The state or jurisdiction(s) you selected for this subcategory are shown below, followed by the laws and regulations. (iii) The governing authority of the public elementary or secondary school in which the student is enrolled shall make a seat available at another public elementary or secondary school under its jurisdiction within ten school days of the parent or legal guardian's request for a transfer. (ii) Forfeiture of any public funds received by the organization. A. The procedure shall include the following: (a) Scope of investigation.An investigation shall include an interview of the reporter, the victim, the alleged bully, and any witnesses, and shall include obtaining copies or photographs of any audio-visual evidence. Federal Laws | 17:416.13. parents or legal guardians of the alleged victim and alleged offender must be notified of the potential consequences, penalties and counseling options. 2. Reference to off-campus behaviors: Cyberbullying (for purposes of writing each policy) means: harassment, intimidation, or bullying of a student on school property by another student using a computer, mobile phone, or other interactive or digital technology OR harassment, intimidation, or bullying of a student while off school property by another student using any such means when the action or actions are intended to have an effect on the student when the student is on school property. (La. (ii) The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall report all such documented incidences of bullying to the state Department of Education as prescribed in rules adopted by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act and documented incidents in reports received by the local superintendent of schools pursuant to R.S. E. (1) The penalties provided in Subsection B of this Section may be imposed in addition to any penalty that may be imposed for any other criminal offense arising from the same incident or activity, and in addition to any penalty imposed by the organization or education institution pursuant to its by-laws, rules, or policies regarding hazing. (2) Hazing does not mean any adult-directed and school-sanctioned athletic program practice or event or military training program. Finally, here is Louisiana's sample bullying policy, available to use as a model for school districts in Louisiana's they work to define bullying and cyberbullying while also covering investigations, reporting procedures, penalties/sanctions, response strategies, and the implementation of prevention programs and practices. 17:416.14. No other schools shall qualify for transfer under this Subparagraph. Disclaimer: These codes may not be the most recent version. F. Investigation Procedure. (c) A physical activity that is normal, customary, and necessary for a person's training and participation in an athletic, physical education, military training, or similar program sanctioned by the education institution is not considered "hazing" for purposes of this Section. The suit alleges . At the conclusion of a bullying investigation, and after meeting with the parents or legal guardians, the school official or school board shall: a. prepare a written report containing the findings of the investigation, including input from students' parents or legal guardians, and the decision by the school official or school system official. Chat Now Headquarters (dd) Maintain complaints and investigative reports for three years in the event that disclosure is warranted by law enforcement officials. E. Reporting Incidents of Bullying. Documentation. The LEA shall develop a procedure for the reporting of incidents of bullying using the bullying report form approved by BESE and available on the DOE website. (b)(i) Each teacher may take disciplinary action to correct a student who disrupts normal classroom activities, who is disrespectful to a teacher, who willfully disobeys a teacher, who uses abusive or foul language directed at a teacher or another student, who engages in bullying, who violates school rules, or who interferes with an orderly education process. 17:105 and 105.1. LA Rev Stat 14:40.7 :: RS 14:40.7 - Justia Law (3) Investigation Procedure.The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall develop and adopt a procedure for the investigation of reports of bullying of a student by another student. Cuberbullying is handled in schools and sometimes even in criminal court. B. Bullying Harassment and Intimidation Policy - Louisiana - NASBE A student, or parent or guardian, may also report concerns regarding bullying to a teacher, counselor, other school employee, or to any parent chaperoning or supervising a school function or activity. H.B. Discipline of students; suspension; expulsion. Any report of bullying shall remain confidential. If the school board does not take timely and effective action, the student, parent, or other school employee may report the bullying incident to the DOE. 17:416.13. In every state except Montana, the bullying law mandates schools to have a formal policy to help with identification When a report of the bullying of a student by another student is received, the school shall conduct an investigation using the following procedure. In addition to any other requirements established by law, rule, or regulation relative to student discipline and conduct, the governing authority of a public elementary or secondary school shall require that every student be provided an orientation during the first five days of each school year regarding school disciplinary rules and provisions of the code of student conduct applicable to such students, including but not limited to the policy on bullying as provided in R.S. Unwelcome and objectively offensive, such as derogatory language, intimidation, threats, physical contact, or physical . 17:416.14. 17:105 and 105.1. c. If no seat or other placement is made available within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the request by the superintendent, the parent or legal guardian may request a hearing with the school board, which shall be public or private at the option of the parent or legal guardian. F. The provisions of this Section shall not be construed to prohibit or restrict religious free speech pursuant to Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of Louisiana. (2) Except as provided in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection, each member of a city, parish, and other local public school board shall receive a minimum of six hours of training and instruction annually. Louisiana state law requires districts to report all documented incidences of bullying to the state Department of Education. Cyberbullying Laws in Louisiana. 2. Stalking. New Orleans Sci Academy students Stephany Gonzalez, left, and Niante Ricks present their argument that Louisiana should end its law limiting what teachers can say to LGBT students and offer those same students specific protections from bullying. Louisiana State anti-bullying law does not enumerate sexual orientation or gender identity Maine (2)(a) Except as provided by Subparagraph (b) of this Paragraph, any person who commits an act of hazing shall be either fined up to one thousand dollars, imprisoned for up to six months, or both. According to at least one study, approximately one-third of students in middl e school grades have reported experiencing bullying. Youth development and assistance programs; legislative findings and purpose; school authority for programs for elementary students. Anti-Bullying Campaign | Public Justice 17:416.20. False Reports. 