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garuda purana life after death

the act of not following the regulations of shruthi and smrithi is again a bad karma loaded on the person who supposed to do it. One can definitely read this at home and there are no restrictions on this. These Puranas mention the place where the gods live and the people who do good deeds after death is called heaven. As per our shastras, the eldest son only can be the kartha for any rituals. But in exceptional circumstances, it can be performed after second namsika (45 days). Yamadutas come to take the life of a person who does bad deeds and take him to hell, but before that the living soul is taken to Yamloka and there Yamadev punishes him according to the sins of the living soul. When a soul is liberated, it is not reborn and this is what Ka meant Bhagavad Gt VIII. Dhmo rtris tath ka ams dakiyanam, tatra cndramasa jyotir yog prpya nivartate (8.25). time and are made to undergo similar treatment as they did to their elders. Burning of one's Karmic effects is possible only thro a sadhaachaarya samandham. One who listens to Garuda Purana on the occasion of his Parents death, such parents would attain Mukti and also he will get rid of sorrow; suffering and will be blessed with peace and prosperity. Yamaduta's hair is black like a crow's, his mouth is crooked and his nails are his weapons. In, All tantric mantras and stotras require an initiation to practice. If we still want to do in the form of actions, helping the needy both financially and physically will accrue good karmas. Therefore, these questions can always be answered in two ways. When a person dies, what happens after that? The best way to accumulate good karmas is to think good for others. Punishment- The punishment is almost the same as Tamisram. for this astrologers say, this will affect the generations of the person who earned this karma. Thank you for your help SirRegards, Bibudhendra Rath When his soul spreads itself everywhere in the cosmos, where is the question of moving? Former believe God is within and the later has not matured enough to look for the God within. God does work in mysterious ways! The Garuda Purana tells us what the soul goes through hell or heaven He has spread his consciousness everywhere, in all beings: sarvabhtahite rat (12.4). The soul judges himself, the way he judged others in his lifetime. Death is actually a very interesting process !! How the soul goes to Yamloka after death is described in detail in the Garuda Purana. This is to be strictly followed. Gods and goddesses that we speak of are energy levels created by Brahman to sustain the universe. The sage told that Takshak Nag Maharaj is going to bash Parikshit, and will remove the effects of their poison to give them life again. Disconnection of the earth sole chakras. Thank you, MANBLUNDER There is no prakti in those lokas. April 2021 All the passed away ancestors welcome the soul to the upper plane and they greet and hug them exactly like we do here on seeing our family members after a long time. Sons and other relatives should carry the body on their shoulders. Mankind has become so cruel and injustice takes place everywhere. [2] Composed in Sanskrit and also available in various languages like Gujarati [3] and English. One Yojana 4 kos is 13-16 km) then Yamaduta tortures him in a horrible hell. Does he go to Yama Loka like this answer suggest: What happens after death? Krishna says that one should die by fixing his consciousness between his eyebrows and thinking about Him. October 31, 2013 07:22 PM. In the same manner it is done for mother's lineage - mother's father, mother's grandfather and her great grandfather. There is no way we can draw a comparison to Bhisma. Some one said it should be exactly 365th day and some said it can be in 11 and half month. Ravi Sir, Please let me know why people say that we should not give tarpanam till the first year death ceremoney is completed.? The Padma Purana categorizes the Garuda Purana as a Sattva Purana (a purana which represents goodness and purity). only 5 year old daughters. It depends upon one's faith and spiritual evolution. People who try to occupy the property of others, such as stealing or robbing. MANBLUNDER March 22, 2013 04:35 PM. It is a sort of prasda for us. only the Asthi Visharjan is remaining till date.please guide us where Asthi Visharjan can be done / which is the beast place as per Hindu norms / Puranas? Garud Puran: The Secrets After Death - GaneshaSpeaks This is what I feel. Let us pray that her soul rest in peace. May 2021 There are various versions which our elders speak of regarding sapindikarana also.Actually they say the sapindikarana should be done only in the 12th month. How come none of her punya did not come to her rescue when she was heart broken? if the departed soul has a sadhaachaarya samandam, thee is no question of bad karmas itself. When the subtle body is leaving the gross body, which is known as death, the messengers of Yama arrive on the scene. October 31, 2013 09:23 AM. In