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causes of the thirty years' war

At first, membership remained restricted to Germany, although the electors leading adviser, Christian of Anhalt, wished to extend it, but before long a new crisis rocked the empire and turned the German union into a Protestant International. Because of these developments, many historians regard 1648 as a dividing line that marks the beginning of modern Europe. The Thirty Years' War - JSTOR Retrieved June 29, 2023 from Initially, however, French troops confronted Spain only in Italy (the War of the Mantuan Succession, 16281631). The fact that Ferdinand had managed to have himself elected emperor in the summer of 1619 gave him an authority that few German rulers dared to challenge openly for the time being. Omissions? m. roberts, Gustavus Adolphus: A History of Sweden, 16111632, 2 v. (New York 195358). A classic of the Sturm und Drang period of German literature, this romanticized 18th-century account of the Thirty Years War by Germanys leading poet could be seen as more literature than history, but it forms an important historiographic expression of an early attempt to come to terms with the sheer scope and destruction of the conflict. The Thirty Years War was actually a number of wars. The institutional subscription may not cover the content that you are trying to access. Historians also believe the first European witch hunts began during the war, as a suspicious populace attributed the suffering throughout Europe at the time to spiritual causes. ." World Encyclopedia. History of Europe - Thirty Years War, Religious Conflict, Peace of The Union members were convinced of the existence of a Catholic conspiracy aimed at rooting out all traces of Protestantism from the empire. Since both were members of the Union, they solicited, and received, promises of military aid from their colleagues; they also received, via Christian of Anhalt, similar promises from the kings of France and England. However, when Gustavus Adolphus was killed in the Battle of Lutzen in 1632, the Swedes lost some of their resolve. Death sentences, imprisonment, and confiscation of land eradicated rebel opposition and weakened Protestant strength. It weakened the concept of the divine right of kings, which was the belief that all monarchs had been put into power by the will of God and were not subject to Earthly power. Thirty Years' War & Treaty of Westphalia | Summary & Significance. Leipzig, Munich, and Vienna, 19071997. In the battle of Ltzen in November 1632, Gustavus Adolphus won a last victory against Wallenstein but died in action. They declared that they would no longer become involved in the territorial wrangles of individual members, and they resolved to prolong their association for only three years more. Alarmed by growing Calvinist strength, Maximilian tried to rally the Catholic princes and to inspire the weak, ineffectual Emperor Rudolph II (15761612) to oppose the designs of the Protestant Union organized by Christian of Anhalt and Frederick IV of the Palatinate in 1608. The emperor therefore refused to recognize the Protestant princes claim. Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students. ." The war was fought between Catholics and Protestants and also drew in the national armies of France, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, and the Habsburg dynasty that ruled the Holy Roman Empire. . The British production of the early 20th century, exemplified by Wedgewood 2005 (originally published in 1938), picked up on that tradition and followed it. But the war shook faith in government. Ambition and religious commitment led Frederick to accept election and along with Count Matthew of Thurn and Ernst von Mansfeld, the new King took command of the Bohemian armies. Corrections? The war involved the [.] The Protestant religion comprised Reform, Lutheran, Hussite, and Calvinists of England, the Dutch Republic, Sweden, France, and Denmark. This sudden accretion in Protestant strength caused the German Catholics to take countermeasures: a Catholic League was formed between Duke Maximilian of Bavaria and his neighbours on July 10, 1609, soon to be joined by the ecclesiastical rulers of the Rhineland and receiving support from Spain and the Papacy. 3. Despite the French success at Rocroy (1643) and preliminary overtures toward peace, the war dragged on. The brief reign of "the winter king" came to an end. During the next two phases, which lasted until 1629, the Holy Roman Emperor strengthened his control over the German states. However, Frederick's rule was short lived. The victory of Hapsburg arms inspired Ferdinand II to issue his Edict of restitution (1629). The resulting treaty, the so-called Peace of Prague, protected the territories of the Lutheran/Calvinist rulers of northeastern Germany, but not those of the south and west in present-day Austria and the Czech Republic. The Thirty Years" War (1618-1648) first began with when the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II of Bohemia tried to reduce the religious activities of his subjects, provoked rebellion among Protestants. England, Denmark, and the