Kunstmuseum Basel - Wikimedia Commons Kunstmuseum Basel. The Kunstmuseum Basel enjoys an international renown rivaled by few museums of its kind. The first records of regular gallery visits by city residents and outside visitors date to this period. In view of the numerous municipal, regional and national administrative units that come together here as well as the broader agglomeration,[2] it is difficult to produce a conclusive figure for the number of Basel museums. Description The museum's three venues take you on a journey through art history, from the fifteenth century right up to the present day. Daubigny's Garden Daubigny's Garden, painted three times by Vincent van Gogh, depicts the enclosed garden of Charles-Franois Daubigny, a painter whom Van Gogh admired throughout his life. In 1856, the "medieval collection" took up residence in auxiliary rooms and annexes of the Basel Cathedral (Bishop's Court, St. Nicholas Chapel), having been established earlier that year with inventories from the Museum on Augustinergasse based on the model of the German National Museum in Nuremberg. "Basels Schatzkammern. History - Kunstmuseum Basel 0 references. The Vitra building complex has made notable contributions to the body of avant-garde architecture in the Basel region. The trees in the park surrounding the highly acclaimed building were wrapped by Christo and Jeanne-Claude in 1998. Van Gogh started with a small study of a section of the garden. Zusammen mit dem Ashmolean-Museum, das zwei Jahrzehnte spter, im Jahr 1683 von der Universitt Oxford erffnet und betrieben wurde, zhlt es zudem als ltestes Museum im Besitz einer Universitt der Welt. Home . Masterpieces from the collection, high-caliber special exhibitions and programs offer the public multi-layered approaches to art. In 1944, the federal administration distinguished its European holdings as the Swiss Museum of Ethnology (Schweizerisches Museum fr Volkskunde). All structured data from the file namespace is available under the. It is the only Swiss museum devoted exclusively to the art of the Mediterranean area (mainly Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek, Italic and Roman cultures, as well as Levante and the Near East) from the 4th millennium B.C. It serves the municipality of Riehen and its art commission with exhibitions of contemporary works of art from the region. Durch eine Volksabstimmung bewilligte die Bevlkerung von Basel-Stadt einen Staatskredit von 6 Millionen Schweizer Franken, des Weiteren sammelten die Brger 2,4 Millionen Franken, um die beiden Gemlde fr das Kunstmuseum zu erwerben. See the overview of different territorial definitions and perimeters on the website of, "Up until now, the label 'Museum City of Basel' was primarily associated with the valuable collections and numerous special exhibitions of the public and private museums that are present here in a unique density." Kunstmuseum Basel - Wikipedia When Picasso heard of the events in Basel, he donated four more works to the city: Homme, femme et enfant (1906), a sketch for the Demoiselles dAvignon (1907), and the two great late works Vnus et lamour and Le couple (1967). In the three centuries before and after 1800, most of the collection activities involved objects of natural history, with a substantial number of acquisitions and gifts in this area. Still operating with a relatively modest acquisitions budget, on occasion supplemented by special loans from the government, the museums leaders built a representative collection of twentieth-century art that now has few rivals in the world. Suggested duration 2-3 hours Chronologisch bot die Ausstellung einen berblick ber alle Perioden seiner Schaffenszeit. The Kunstmuseum Basel invites visitors on a journey through art history from the 15th century to the present day at three locations. The Dollhouse Museum (Puppenhausmuseum) was founded in 1998 by its patron and owner Gigi Oeri, who built up the collection herself. In addition, Basel benefits from a long tradition of collecting that, in contrast to many other museums in Central Europe, was not disrupted by the wars of the 20th century, as well as from the city's well-established connections to the market of art dealers and art collectors such as through Art Basel. Its collections, comprising nearly eight million objects which are also dedicated to scientific research, bear