the life review, when he saw this he became very guilty and. September 25, 2013 07:12 AM. Garuda Purana English - Mahakavya - Read Ved Puran Online In the second para second line, please read 'Gods lime Indra' as 'Gods like Indra'. This a complicated question to answer without ambiguity. Story first published: Friday, July 7, 2023, 17:28 [IST] Jul 7, 2023 Karma can be accrued only through mind and senses. When the subtle body finally comes out of the gross body, causing death of the gross body, the subtle body is still able to see the entire universe. When Takshak burnt the tree and incinerated it, Kashyapa burnt his mantra on the ashes of the tree and upon seeing it, the new buds burst out of that ash and in no time the tree became green again. Can I continue to perform these two rituals for my son? Once this cord is cut the soul becomes free of the body and moves up and out of the body. July 30, 2013 07:11 AM. It is a Vaishnava purana; the epic is in the form of a conversation between Lord Vishnu and Garuda (King of Birds), primarily emphasizing the reason and meaning of human life. Posthumous (after death) knowledge of Garud Puran is considered to be extremely important for followers of Hinduism. We won't bother about it, and there is no charity, no goodwill, and they behave as if nothing has happened; or, they do not even believe that something happens after death because they think that there is no life after death. His last rites rituals will be completed on the 29th of September which will be the 12th day of his passing away. MANBLUNDER Conclusion: The underlying concept of the teachings of this Purana is to caution the readers that they should not accrue bad karmas. At first they brought it within ten days because they wanted to know what was happening. October 31, 2013 10:15 AM. I was particular that I dont use any shortcuts, but follow the shastras as far as possible. When there is no subtle body, there is no question of mind and hence no question of pain for the departed soul. These three said to preserve the sanctity of the dead body till it is completely burnt. This keeps them hovering on the earth plane. [9] Ayahpanam (Drinking of burning substances) Crime-Those who consume alcohol and other intoxicating drinks are sent here. December 08, 2013 02:10 PM. Prabhakar By performing monthly ceremonies after death, how we can change the direction of the departed person's karmic account? It contains details of life after death, funeral rites and the metaphysics of reincarnation, and therefore is recited as a part Antyeshthi (Antim Sanskars) or funeral rites (funeral liturgy) in Hinduism. Where do we go after death? If the soul has no merit at all, it will be sent to the land of punishment, whatever the punishment be. Garuda Purana - Wikipedia Sucimukham (Tortured by needles) needles. The subtle bodies of those who do not follow the virtuous path are tortured by the messengers of Yama on the way to Yamas place. In fact the soul chooses all the minute details like age, person and circumstances for all incidents to be experienced. MANBLUNDER It is not about death alone. Leaving such people in the midst of wild animals as a punishment or throwing them in a well which contains poisonous animals like lion, tiger, eagle, snake and scorpion is called Andhakupam punishment. June 19, 2013 10:11 PM, i am the beginning,the middle and the end,krishna says, Prabhakar All his or her karmic imprints should have been experienced by him. When you think about Divine, emotions will pervade you and tears will roll down, without your knowledge. Over a period of time, your mind will get set to the reality. Shatra-s are later versions, compiled for convenience. When the karma is ripe enough, the subconscious mind enters into another body. The person with this bad karma has to see his generations is suffering from huge illness.Here am not supposed to comment on the realized sould who have come out of rituals. So, what happens after death ? I am extremely thankful for your good words. Over a period of time, move on to spiritual path. Garud Puran has a total of 16 chapters. Example : An individual had severe headache in his present birth, nothing helped him, no medicines, no way out. Garuda Purana - Rituals After Death - Manblunder A few of our readers do not like to see such topics here. As we say our one year is equal to one day to them. Jaya and Vijaya (GateKeepers of Vaikuntha - The abode of Lord Vishnu) both were born as Asuras (Demons) due to the curse given by Sanatkumara Muni. In this Garuda- the vehicle of Lord Vishnu, asks God some questions. or he remains at "familiar" places for 10 days? After all, death cannot be predetermined by anyone. But monthly rituals are only later developments and need not be done, as these rituals for the whole year are done during the first 13 days. This continues, till the end of their term of punishment. What Happens After Death - The Garuda Purana Explained By AI - YouTube Gods lime Indra have huge desires and such gods are far inferior to realized souls like great