachers can create exciting and engaging learning opportunities. Retrieved from: Because of this, these disciplines can uphold antagonistic claims to truth. Cellan-Jones, R. (2014). Liberal-humanism is grounded in liberalism and humanism, the former historically preceding the latter. Discourse deployed by both constructs the truth of their positions on the grounds of negating disadvantage. At WGU, your experience is our obsession! In other words, Baudrillard offers a deeply sociological account of the logics of our times. Knobelsdorf, M., Magenheim, J., Brinda, T., Engbring, D., Humbert, L., Pasternak, A., Schroeder, U., Thomas, M., & Vahrenhold, J. Did Elon Musks AI champ destroy humans at video games? Individuals also become more considerate for other beliefs and cultures. 211). Broadly, computational thinking is grounded in a number of elements associated with cognitive processes, one specifically related to abstractionthe ability to model the core aspects of complex problems or systems (Shute et al., 2017, p. 145; Wing, 2010). The digital network architecture imposes its own image on man (p. 21). Though precise details of where else are often absent, the comment of Garun, reproduced by others such as Team ISTE (2015) and (2013), represents this argument. On the bases of economic growth, societal welfare, and the stability of the labor market, they argued that Germany would need computer scientists and employees to fill IT positions across sec- tors. These studies develop skills in logic, reasoning, and communication. Today, Baudrillard asserts abstraction is increasingly the only means through which we access the real, the outcome of a logic which perhaps only ends through implosion or the destruction of meaning and the reality-effect (Robinson, 2012).

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