the title "Archives of Life". The Historical Museum in Barfsser Church acquired the following satellite locations: the Museum of Domestic Life (Wohnmuseum) in the Segerhof (192634) and its successor in the Haus zum Kirschgarten since 1951, the Museum of Domestic Culture in Basel (Museum der Basler Wohnkultur); the Museum of Music (Musikmuseum), featuring five centuries of European musical history based on the musical instrument collection founded in 1943, which has been displayed since 2000 in the former prison Lohnhof; the carriage and sleigh collection in Brglingen, established in 1981. The establishment of the Klingental Exhibition Gallery (Ausstellungsraum Klingental) several years later was a direct consequence of the shortcomings that had been identified.[57]. Since the 19th century, in contrast, Basel has embraced a culture of remembrance of having created the oldest existing civic museum collection through its purchase of the Amerbach Cabinet in the year 1661. Museums Act (Museumsgesetz) from 16 June 1999, 6, 9, 14. [15] The Kunstmuseum's gallery of paintings and collection of prints and drawings comprise the largest and most significant public art collection in Switzerland. These encompass paintings and drawings by artists active in the Upper Rhine region between 1400 and 1600, as well as the art of the 19th to 21st centuries. ", Wirtz, Rainer (1995). Its world-famous collection, the ffentliche Kunstsammlung Basel or public art collection of Basel, encompasses more than 300,000 works and spans eight centuries, from the late Middle Ages to the present. The Jewish Museum of Switzerland (Jdisches Museum Schweiz), which presents the cultural history of Jews in Switzerland and in Basel including documents from the First Zionist Congress held in Basel in 1897, was founded by the Society for the Jewish Museum of Switzerland in 1966.[25]. The breakthrough in altering the overall profile came with the special funding credit provided by the Basel-City parliament in 1939 at the instigation of museum director Georg Schmidt for the purchase of German museum holdings that the National Socialists had vilified as degenerate art. Historik Mlningar som stlldes ut i Haus zur Mcke 1837 Jahrhundert gezeigt, die hier nicht nur Schutz fanden, sondern ebenfalls kunsthistorisch mit Blick auf die ukrainische Kultur neu kontextualisiert wurden. Kunstmuseum Basel ID - Wikidata They draw some one and a half million visitors annually. Das Kunstmuseum Basel gilt mit dem im Jahr 1661 von der Stadt erworbenen Amerbach-Kabinett als das lteste ffentlich zugngliche Kunstmuseum der Welt[1] und beherbergt die grsste ffentliche Kunstsammlung der Schweiz. Kunstmuseum Basel - Wikipedia Helping to generate the high density of museums compared to other cities and metropolitan areas of similar size,[4] these private collections have also made a substantial contribution to the high level of museum quality. Kunstmuseum Basel - Wikiwand [17] Replica casts of ancient sculptures that were originally on display in the Sculpture Hall (Skulpturenhalle), but moved into storage in 1927 due to a lack of public interest, became part of the Museum of Ancient Art (Antikenmuseum) in 1961 and again received their own exhibition space in 1963 in the new Basel Sculpture Hall (Skulpturhalle Basel). [42], In the case of Basel, however, it was the increasing need for space in the Haus zur Mcke that prompted deliberations regarding construction of a new building. The Kunstmuseum on St. Alban-Graben did not have enough room to display all the treasures that begged to be seen. Its historic nucleus, the Amerbach Cabinet, an ensemble of precious works of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century art, was acquired by the city in 1661, entrusted to the care of the university, and made accessible to the public; since that time, Basel has boasted the worlds oldest public collection of art. Though originally based on the private collection of chairs and other furniture assembled by Rolf Fehlbaum, the owner of the Vitra furniture company, the museum was established as an independent institution. Similarly, the other museums also expanded. Kunstmuseum Basel - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias [29] The Museum am Burghof in Lrrach traces its origins to the Lrrach Antiquities Association (Lrracher Altertumsverein) founded in 1882, which