The prologue to the Ten Commandments states, And God spake all In the end, they abuse themselves and their precious body in what they believe to be "a service to God." These truths are not all-inclusive, but there are many wonderful laws of health contained within the twenty-one verses of Doctrine and Covenants 89. New Season Prophetic Prayers and Declarations [NSPPD] || 6th 1. They are truths. I find it fascinating to watch as new discoveries are made regularly, helping us better understand the eternal truths that govern all that we as humans know and have yet to learn. 4) We need our bodies to do God's will on earth. I was in the back. Christ shed His blood to purchase us from sin's captivity. Does God want us to take Care of our Bodies? - Augustine Nyongesa Our bodies get dirty as we go about our daily business. God speaks to his covenant people, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Heres what God is saying to the Israelites: I have liberated you from the power of Pharaoh. God wants us to take care of our bodies and by doing so we are honoring him by taking care of the bodies that he has given us and not abuse it. Just as our spirits have needs, our bodies have needs that directly affect our ability to focus, to feel motivated to work, and to feel rested and not lethargic, unable to focus on the things that are important to us. Brothers and sisters, the human body is a magnificent gift and a significant responsibility. Taking Care Of Your Body It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. We can learn from the Westminster Larger Catechism. As Gods people we should do our best to take care of the beautiful good world He gave us! God is giving his Son, Jesus, a kingdom of a new heavens and new earth (Isaiah 65:17; 2 Peter 3:13), and all who have been adopted as sons in Jesus (Ephesians 1:5) will reign with him, all having shared in his resurrection (Revelation 20:6). And what happens at the resurrection? We do not need to super-size everything. Just type in your email address below. You can now display menu or modules in Off-Canvas sidebar. We are only stewards of our bodies. Likewise, when Elijah was crying out to God that I have had enoughtake my life God sends him an angel who instructs him to eat some bread and drink some water (1 Kings 19:4-9). The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. WebWhy should we take care of our bodies? Its interesting to note that before Jesus reinstated Peter in John 21 after his betrayal, Jesus took care of Peters body first. Many parts of the temple were overlaid with pure gold, including the altar and the inner sanctuary (1 Kings 6:21-22). Christianity is not merely a go-to-heaven-when-you-die religion; Christianity is foremost a resurrection religion. 19. If we only knew how precious we are to the Lord, we'd actually straighten up and treat ourselves right. Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. We know this because research has identified the laws that govern the effects of exercise on the body. Are your body, soul, and spirit just one inseparable unit? Christian, Take Care of Your Body - Christ and Culture Perhaps you would sin less if you were to eat some food on the car ride home. Read Also: Can God Bless me through Gambling? Avoid all forms of immorality. Here are 3 reasons in the bible where we see God wants us to be healthy. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. And a central part of this new creation is the reunion of our purified souls with our new resurrected bodies: What is sown is perishable; what is raised is imperishable. In other words, if you are married and your body is craving sex and you want to avoid falling to temptation, dont over complicate things people: just take care of your body and go have sex with your spouse! Just a few months ago my youngest son and his wife had their first babya boy. Medicine today focuses on the care for a persons body. Psalm 34:17-20 ESV / 113 helpful votes. 2) Earth Puzzle 1015 minutes I need to get on a waiting list for the latter. I created your body in my own image, and on that basis, respect it.. //--> But in Christ did you not receive a far better kind of deliverancedeliverance from the bondage of sin? He is founder and president of Biblical Spirituality Press and cofounder and vice president of God Is Our Help Ministry. Ridiculous, right? And why do you think there is bodily resurrection, if our body is not important to God? And so the great divide between our immaterial soul and our material body that happens at our curse-caused death will become, in the resurrection, the great reunion of our soul and body a glorious body that, like Jesuss, will never die again (Romans 6:9). Why does God allow sickness Bible Verses About Taking Care Of Our Body - King James Bible My Body Is A Temple? 