sages and saints. On the thirteenth day, the souls journey begins to the world of Yama dragged by the servants of Yama. At the same time, She does not absolves us from our karmic imprints, which have to be experienced. For realized souls, there is no question of any planetary influences. Death is actually a very interesting process !! The writer of garud puran is one Navanidhirma, son of Sri Hari Narayana and the full story of Garud puran is a beautiful story about Maharishi Kashyap and Takshak Nag . There is another injunction. There are many reasons for the soul to be earthbound like unfinished business, excessive grief, trauma on death, sudden death, fear of moving on to the astral plane, guilt, one of the most important being improper finishing of last rites and rituals. The moment the death happens, the Self within goes away along with sub-conscious mind, either to be born again or for a sojourn in Cosmos or merger with Brahman. The second part of the Garud Puran gives a detailed description of the Rakshasha era. the main essence of its survival on earth is lost and the body it occupied for so many years has merged into the five elements. What happens after death? Garuda Purana | by Ganguly Runa - Medium The Garuda Purana speaks of various kinds of Hell. Passionate about topics relating to self esteem, kids and family.I love reading about life changing technological achievements too. July 27, 2013 02:26 PM. Benefits Of Reciting Garud Puran According To Religious Beliefs. The memory of the past life is completely cut after this and we experience life as though we did not exist in the past. Grauda Purana addresses the burning questions about life, death and after death. Tulas leaves (basil) should be placed in both the hands of the body and also on its neck. Ravi Sir, One more question. It says all the karmas are necessarily to be experienced. Please write to me directly at Thnks for your kind reply Sir.Sir can i ask youan important ques. * It is here in the pure light that the whole past life is viewed !! Both good and bad karmas accumulate because of ones thoughts processes. Signs of waning karmas are visible when one begins to pursue spiritual path, which leads to Bliss and ultimate liberation. Chanting any God's name will take us to Brhamaloka or even higher lokas, provided we chant with utmost love for that God. Those who narrate and those who listen to this sacred Purana will get absolved from sins and is assured of happiness in this world as well as in the next world. But this phala of satsanga, the blessing of this highly purifying training that your soul is undergoing by listening to these glorious eternal realities, certainly has a greater capacity to produce an effect than all the charities, studies and scriptures, etc. But, no death happened in my family in those ten yeatrs. When the soul departs from the body in the case of these lower, unpurified and negligibly religious souls, it is taken away by the messengers of Yama and placed before the Lord of Death for judgment. Thank you for your kind words. According to the Garuda Purana, the soul reaches Yamloka after walking for 47 consecutive days after death. (Distance between the earth and the moon is 384,000 KMs and the distance between the earth and the sun is 149,598,000 KMs). Pieces of gold should also be kept in the nine apertures of the body. Unfortunately, other considerations override this important factor. We may observe this as a very subtle or slight movement of the face, hand or leg after the person has died. Learn more in our Cookie Policy. Mind is the subtle body, which also leaves during death. I hope he and Almighty God guide me to raise his daughters well. A soul is nothing but Brahman. Garuda Purana's Shocking Truths - Book of Life After Death MANBLUNDER Welcome to our channel, where we explore the profound insights of the Garuda Purana with the assistance of AI technology. Use your brains sir. The Garuda Purana is one of 18 Mahpura texts in Hinduism. It deals with life after death. My wife passed away at the age of 32. Concluding description about life and death by the Puran. Sorted by: 16. Because of these five pia-s, the preta attains purity to be placed on the fire. During death, soul along with subconscious mind leaves the body. Those are referred and read during the occasion of the passing away of someone. Let us understand like this. ( upto 10th day ritual was done by my husband's father). Tasmt sarveu kleu yogayukto bhavrjuna: Therefore, become a yogi, Arjuna!. It is a part of Vaishnavism literature corpus, [1] primarily centering around Hindu god Vishnu. Now Actively Seeking Opportunities. If nothing has been done on the tenth to thirteenth days after the passing of the soul, at least something should be done on the anniversary so that some mercy may be granted by Lord Yama before the sentence is passed. And not having any child is not a problem either.Do you think a great person like Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam would not attain moksha ?All depends on your karma & how you please