bequeathed its collection to the town of Lrrach in 1927. ", von Roda, Burkard (1995). Kunstmuseum Basel, mit einem Sonderkredit der Basler Regierung erworben. Significant holdings of antiquities, coins, fossils and natural curiosities made their way into the Haus zur Mcke through purchases, gifts or bequests by private collectors. In 1982, the Beyeler Foundation assumed ownership of the art collection of Hildy and Ernst Beyeler, which the couple had built up over half a century. Eine reduzierte Prsentation der Sammlung ist mit einem konzentrierten Sammlungsparcours im Neubau und dem Haus Gegenwart geplant, Sonderausstellungen werden im Neubau weiterhin stattfinden. Barnett Newman, White Fire II, 1960. Its lineage extends back to the Amerbach Cabinet, which included a collection of works by Hans Holbein purchased by the city of Basel and the University of Basel in 1661, which made it the first municipally owned and therefore open to the public museum in the world. Meanwhile, in 1874, the chemistry and physics institutes had moved into the new Bernoullianum building for the study of the natural sciences, whereupon their holdings of objects shed their collection character in favor of laboratory facilities. The museums holdings continued to grow after the Second World War in no small part thanks to the largesse of private benefactors including Raoul La Roche, Maja Sacher-Stehlin, Marguerite Arp-Hagenbach, Richard Doetsch-Benziger, Max Geldner, and Martha and Robert von Hirsch, who gifted or bequeathed theirin some instances, sizableprivate collections to the museum. numerical identifier for an artwork on the Kunstmuseum Basel website. [26] The museum, sponsored by the Architecture Museum Foundation, presents alternating exhibitions on topics of international architecture and urbanism. ", Mathys, F. K. (1980). Study by the Human Geography Institute (Humangeographisches Institut) of the University of Basel, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Museums_in_Basel&oldid=1123625762, Articles with dead external links from February 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0. Many museums can be traced back to courtly collections at least in terms of the original set of holdings. Raumnot fhrte dazu, dass die Kunstsammlung 1922 im Augustinerhof an der Augustinergasse (Kupferstichkabinett) und im Bachofenhaus am Mnsterplatz (Sammlung Bachofen mit weiteren Bestnden) Filialen erhielt und 1928 mit ihrem Hauptteil in der Kunsthalle ein vorlufiges Domizil fand. Die Amerbachsammlung war 16711849 im Haus zur Mcke untergebracht und ein Teil in der Universittsbibliothek Basel. Fortunate circumstances have allowed the ffentliche Kunstsammlung to grow steadily over several centuries, and so it is now distinguished by a rare degree of historic continuity. [32] Finally, the Museum of Electricity (Elektrizittsmuseum) of the electric utility Elektra Birseck opened its doors in Mnchenstein in 1997. The Voluntary Museum Association of Basel (Freiwilliger Museumsverein) ended its support of the Bernoullianum in the 1870s, in contrast to the University Library, which remains a beneficiary of gifts and donations. Yet even when taking a narrowly drawn perimeter, the total comes to at least three dozen institutions that house collections and make them accessible to the public. Its collection is distinguished by an impressively wide historic span, from the early 15th century up to the immediate present. With the creation of the Basel-Country Art Museum (Kunsthaus Baselland) in Muttenz, the Basel-Country Art Association (Kunstverein Baselland) was given its own dedicated exhibition building in 1997. The establishment of the Historical Museum was a self-assured display of Basels art-mindedness and craftsmanship, a mix of educational corridor and enfilade of stalls. [23] The Anatomical Museum (Anatomisches Museum) of the University of Basel dates back to the acquisitional activities of Carl Gustav Jung in the 1820s. Since the removal of the art collection to new quarters, the Museum on Augustinergasse has served as the exclusive domain of the Natural History Museum and the Museum of Cultures/Museum of Ethnology (Vlkerkundemuseum/Museum der Kulturen). In and around Basel, new buildings, additions or renovations have been constructed from designs by nationally and internationally renowned architects (Renzo Piano, Zaha Hadid, Frank