Dutch Republic helped the Protestants. In 1640, the Portuguese began to revolt against their Spanish rulers, thereby weakening their military efforts on behalf of the Holy Roman Empire. ), ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, a political body in central Europe composed of several states that existed until 1806, Renaissance term for the ruler of an independent state. It is recorded that the battles took place between 1618 and 1648. The Thirty Years' War was fought between 1618 and 1648, principally on the territory of today's Germany, and involved most of the major European continental powers.Although it was ostensibly a religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics, the rivalry between the Habsburg dynasty and other powers was a more central motive, as shown by the fact that Catholic France under the de facto . The Thirty Years' War had complex and diverse origins but religion was perhaps the most important, and religious motivation was an integral part of the political, economic, and dynastic policies that formed and reshaped the course of Europe in the 17th century. If you see Sign in through society site in the sign in pane within a journal: If you do not have a society account or have forgotten your username or password, please contact your society. The primary cause of the Thirty Years' War was the actions of Emperor Ferdinand II in forcing the protestants into Catholicism. Also comes with a strong, annotated bibliography. Anglophone scholarship generally fits the war into a wider struggle against Spanish Habsburg hegemony, whereas older German writing saw it as a conflict beginning in the Holy Roman Empire but fusing with wars elsewhere. Religious conflict continued despite the Peace of Augsburg, complicated by the territorial ambitions of the nations surrounding Germany, then a patchwork of small and autonomous duchies, kingdoms, counties, margravates, and city-states. The German Military Enterpriser and his Work Force: A Study in European Economic and Social History. The causes of the Thirty Years' War were mainly the actions of Emperor Ferdinand II. All rights reserved. . Many of the books on the subject confound the reader with complex discussions about general long- term political and religious tensions throughout Europe and within the Holy Roman Empire. In addition to ending the war, the Peace also granted certain liberties. ASCH, RONALD G. "Thirty Years' War (16181648) Follow us on YouTube! This War of Cologne was a turning point in the religious history of Germany. New Catholic Encyclopedia. With the emperor's own declaration of war on France in March 1636, the war in Germany had, it seemed, finally and more. Although Ferdinand III was able to buy off Sweden's ally Transylvania, which had once more, as in the 1620s, intervened in the war (supported halfheartedly by the sultan), by territorial and religious concessions in Hungary, he was now forced to come to terms with his opponents. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. 2nd ed. Roman and Iberian Inquisitions, Censorship and the Index i Royal Regencies in Renaissance and Reformation Europe, 140 Scholasticism and Aristotelianism: Fourteenth to Seventeen Sidney Herbert, Mary, Countess of Pembroke, Women and Work: Fourteenth to Seventeenth Centuries. Thirty Years' War - HISTORY Over the ensuing years, the French army had several notable victories, but also suffered significant defeats, particularly at the Battle of Herbsthausen in 1645. "Thirty Years' War Thomas Jefferson was greatly influenced by Enlightenment thinking. 7 vols. The next year, in the Battle of Prague the last significant fighting in the Thirty Years War the Swedes captured Prague Castle from the forces of the Holy Roman Empire (and looted the priceless art collection in the castle), but were unable to take the bulk of the city. As far as Germany was concerned, Nrdlingen might have been the end of the war. It involved Austria and Spain, which practiced Catholicism. . Religion and Politics in the Age of the Counterreformation: Emperor Ferdinand II, William Lamormaini, S. J., and the Formation of Imperial Policy. New technology, especially the introduction o, As widely used, a term referring to any war between states that meets generally accepted international criteria of justification. Expand or collapse the "in this article" section, Expand or collapse the "related articles" section, Expand or collapse the "forthcoming articles" section, Black Death and Plague: The Disease and Medical Thought, Church Fathers in Renaissance and Reformation Thought, The, Concepts of the Renaissance, c. 1780c. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How does this map reflect the causes of the Thirty Years' War?, Which of the following can be inferred from the graph?, What role did religion play in absolute and constitutional monarchies? Standard account in English, in which a number of scholars have cooperated; sees the war very much as an all-European conflict. The Oxford Companion to British History. France, for example, managed to double its income from domestic revenues in the 1630s and early 1640s. The war originated with dual crises at the continents centre: one in the Rhineland and the other in Bohemia, both part of the Holy Roman Empire. When on the society site, please use the credentials provided by that society. The 80 Years War Overview & Causes | What was the 80 Years War? I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. Christian had to withdraw from the conflict and signed the Peace of Lbeck in 1629, giving up his claims to several prince-bishoprics in northern Germany but retaining Holstein and Schleswig. Thirty Years War | It remains one of the longest and most brutal wars in human history, with more than 8 million casualties resulting from military battles as well as from the famine and disease caused by the conflict. Christian's troops were routed at Lutter am Barenberge (1626). The Protestants fought against the Catholics with the help of other Protestant nations, including England, Denmark, and the Dutch Republic. Also in 1645, the Swedes attacked Vienna, but were unable to capture the city from the Holy Roman Empire. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 Particularly good on propaganda and contemporary pamphlets. Soon both sides tried to find allies both in Germany and in Europe. Enlightenment thinkers were the liberals of their day. The religious and constitutional struggle of the Thirty Years War was one of the longest and most destructive conflicts in modern history. Aftermath of the War. Der Dreiigjhrige Krieg. Content Filtration 6. Edited by Gerhard Benecke. Two of the emperor's representatives were attacked and thrown out of a window after a trial, an act that sparked a general revolt against Ferdinand's authority in Bohemia and Hungary. He inherited a large part of central Europe when he became Holy Roman Emperor. Ferdinand II was a stanch Catholic. Image Guidelines 4. Shibboleth / Open Athens technology is used to provide single sign-on between your institutions website and Oxford Academic. An international conflict taking place in northern Europe from 1618 to 1648. For the outbreak of the war the deepening crisis of the Holy Roman Empire was of crucial importance. Wilson, Peter H. The Thirty Years War: Europes Tragedy. Oxford, 1982. However, whereas such mental attitudes were an important ingredient in the generally belligerent atmosphere that formed a crucial precondition for the outbreak of hostilities, their more immediate cause was the confrontation between the emperor and the Estates of Bohemia and its neighboring principalities, in particular Moravia and Upper Austria. g. schormann, Der Dreissigjhrige Krieg (Gttingen 1985)., ASCH, RONALD G. "Thirty Years' War (16181648) Retrieved June 29, 2023 from Underlying Causes One of the most significant issues that led to the Thirty Years' War was the Protestant Reformation. However, at least initially, their armies were unable to make inroads against the forces of Ferdinand II, even after he died of old age in 1637. London: Routledge, 1997. ." ." Please email if you have any problems. The Thirty Years War: Summary & Key Events | StudySmarter The Economist explains: What happened in the Thirty Years War? Swedish Intervention (163035). Ferdinand II treated the acceptance of the crown by Frederick as a direct challenge and thus the Thirty Years War commenced in 1618. that the emperor would raise an army of his own (counting initially 30,000 soldiers and growing fast), commanded by Albrecht von Wallenstein, a Bohemian nobleman and the greatest military entrepreneur of his age. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. But whereas the motive of diplomats before 1914 was fear of political domination, before 1618 it was fear of religious extirpation. Sweden intervened in the battle, hence helping win against the Catholics. The Thirty Years' War was a Protestant vs. Catholic war fought by different European nations. The Dutch Republic and the Hispanic World 16061661. b. chudoba, Spain and the Empire, 15191643 (Chicago 1952). However, the Catholics won the Thirty Years' War, and peace was restored in Europe. 2023 . Let's review. 1 (1966) 3:570572. This comprehensive religious settlement not only represented the height of Catholic reaction but it also inspired further Protestant resistance to Vienna. Don't already have a personal account? On the other hand, the Catholics strengthend their position in Southern Germany. However, many problems had been left unresolved in 1555, such as the status of the ecclesiastical principalities that were ruled by Protestant prince-bishops, and of ecclesiastical property confiscated and secularized after 1555. The Thirty Years' War was one of the greatest and longest armed contests of the early modern period. As such, what began as a revolt of one constituent element of that burdensome and overcomplicated quasi-state called the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, and soon engulfed many of the premier European Houses and nations, has been pegged by many historians to be an event standing at the crossroads of modernity; an extremely violent outburst of premodern political and religious sentiment staring down the precipice of a political and diplomatic paradigm shift that altered the face of Europe and, by extension, of the world. Whilst the conflict took place mainly in the area of modern day Germany, it involved many of the great European powers at that time. With Wallenstein's removal, Ferdinand was left with an army inferior to that of the Swedes in leadership and morale. Ferdinand tried to rebuild a united Catholic front in 1629 by passing the Edict of Restitution, which was designed to give all ecclesiastical property secularized since 1552/1555 back to the Roman Catholic Church. h. hauser, La Prpondrance espagnole, 15591660 (Paris 1933). By the Treaty of Lubeck in 1629, the Danes gave up their alliance with the Protestants and the Danish king was allowed to keep his throne. Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. Enter your library card number to sign in. The potential consequences for Protestantism were disastrous. Reacting to the relentless Counter-Reformation offensive, which had, by a combination of missionary activity, generous imperial patronage for converts, and brute force already been successful in Styria, Carinthia, and elsewhere, they decided to kill the emperor's governors in Prague in the spring of 1618 by throwing them out of the windows of the imperial palace during a meeting of the Estates. As a result they had to wage a fight against Lutheranism and Catholicism for their existence. It stipulated that each state or kingdom was free to decide its own religion; it guaranteed religious minorities the right to practice their religion freely; and it made Calvinism a valid religious option. The Thirty Years' War took place largely within the Holy Roman Empire from 1618 to 1648. Ferdinand was keen to create a united and a subservient empire to strengthen his own position in Europe. There are several explanations of what caused the war, but these rarely discuss the merits of alternative interpretations, nor do they make their own underlying assumptions explicit. This article is also available for rental through DeepDyve. By this time, only the Austrian territories remained under the control of the Habsburgs. (June 29, 2023). Several factors drove the participants of the war, including religious differences, the rights of sovereign states, and defense of traditional systems. War is a conflict between political entities through a specified period that involves massive hostilities and destructive consequences. of A History of Modern Germany (New York 1959). French involvement in the war stemmed from the fact that it was surrounded on both sides by Habsburg dynasties: Spain (in the West) and the Holy Roman Empire (in the East) were both ruled by Habsburg families. The Thirty Years War (1618-48) was the most destructive conflict in Europe before the twentieth-century world wars. Elliott, John H. The Count-Duke of Olivares: The Statesman in an Age of Decline. A nuanced and balanced account of the Thirty Years War that stresses policies, events, and developments in central Europe and especially within the Holy Roman Empire. France was now free to intervene in central Europe. JOHN CANNON "Thirty Years War Thirty Years' War Timeline - World History Encyclopedia Related conflicts include the Eighty Years' War, War of the Mantuan Succession . Its impact left deep and lasting scars on both political leaders and the public. To this, rather illogically, . The war began as a conflict in central Europe between the Catholic Habsburg emperor and lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. His allies in Germany, in particular Maximilian of Bavaria, were, in fact, increasingly apprehensive about the predominance of Habsburg power and the close cooperation between Ferdinand II and Spain. Christian IV was no match for the Imperial forces under Catholic mercenary leader Albrecht von Wallenstein (l. 1583-1634), however, and agreed to a peace and withdrawal of Denmark's troops and Scottish mercenaries in 1629. Within a year, the Swedish forces conquered Pomerania, won cooperation from George William, the previously aloof Elector of Brandenburg, and overcame the suspicions of some of the Protestant leaders who saw little difference between a Swedish absolutist and an Austrian one. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. . Southern Germany was reconquered, forcing the Protestant princes to conclude a separate peace at Prague in 1635. These ideas led to the protestant reformation, which is an even more direct cause of . MCGARRY, P. S. "Thirty Years' War The Thirty Years" War Essay. Well, it would probably be a mistake to say the Thirty Years' War 'caused' the Enlightenment. What are the four phases of the Thirty Years War? Above all the articles known as the Ecclesiastical Reservation led to frequent quarrels, because the Lutherans often violated these articles which provided the Catholics a standing cause for complaint. Good survey of the impact of the war and the slow recovery after 1648, incorporating a great deal of recent research. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. London 1954). The Thirty Years War. Despite Richelieu's subsidies, the Swedes never regained the initiative even after the succession of Emperor Ferdinand III (163757). The years following the Peace of augsburg (1555), which had established the principle of "cujus regio, ejus religio," guaranteeing the Lutheran and Catholic confessions throughout the Empire, also witnessed the rise of Calvinist influence and strength, especially in the Palatinate and Brandenburg. and more. The Thirty Years' War was one of many important factors that led to the Enlightenment. . But for years the Catholic minority had not been permitted full rights of public worship. The electoral dignity and the Upper Palatinate were granted to Maximilian of Bavaria (1623). Whereas French financial subsidies helped Sweden gradually recover from the defeat of Nrdlingen, Spanish resources became increasingly inadequate to finance the worldwide war effort of the monarchy in the early 1640s. Who had ultimate authority in the states that made up the Holy Roman Empirethe emperor or the prince of each state? It is widely recognised as a period of great change, either as a gradual transition or as a sharper turning point, but always associated with the 'birth' of absolutism, of the standing army, and of an Moreover, they resented the arrogant and ruthless behavior of Ferdinand's commander-in-chief, Wallenstein, who had imposed enormous financial burdens on friend and foe alike, raising contributions for his 100,000-man army almost everywhere in Germany. Home World History history of Europe The Thirty Years' War The crisis in Germany Europe after the Thirty Years' War The war originated with dual crises at the continent's centre: one in the Rhineland and the other in Bohemia, both part of the Holy Roman Empire. That this soon developed Europe- wide implications and coalesced with other long-term factors was the result of the rebellion and the way it unfolded, rather than its cause. The princes feared the political consequences of such a union for their autonomy. 1618 - 1620. The Thirty Years' War caused things like famine and disease in almost every country involved. It began with a Protestant revolt in Bohemia against the Habsburg Emperor, Ferdinand II . The central issue of the war was sovereignty*. At first the war strengthened ties between church and state, but the long period of indecisive warfare ultimately weakened those links. ." Unrivaled account of the social and economic aspects of warfare and of recruitment in this period. As no satisfactory agreement could be reached between the followers of Catholicism and Protestantism, a feeling of bitterness continued to persist between them which ultimately culminated in the Thirty Years War. The logistics of warfare in a country that had been utterly devastated by continuous fighting and lacked the most essential provisions proved a major obstacle to large-scale offensive operations. Protestants vs. Catholics in the 30 Years' War | When Was the 30 Years War? Atrocities and epidemics compounded the miserable lot of the homeless and starving peasantry. "Thirty Years War . View the institutional accounts that are providing access., JOHN CANNON "Thirty Years War Even with help from soldiers from Scotland, however, the armies of Denmark-Norway fell to the forces of Ferdinand II, ceding much of northern Europe to the emperor. 1920, English Puritans, Quakers, Dissenters, and Recusants, Japan and Europe: the Christian Century, 1549-1650, Monarchy in Renaissance and Reformation Europe, Female, Netherlands (Dutch Revolt/ Dutch Republic), The, Platonism, Neoplatonism, and the Hermetic Tradition, Reformation and Hussite Revolution, Czech, Reformation and Wars of Religion in France, The, Reformations and Revolt in the Netherlands, 15001621. Explore causes of the Thirty Years' War, the Peace of Westphalia, and what the effects of the Thirty Years' War were. The French, though Catholic, were rivals of the Habsburgs and were unhappy with the provisions of the Peace of Prague. Moreover, a war between Denmark and Sweden (16431645) gave the emperor's army time to recover after the devastating defeat it had suffered in the second battle of Breitenfeld in November 1642. copyright 2003-2023 PDF Thirty Years' War (Overview) Habsburg authority was also weakened in central Europe, while France, which saw little fighting, emerged as Europe's dominant power. 2. In answer to an attack on the prince-bishop of Trier, who had become a French ally and client in 1632, Louis XIII declared war on Spain in May 1635. Learn what the Thirty Years' War was. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Some countries such as Sweden nevertheless managed to finance their armies for long periods of time primarily out of contributions raised in areas under military occupation. Thirty Years' War was a prolonged conflict over religion between the Protestants and the Catholics. At the top came the lands of the Austrian Habsburgs, covering the elective kingdoms of Bohemia and Hungary, as well as Austria, the Tyrol, and Alsace, with about 8,000,000 inhabitants; next came electoral Saxony, Brandenburg, and Bavaria, with more than 1,000,000 subjects each; and then the Palatinate, Hesse, Trier, and Wrttemberg, with about 500,000 each.

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