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catholic school rules for students

All students may wear any SMCS/Zephyrs approved hooded sweatshirt, crewneck sweatshirt, zip or full zip over their collared shirt. A copy of test results and suggestions for modification must be filed in the school office. Every once in a while I run into someone who, like me, attended Catholic school in the '50s and '60s. 1.0 Introduction. Student Handbook are not permitted. It is feasible that it will not be possible to conform completely to your wishes, but there can certainly be some understanding established which would safeguard the child. Grades 1-8 assignment scores will be updated on FACTs FamilyPortal weekly. They are not allowed to have lunch from a fast-food chain or restaurant brought to them. The administration or teacher has the right to access information stored in any student file on any student screen, or student email. in operation during school hours will be considered a violation and will warrant detention. Transmission of any material in violation of U.S. or state law is prohibited. Athletics Absentee Policy for Immaculate Conception, NLR: If a student is absent from school due to illness or leaves early because of illness or an unexcused absence he/she may not play in the game scheduled for that evening. * The school administration reserves the right to terminate a students BYOD privilege at any given time. Failure to do so will result in that student not participating in graduation exercises. Non-Custodial Parents are not to use the school as a meeting place to visit with their child/children. Any dispute concerning a grade must be made in writing within one week of the receipt of the grade. This file includes 7 basic classroom rules with scriptures in a cute rainbow scribble theme. Failure to be in compliance after the 5 school day grace period will result in a detention hall and a conduct point each day they are out of compliance. * A regular volunteer or employee is any person who functions in the name of the Church in the capacity of chaperoning, mentoring, supervising, teaching, or training minors (those 17 years of age or younger). Girls - hairstyles must be off the face and out of the eyes. Immaculate Conception Catholic School (IC) is dedicated to providing 21st-century instruction to all students. WebThe United States had 7,498 Catholic schools in 200607, including 6,288 elementary schools and 1,210 secondary schools. Families should be warned that material accessible via the Internet might contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive to some people. Serious or continuous disciplinary problems will be referred to the principal. The volume should be kept at a level that doesnt disrupt others. Appointments with the principal may be made during or after school hours. No leggings or sweatpants are allowed. Fighting, pushing, tearing of clothes, inappropriate language, or other disorderly conduct is not acceptable. The reporter should not attempt to substantiate or investigate the suspected nor should he or she contact the childs parent(s) unless requested to do so by investigative agencies. Any student sent to the office will have 4 points deducted from their conduct. They might have a school Mass once a month and they let the kids just go through the motions without even understanding the Mass. Any disciplinary matter that is serious enough to be referred to the school office will be handled in the following manner: Any conduct detrimental to the reputation of the school whether on school premises or off shall constitute sufficient cause for disciplinary action including, but not limited to, loss of conduct points, detention, suspension and/or expulsion. However, our school does not offer a special education program. Administrative decisions are the responsibility of the principal, in cooperation with the pastor, who seeks to conduct the educational programs in terms of established policy. No Dickie Brand allowed. If a teacher plans a field trip for the class, a notice will be sent home to the parents. If a child is absent, call the school office directly before 9:00 a.m. (Please DO NOT simply email the teacher, as the office must also be aware of the absence). Extra credit work will not be offered to individual students in order to bring up a grade. Applications will be accepted by the Educational Foundation Secretary, if postmarked beginning January 1, 2023. Pants must be constructed from a cotton or cotton/poly non-denim fabric. It is the responsibility of the teacher, teacher assistant and aide to report a suspected child abuse or neglect of a child to the county SCAN or social services office. Shorts may be worn from the beginning of the school year through September 28, and again May 6 until the end of the school year. The teacher reserves the right to deny a student field trip permission. ASC follows the IC School Handbook. Assist 111 Catholic schools across the 19 counties of the archdiocese in educating more than 40,000 students each school year through support with: Catholic identity Social networking sites are not the appropriate arenas for airing complaints. The Manual of Policies and Regulations for Elementary and Secondary Catholic Schools of Arkansas applies to all Catholic schools in Arkansas. Catholic Schools NSW With a recent surge in cases, starting Monday all K-12 schools in Kentucky, including private schools, must stop in-person classes and move to remote learning, Gov. Please note that administration at previous school will be contacted upon application at IC School. If parents realize such items have been forgotten and bring them to the school office (. It is a privilege to attend Immaculate Conception Catholic School. Use of the Internet without a clearly defined educational objective, understood by both student and teacher is not allowed. For the health of each student, boots/overshoes are expected in wet and snowy weather. In case of any and all behavior problems or misconduct, the principal reserves the right to withdraw any student from any extracurricular activity. It is dedicated to providing quality