O. Gehry, Wilfried and Katharina Steib, Herzog & de Meuron, Mario Botta) and celebrated as examples of avant-garde museum architecture. The inauguration of the Museum fr Gegenwartskunst on St. Alban-Rheinweg in 1980 was made possible by a joint donation by the Emanuel Hoffmann Foundation and its founder Maja Sacher-Stehlin and her family to the Christoph Merian Foundation, which has provided the building to the Kunstmuseum Basel. [62] The general population credits the museums with a leading role in providing leisure-time opportunities for education and learning. [10], Bis 2015 waren viele Werke des Rudolf Staechelin Family Trusts im Kunstmuseum ausgestellt. Wed 12 Jul Wednesday Matine: Laughing Out Loud - Humor and wit in art history The Swiss Architecture Museum (Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum), founded in 1984, has resided since 2004 in the building complex of the Kunsthalle, which was completely renovated and redesigned by the architectural offices Miller & Maranta and Peter Mrkli. This competitive situation is further reflected in the considerable institutional autonomy of the Basel-City museums, which are the only governmental enterprises in the canton operating under the private-sector influenced method of New Public Management. It is an oil painting on panel and is in the Kunstmuseum Basel . [39] Despite this weighting of the collections, the official legal status remained unchanged for quite some time. [3], Museum am Burghof in Lrrach; history of the Three-Countries Region up to the present, Toy Museum and Village and Wine Cultivation Museum in Riehen; toys, village life and wine growing, Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein; furniture design and architecture, Roman House in Augusta Raurica; finds from the Roman town and archaeological park. In these sectors, the university was considered a backward-looking institution. Located in the Dreispitz industrial sector, the warehouse converted by Herzog & de Meuron encompasses the collection along with a reference library on the history of photography and two additional rooms for study, teaching and research purposes.[27]. Hans Holbein II, Dorothea Kannengieer, Studie zur Damstdter Madonna. They represent a broad spectrum of collections with a marked concentration in the fine arts and house numerous holdings of international significance. [52] On the occasion of two major public celebrations in 1892 (500th anniversary of Greater Basel's acquisition of Lesser Basel) and 1901 (Basel's 400th anniversary as part of the Swiss Confederation), Basel presented the civically minded portion of the population (and hence the base of support for the museums) with a series of identity-shaping historical and patriotic gestures that borrowed from the store of images from the past available in the museums. Featured artists include Degas, Monet, Czanne, van Gogh, Picasso, Rothko, Warhol, Lichtenstein and Bacon. Contributing considerably to popularization was the exhibition concept of the Muse Sentimental, which focuses on the world of un-prosaic everyday culture and experience and led to a 1989 exhibition of the same name at the Museum of Design (Museum fr Gestaltung). Der heutige Hauptbau des Museums liegt neben dem im Jahr 1929 errichteten Gebude der Schweizerischen Nationalbank am St. Alban-Graben in Basel. Paintings in the Kunstmuseum Basel by artist (54 C) Paintings in the Kunstmuseum Basel by genre (5 C) D Death and the Maiden by Hans Baldung (7 F) The Museum of Ancient Art opened in the first villa in 1966 and expanded into the adjacent structure, also built by architect Melchior Berri, in 1988. The Kunstmuseum Basel was recently enhanced by a new building, bringing the total to three. The public museums of the canton of Basel-City arose from the 1661 purchase of the private Amerbach Cabinet by the city and the University of Basel and thus represent the oldest civic museum collection in continuous existence. Completed in 2016 in Basel, Switzerland. The painting was offered by the German Reich in 1939 as degenerate art and purchased by the city of Basel.]] When negotiations got underway in 1883 regarding the establishment of a federal museum, the canton of Basel-City sought to be chosen as the location for the new institution and proposed its collections of cultural history as the nucleus of the museum, systematically expanding