5 Ways To Treat The Human Body Right WebBible verses related to Taking Care Of Our Body from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - What? The Lord, in His infinite wisdom, knows where to draw the line. And the sons of God will be revealed when they experience the redemption of [their] bodies, meaning their new bodies (Romans 8:23). Do you think the Holy Spirit prefers a clean house or a dirty house? What comes to your mind when you think about your soul? Do not give up. 1. We need to know that. WebGod wants us to take care of all that he has given us? Remember, we have to live the law to receive the blessing. If we prioritize our pet's health, how much more should we prioritize our health? Consequently, we focus on our spiritual life and neglect our physical health. You are not your own; you were bought at a price. On the other hand, in our culture the tendency is to underdo. How a Woman Should Treat a Man According Remember that the more wedoto take care of our body, the better our body will be prepared to serve Him. Consequently, alcohol use is strongly linked to higher rates of suicide, spouse and child abuse, fatal car accidents, rape, job loss, and crimes such as robbery and assault.17Alcohol use has some benefits, but the costs are too great. We do not know all the truths that govern the human body, but we do know markedly more than we did just fifty years ago. And James 4:6 says, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." Will the Archbishops allow General Synod to speak? They are a gift from Heavenly Father to allow us to experience mortality and continue to become more like Him. People can do all sorts of unhealthy things in their "pursuit" of God and holiness. the Bible Say About Taking Care of Your Body For you have formed my inward parts; you have covered me in my mothers womb. In a sense, we do not go to the place of worship; we bring the place of worship with us whenever we worship God on Lords day. This sin is so terrible that it has led to the destruction of many servants of God. When the righteous cry for help, the hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. Jesus wants to help you. In John 20, the disciples shouted that they had seen Jesus raised from the grave, but Thomas doubt kept him from believing in the miracle of salvation. Our physical health is affected by Therefore, sleep is a euphemism for what happens to the body, not the soul. Smoking is not a temptation to most of us. 6. We take care of our homes where we live, so shouldnt we take care of our bodies where the Holy Spirit dwells? SeeSmoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service,Public Health Service Publication No. My passion is to help others apply God's truth to every aspect of life for his glory and our enjoyment of him. At the cellular level, damage occurs. The Bible teaches the concept of personal responsibility: The one who sins is the one who will die. 12 (19 June 2001): 110614; J. Michael Gaziano, JoAnn E. Manson, Laurence G. Branch, Graham A. Colditz, Walter C. Willett, and Julie E. Buring, A Prospective Study of Consumption of Carotenoids in Fruits and Vegetables and Decreased Cardiovascular Mortality in the Elderly,Annals of Epidemiology5, no. Please click here to learn how. As a professor I spend much of my time studying how we can best care for our bodieswhat we need to do to keep them healthy and fit. God See10th Special Report to the U.S. Congress on Alcohol and Health: Highlights from Current Research,U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, June 2000; They gave much of what they had in order to build the best for the Lord. Promotion des artistes tchadiens et aide pour leur professionnalisation. About Taking Care Of Your Family Yes, Jesus paid the price for you to be in good health but if you live on junk food, you are likely to experience health complications. Let me give you two basic reasons. The sixth commandment requires that we preserve our lives and the lives of others. God Wants Us to Take Care of His Creation The We cannot drink and have full control of our thoughts and actions. His fingers and toes are so tiny. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. We take care of our bodies because they are the temples of the Holy Spirit. Why Should Christians Take Care of Their Body? Some of us would have significant disabilities while others would have to live in hostile environments. 1 Cor 6:19 NLT. Perhaps we dont realize we are already slowly killing our body by eating, drinking, and working at the expense of our health. Being A Good Steward The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Part of the reason is because sometimes we dont take good care of our bodies. Elder Pieper continued: That which is sacred to God becomes sacred to us only through the exercise of agency; each must choose to accept and hold sacred that which God has defined as sacred.7Our bodies are holy in the Lords eyes. Let me give you three practical ways by which you can maintain a healthy body: In conclusion, if you are unhealthy because of your addiction to food, laziness, and lack of discipline to attend to your bodys need, you are disobeying the sixth commandment. Sign up to receive the week's latest articles, blog posts andupdates. What Jesus is saying here is: give your best. WebGod gives us everything we need. What about a