academic programs integrated with religious truth and value. *If a student violates the Acceptable Use Policy with less than 9 weeks remaining in the school year, the remainder of the students termination of BYOD privileges will carry over to the following year. Immaculate Conception School is a Catholic institution committed to the teaching of Catholic Christian doctrine and values and is dedicated to providing a quality academic and enriching program. The following procedure for handling problems should be utilized categorically as needed: If a book is lost or destroyed, the student will be responsible for the replacement cost. Failure to return a parent-signed detention hall slip the day after issue. Day 3: Three thorough one-page apologies: one each to the victim, principal, Pastor. Your child should know arrangements for after-school transportation BEFORE he/she comes to school. Catholic WebAll students whose parents choose to send them to Holy Family Catholic School must observe the uniform dress code. As an IC school parent, you will be a member of the IC PTO. Monthly payment dates are set in FACTS. Sleeveless dresses may only be worn with a cardigan or knit sweater over the top. No:Tank tops, small strapped or spaghetti strapped shirts, mid-drift tops, low cut/low rise jeans or pants, sweat pants or athletic pants/shorts, in-appropriate high-heeled or platform shoes. For grades PK-8, four unexcused tardies per nine weeks will result in a monetary penalty. Each additional 10 points equal another detention.Grades 7-8: at the loss of 5 points in a students conduct grade, students will serve 1 detention. If a parent has a question or concern regarding ASC, please email or phone the Extended Care Coordinator at or 501-835-0771. Grading in kindergarten indicates a pupil. Supreme Court rules for web designer who refused to work on same Students must wear nice dress clothes. The Facility Fee is a one-time-only, per family fee, assessed when the first student in a family enters Immaculate Conception Elementary School. PRE-K:There is no uniform dress code for Pre-K students. Be responsible and safe--always put children first. Consequences will be determined by the principal and/or pastor. No laser pointers may be brought to school by students. A written record of the infraction and sanction applied will be kept on file. When picking up or dropping off a student during the school day, the parent or responsible party is to communicate with the office by phone (501-835-0771). Grades K-2--Follow grade level procedures/ consequences. < 3 in.). If the uniform top is sleeveless, a shirt with sleeves must be worn underneath. For families that move during the school year, a $300 withdrawal fee will be assessed. Students have designated dismissal areas based on their age, carpool, and enrollment in After School Care or club. Lost or damaged books shall be replaced at full cost before nine-week grades can be released. Select your topic. If the schools remain open and the weather is threatening, each family will have to decide whether to send their children to school. Catholic Schools Are Different From Jeans, t-shirts, sweatpants, athletic shorts and other shorts may be worn. Our school practice for outside recess under special weather conditions is as follows-. Catholic Kentucky Compulsory Education Laws - FindLaw Textbooks are issued on a rental basis and must be checked in at the end of the school term or before withdrawal. Students participating in any school-sponsored extracurricular activity must maintain a grade of B in conduct. If a student is more than 10 minutes late, an additional hour of detention will be assigned. (A volunteers responsibility ends with notifying the principal.). The student is responsible for the condition of the device brought to school, including updates, antivirus software, repair, and service. Due to air-bag safety for the student, no student will be permitted to ride in the front seat of a car. Boys must wear navy, black, or grey dress pants with a coordinated button-down dress shirt with a collar and an appropriate tie. Officials at the school in Slidell, a city with about 29,000 inhabitants to the north-east of New Orleans, werent the only ones to learn of Wattignys behavior. WebThe Catholic schools in the diocese are operated as faith communities, not as a commercial or secular enterprise. are not allowed. Hair shall be worn in an appropriate manner, never extreme. Headbands, barrettes, and ponytail holders in IC plaid or any solid color found in the IC plaid. Notices will be sent home to inform parents of the date, time, and special topic of the meeting. Students must wear navy, gray, or black dress pants with a collared top. In total there were 2,320,651 students, including 1,682,412 students in the elementary/middle schools and 638,239 in high schools. Access to the Internet enables students to explore thousands of libraries, databases, and documents throughout the world. ADMISSION OF SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTSPrior to admitting a student with a diagnosed disability, Immaculate Conception School must consider. The adult aide is required to be in place with the student within two weeks of the modification made by the administration. Cargo pants are allowed. Catholic School FACT Sheet - United States Students are to maintain exemplary behavior while participating in these activities, respecting the leaders, fellow students, and school environment. No:Sweat pants or athletic pants/shorts; baggy, low riding, hem dragging pants/jeans (jeans/pants need to fit around the waist line). will fall under the school calendar and guidelines. Pants must be constructed from a cotton, cotton/poly, or twill non-denim and non-stretch fabric. Students may not download programs without permission. I Love My Catholic School. If you select the option to participate in activities that benefit IC, your contribution will be measured by the number of hours of service performed. The school board meets on a regular basis. Clothing should fit well, with nothing being too tight or too loose.

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