them in light of its candidacy. At the Museum for Contemporary Art of the Emanuel Hoffmann Foundation and the ffentliche Kunstsammlung, the works acquired by the foundation and the Kunstmuseum over the past decade and a half would at long last be presented to the public, as director Franz Meyer put it in the press release in 1980. instance of. The museum's temporary exhibitions present works by friends and contemporaries of Tinguely, as well as other modern artists. [53] In contrast to the form of architectural expression and the general anti-modernistic spirit of the 1930s, the acquisitions from the 1920s up to the outbreak of the Second World War took a decisively modern tack. At the urging of the mayor Johann Rudolf Wettstein, the city and university decided to jointly purchase the collection in order to keep it in Basel. The Kunstmuseum Basel houses the oldest public art collection in the world and is generally considered to be the most important museum of art in Switzerland. This page was last edited on 1 December 2022, at 20:08. Funding from patrons or sponsors plays an increasingly significant role in the financing of exhibitions, parts of collections or entire museums and is thus highly sought after. Opened in 1974, the gallery serves as a presentation platform for the current work of artists living in Basel and aims to support emerging artistic talents. Consistent with museological trends seen elsewhere, however, the traditional self-image has evolved since the 1960s. At the end of the 18th century, civic museum culture was still in the early stages of its development, as illustrated by the very limited opening hours of the Haus zur Mcke (Thursday afternoon from two to four in the afternoon, otherwise on request[40]). [12][13] The canton had difficulty amassing funding and support for the creation of another museum for its collections. Juli 2023 um 13:40 Uhr bearbeitet. The polygonal building is a design by the architects Herzog & de Meuron. Alexander Zschokke, Skulpturengruppe Drei Lebensalter mit Zierbrunnen, Alexis Rudier, Skulpturengruppe Les Bourgeois de Calais, 1943. Basel Museum of Ancient Art and Ludwig Collection, Toy Museum and Village and Wine Cultivation Museum, collections of books, art and natural curiosities. Christian Geelhaar and Katharina Schmidt consolidated this commitment to taking a chance on contemporary art that was not yet canonical and to enlarging the collection based on defined foci and guidelines. You'll find artworks by Hans Holbein, Rembrandt, Paul Czanne, Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Andy Warhol in this collection of over 300,000 pieces. Jahrhunderts. Financial donations, meanwhile, enabled the museum to enlarge its galleries; especially noteworthy is the munificence of Maja Sacher-Stehlin (establishment of the Museum fr Gegenwartskunst, 1980); the farsightedness and generosity of her niece Dr. h.c. Maja Oeri paved the way for the acquisition of the Laurenzbau in 1999 and the construction of the new gallery building in 2016. Not limited to Basel, this crisis originated in the profound sociopolitical reevaluation of culture of the era. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. In Basel, however, a substantial number of them were preserved, which means that the armory caretakers wished to store the obsolete medieval or early modern militaria for the sake of memory value. Satellite locations had already been established in 1922 at the Augustinerhof on Augustinergasse (collection of prints and drawings) and at the Bachofenhaus on Cathedral Square (Bachofen Collection with additional holdings). The efforts, begun under Otto Fischer in the 1920s, to build a collection of modernist art that would reflect the major international tendencies eventually recast the museums profile and helped lay the foundations for its current renown. 