God .Nothing else. Anonymous Because the so called "soul" takes one year to reach the world of ancestors. Devas are considered as bodies who live in higher planes and it is believed that they live with bodies with a particular form or shape. August 19, 2013 05:21 PM. The Eighth Chapter of the Bhagavadgita deals with the subject of life after death. Broadly speaking, these are two paths of the soul after death. The First Chapter: Visada Yoga, The Yoga of the Dejection of the Spirit, The Second Chapter Begins: Sankhya Yoga, The Distinction between Purusha and Prakriti, The Second Chapter Continues: How to Live in the World, The Second Chapter Concludes: The Establishment of the Soul in Universality, The Third Chapter Begins: The Relation Between Sankhya and Yoga, The Third Chapter Concludes: The Knower of Reality, The Fourth Chapter Begins: The Avataras of God, The Fourth Chapter Continues: The Performance of Action as a Sacrifice, The Fourth Chapter Concludes: Methods of Worship and of Self-Control, The Fifth Chapter Begins: Knowledge and Action are One, The Fifth Chapter Continues: The Characteristics of a Perfected Person, The Fifth Chapter Concludes: The Characteristics of the Sage Who is Established in Brahman, The Sixth Chapter Begins: The Characteristics of a Sannyasi and a Yogi, The Sixth Chapter Continues: Requirements for the Practice of Meditation, The Sixth Chapter Continues: Meditation on the Ishta Devata, The Sixth Chapter Concludes: God's Great Promise to Us, The Seventh Chapter Begins: Transcending the Sankhya, The Seventh Chapter Continues: The Glory of God and His Creation, The Seventh Chapter Continues: The Gospel of Universal Religion, The Seventh Chapter Concludes: Worshipping Deities, The Eighth Chapter Begins: The Different Facets of the Supreme Being, The Eighth Chapter Continues: The Thought at the Time of Death, The Eighth Chapter Continues: Types of Liberation, The Eighth Chapter Concludes: The Journey of the Soul After Death, The Ninth Chapter Begins: The Kingly Knowledge and the Greatness of God, The Ninth Chapter Concludes: Undivided Devotion to God, The Tenth Chapter Begins: The Glories of God, The Tenth Chapter Concludes: God's Special Manifestations, The Eleventh Chapter Begins: Introduction to the Visvarupa Darshana, The Eleventh Chapter Continues: The Visvarupa Darshana, The Eleventh Chapter Continues: The Visvarupa Darshana Continues, The Eleventh Chapter Concludes: Whole-souled Devotion to God, The Twelfth Chapter Begins: The Best of Yogins, The Twelfth Chapter Concludes: The Supreme Devotee of God, The Thirteenth Chapter Begins: Consciousness and Matter, The Thirteenth Chapter Continues: The Field and the Knower of the Field, The Thirteenth Chapter Concludes: Understanding Purusha and Prakriti, The Fourteenth Chapter: Rising Above the Three Gunas, The Fifteenth Chapter Begins: The World as an Inverted Tree, The Fifteenth Chapter Concludes: The Greatest Secret Revealed, The Sixteenth Chapter Begins: Divine and Undivine Qualities, The Sixteenth Chapter Concludes: What is Proper and What is Improper in Our Life, The Seventeenth Chapter Begins: The Threefold Character of Faith, The Seventeenth Chapter Concludes: The Meaning of Om Tat Sat, The Eighteenth Chapter Begins: Renunciation, and Types of Action, The Eighteenth Chapter Continues: Types of Understanding, Determination and Happiness, The Eighteenth Chapter Continues: Knowing One's Duty, The Eighteenth Chapter Concludes: The Bhagavadgita Concludes, Appendix: Sri KrishnaThe Guru of All Gurus. October 11, 2013 02:52 PM. Any good, charitable deed will bring the soul an abundance of joy in Chandraloka; but the soul will come back, because anyone who has not realised the universality of God will come back. Can you please let us know the procedure and the mantras for pithru tharpanam or where we can get the book which can give this details. September 2020 Ravi - I had wanted some more info after your response to my post. Sri Sri giving explanation in his own words. Insulting the guests and using others for their own benefit gets Krimibhojanam punishment. January 19, 2014 09:26 AM. Lunar days to be avoided are full moon day, new moon day and 8th lunar day. Please throw some light on this. He works to divide the life after death into three stages. MANBLUNDER It is said that after dying, the soul of the person stays in the same house for 13 to 14 days and hears the recitation of Garud Puran. 4.4.6): His pranas do not depart, as is the case of other people. According to Garud Puran, it happens after dying in the first stage a man gets the fruits of all good and bad deeds in this life.In the second stage, a man takes birth in any one of the eighty-four million vagaries according to his karma. Vedas stop with some verses that worship preta, or the dead body. It is said by Krishna Himself to Garuda Bhagavan. In Hinduism, there are two beliefs, heaven and hell, after death. Either we go that way or we go this way, according to our karma and our spiritual status.

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