walk during our morning prayers, a short walk after dinner, or even a walk during our lunch break? Same-sex blessings and safeguarding dominate CofE General Synod, Gavin Drake's resignation from the Church of England General Synod, 4,500 people baptised at California beach, Trust falls over CofE safeguarding debacle, At-home abortions are putting women's health at risk, Praying for God to raise up a generation of leaders for such a time as this, Christian social worker takes legal action over withdrawn job offer. His meaning is clear: Sexual immorality is a sin that defiles our bodiesmaking a mockery of the temple in which the Holy Spirit is to dwell. As He demonstrated with the Three Nephites8and with John the Beloved,9if He desires He can modify the physical tabernacle so that it will not get sick or die. We maintain our cars and keep them fueled appropriately,so when we need to use them; they are ready. As God has said: I will dwell in them and walk among them. While the Bible does not condemn all use of alcohol (see Is Drinking Alcohol a Sin?), it does condemn the abuse of alcohol (see Alcohol Use and Abuse). I testify that the Lord wants to bless us. If we want to honor Him, we will treat our bodies in a way that honors Him as well. God knows that we can only serve Him if we are in good health. According to the National Sleep Foundation, drivers who are drowsy are just as impaired as drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Thinking about things God wants us to think about will promote spiritual health to the temple. 1 Corinthians 12:25 | View whole chapter | See verse in context. I tell you a mystery. My father was in World War II. The Bible says, Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit? WebYes, God certainly wants us to take care of our bodies. Paul B. Pieper, To Hold Sacred,Ensign,May 2012, 109. Amy C. Williams. Science is a long way from those discoveries, but, gradually, through research and the Lords inspiration, we are learning how to best nourish, exercise, and repair the body. In the premortal world we learned that our earthly experience would be challenging. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. Its interesting to note that before Jesus reinstated Peter in John 21 after his betrayal, Jesus took care of Peters body first. Every weekday is the same old story: dad comes home angry, and he only lightens up after he eats some food. Not just any creation, but a unique masterpiece made in His own image and likeness. Give the best of yourself to the people in your life. It may take more than a lifetime to learn to master the flesh as Christ did, but the Lord expects us to do our best and to keep trying. Does God want me to Stay in a Loveless Marriage? Alcohol is a powerful drugan addictive drug. It is irresponsible for us as children of God to care little about the cleanliness of our bodies. God has appointed doctors to help us keep our bodies healthy. Our day-to-day decisions are paramount, but the choices of others can greatly affect our lives. Is God opposed to pleasure (Romans 12:1), 2) Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. God does not want us to love the world or anything in it (1 John 2:15), and we are not to think as the world does (Romans 12:2). Taking care of our bodies is not about vanity! Cars did not have air bags in those days, but they had seat belts, and my parents and I each had one on. 12 (1994): 118089; Katherine L. Tucker, Judith Hallfrisch, Ning Qiao, Denis Muller, Reubin Andres, and Jerome L. Fleg, The Combination of High Fruit and Vegetable and Low Saturated Fat Intakes Is More Protective Against Mortality in Aging Men Than Is Either Alone: The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging,Journal of Nutrition135, no. And he did so with his own precious blood. WebGod created your body with a specific purpose and design, and Christians should do their best to refrain from putting harmful substances (like tobacco, excessive sugar and Clearly, health problems and premature death are not always a result of our choices. Our environment, genetics, and other factors can also play important roles. Exercise in order to steward the earthly tent God has given you. Nowadays, there are a bunch of unnecessary super-size options. He also serves as Pastor of Congregational Life at Eastmanville United Reformed Church in Michigan. Doing too little or too much can cause us to lose choice blessings. And this will happen at the return of Jesus, the great Christian blessed hope (Titus 2:13), which will initiate that great gathering in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:1517). Web100 Bible Verses about Taking Care Of Your Body 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV / 788 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit The Lord wants to transform us and renew our minds (Romans 12:2). We are each privileged to have a body. Would God Support Vaccines Stay up to date with the latest Christian news! Alright! you say to me, Im now convinced to take care of my body. Christ bought your whole being with His blood.