0 references. The Burning Giraffe (1937) is a painting by the Spanish surrealist Salvador Dal. Daubigny's Garden - Wikipedia Ausserdem sind Werke der deutschen, sterreichischen und schweizerischen Malerei des 18. und 19. Birkner, Othmar; Rebsamen, Hanspeter (1986). Further examples of collections could be found in most of the subsidiary institutes i.e., facilities with demonstration objects for instruction and research purposes. [6], Im Juni 2023 gab der Kanton Basel-Stadt bekannt, dass der etwa neunzig Jahre alte Hauptbau voraussichtlich ab Mitte 2027 fr eine Sanierung fr drei bis vier Jahre geschlossen wird. With a focus on the constructivist works of the 1960s associated with the New Tendencies (Nouvelles Tendances) movement, the short-lived Progressive Museum (19681974) set out to establish a modern collection that would be accessible to the public from the very beginning and wanted to avoid any sort of secularized ceremony. One noteworthy achievement has been the compilation of a large body of works by Arnold Bcklin that is unparalleled as a representative selection from the artists oeuvre. In 1892, the "antiquarian collection" (small artifacts of antiquity, excluding ethnological objects) was joined with the medieval collection of the Basel Cathedral and historical weapons from the Basel Armory to form the Historical Museum Basel (Historisches Museum Basel), with exhibition space in the reconverted Barfsser Church from 1894 onwards. Major emphasis is placed on the Late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque periods. The art collection furthermore did not get an academically trained conservator until 1887. An advantageous factor is the unusual concentration of internationally renowned architectural firms in Basel; Herzog & de Meuron, in particular, have made significant contributions to regional museum architecture. Its lineage extends back to the Amerbach Cabinet purchased by the city of Basel in 1661, which made it the first municipally . File usage on Commons The following 2 pages use this file: File:Paul Klee, 1922, Senecio, oil on gauze, 40.3 37.4 cm, Kunstmuseum Basel.jpg File usage on other wikis The following other wikis use this file: Usage on eo.wikipedia.org Kunstmuseum Basel - Wikipedia Ein Erweiterungsbau des Architekturbros Christ & Gantenbein wurde im Jahr 2016 erffnet. Since 1903, the Canton of Basel-Stadt has provided additional acquisition funding. File:Paul Klee, 1922, Senecio, oil on gauze, 40.3 37.4 cm A major expansion of the public museum collections occurred in 1961 with the founding of the Basel Museum of Ancient Art and Ludwig Collection (Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig). Contemporary art is shown in the Kunstmuseum Basel | Gegenwart, about five minutes' walk from the main building. The future of the university and the art collection was jeopardized in 1833 by the partition of the former Canton of Basel into two half-cantons. Im Bereich der neueren bis zeitgenssischen Kunst besitzt die Sammlung Werkkomplexe schweizerischer, deutscher, italienischer und amerikanischer Knstler, unter ihnen Joseph Beuys, Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, Georg Baselitz, A. R. Penck, Brice Marden, Bruce Nauman, Miriam Cahn, Jonathan Borofsky, Roni Horn, Francesco Clemente, Mimmo Paladino, Enzo Cucchi, Walter Dahn, Martin Disler, Silvia Bchli, Siegfried Anzinger, Leiko Ikemura, Markus Raetz, Robert Therrien, Rosemarie Trockel und Robert Gober. [34] Established in 2001, the Sculpture at Schoenthal Foundation in the former Schnthal monastery presents over twenty works by international and Swiss artists in a permanently accessible sculpture park under the motto Art and Nature in Dialogue. The private collections nearly all came into being after the Second World War. Many of the small and mid-sized municipalities around Basel have museums of local history and culture[28] that are not presented in the following. Designed by Mario Botta, the museum is financed entirely by the Basel pharmaceutical company Hoffmann-La Roche. Im Jahr 1661 hat die Stadt die Privatsammlung erworben. "Museumsbesuche Impulsgeber fr die Wirtschaft in Basel. In the mid-1990s, a government resolution cut the budget of the state museums by ten percent, leading to the 1996 closure of two museums, the Museum of Design (Museum fr Gestaltung) and the City and Cathedral Museum (Stadt- und Mnstermuseum). Commencing operations in 1932 as the Museum of Local History (Heimatmuseum), the current permanent exhibition ExpoTriRhena presents the history, present-day culture and divisions and similarities within the "Dreilndereck" (Three-Countries Corner) border region where Germany, France and Switzerland meet.[30]. class A Swiss cultural property of national significance. Since 1997, the works of classical modern art have been exhibited in a building designed by Renzo Piano in the town of Riehen.