1259, Act 989, Cyberbullying is the transmission of any electronic textual, visual, written, or oral communication with the malicious and willful intent to coerce, abuse, torment, or intimidate a person under the age of eighteenwhoever commits the crime of cyberbullying shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, imprisoned for not more than six months, or both.. c. the disciplinary and criminal consequences of bullying another student. The training shall specifically include the following: 1. how to recognize the behaviors defined as bullying; 2. how to identify students at each grade level who are most likely to become victims of bullying, while not excluding any student from protection from bullying; 3. how to use appropriate intervention and remediation techniques and procedures; 4. the procedures by which incidents of bullying are to be reported to school officials; and. PDF Table of Contents Title 28 EDUCATION - Louisiana (v) At the end of any school year, the parent or legal guardian may make a request to the governing authority of the school at which the student was enrolled when at least three of the reports were filed to transfer the student back to the school. B. Louisiana Law Review - LSU The procedure shall include the following. The contents of this Web site do not necessarily represent the policy or views of the U.S. Department of Education nor do they imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education. This policy shall be implemented in a manner that is ongoing throughout the Retaliation. 755, 1, eff. The school board or school governing authority shall begin an investigation of any complaint that is properly reported and that alleges conduct prohibited in this Section the next business day during which school is in session after the report is received by a school board or governing authority official. +1.800.258.8413| Training shall also include instruction relative to the provisions of the Open Meetings Law, R.S. Universal Citation: LA Rev Stat 14:40.7. 416.13. The school board shall begin an investigation of any properly reported complaint of bullying no later than the next school day after the board receives the report. RS 14:40.7 Cyberbullying. (i) If a parent, legal guardian, teacher, or other school official has made four or more reports of separate instances of bullying, as provided in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection, and no investigation pursuant to Paragraph (3) of this Subsection has occurred, the parent or legal guardian with responsibility for decisions regarding the education of the victim about whom the report or reports have been made may exercise an option to have the student enroll in or attend another school operated by the governing authority of the public elementary or secondary school in which the student was enrolled on the dates when at least three of the reports were submitted. If the school official has determined bullying has occurred, and after meeting with the parents or legal guardians of the students involved, the school official shall take prompt and appropriate disciplinary action against the offender and report criminal conduct to law enforcement, if appropriate. E. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to a provider of an interactive computer service, provider of a telecommunications service, or a cable operator as defined by the provisions of this Section. (2) An education institution that receives a report alleging the commission of an act or acts of hazing by one or more members of an organization that is organized and operating at the education institution shall report, as soon as practicable under the circumstances, the alleged act or acts to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction in the place where the alleged act or acts of hazing occurred. F. The provisions of this Section shall not be construed to prohibit or restrict religious free speech pursuant to Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of Louisiana. If you believe you may have a bullying case that Public Justice should know about, please click here to send our legal team more details. Student code of conduct; requirement; bullying; prohibition; notice; reporting; accountability Bullying must have the effect of physically harming a student, placing the student in reasonable fear of physical harm, damaging a student's property, placing the student in reasonable fear of damage to the student's property, or must be sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough to either create an intimidating or threatening educational environment, have the effect of substantially interfering with a student's performance in school, or have the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school. b. B. No law that addresses harassment and/or bullying of students based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Student code of conduct; requirement; bullying; prohibition; notice; reporting; accountability. E. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to a provider of an interactive computer service, provider of a telecommunications service, or a cable operator as defined by the provisions of this Section. c. Any report of bullying shall remain confidential. Cyberbullying in Louisiana | (ee) As applicable, provide a copy of any reports and investigative documents to the governing authority of the school in order that the governing authority can comply with the provisions of R.S. d. repeatedly and purposefully shunning or excluding from activities. Rev. The policy shall contain the definition of bullying found in this Section and shall address the following: b. the effect the behavior has on others, including bystanders; and. Any teacher, counselor, bus operator, or other school employee, whether full- or part-time, and any parent chaperoning or supervising a school function or activity, who witnesses bullying or who learns of bullying from a student pursuant to Subparagraph (b) of this Paragraph, shall report the incident to a school official. Easily fill out PDF blank, edit, and sign them. Retaliation against any person who reports bullying in good faith, who is thought to have reported bullying, who files a complaint, or who otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry concerning allegations of bullying is prohibited conduct and subject to disciplinary action. The form shall be available on the Department of Education's website. (1) It is the intent of the legislature that every public elementary and secondary school in this state shall be a safe, orderly, civil, and positive learning environment so that no student in this state feels threatened while in school. D. (3)(e)Disciplinary Action. A. Cyberbullying is the transmission of any electronic textual, visual, written, or oral communication with the malicious and willful intent to coerce, abuse, torment, or intimidate a person under the age of eighteen. June 18, 2022. This section describes state criminal laws that may apply to these cases, and the state-mandated anti-bullying policies required at all public Louisiana state elementary and secondary schools. a. (1)(a) If any person serving as a representative or officer of an organization, including any representative, director, trustee, or officer of any national or parent organization of which any of the underlying entities provided for in Paragraph (C)(3) of this Section is a sanctioned or recognized member at the time of the hazing, knew and failed to report, as soon as practicable under the circumstances, to law enforcement that one or more of the organization's members were hazing another person, the organization may be subject to the following: (i) Payment of a fine of up to ten thousand dollars. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, There is a newer version of the Louisiana Laws. Bullying In Louisiana: What The Law Says (2023) B. Student code of conduct; requirement; bullying; prohibition; notice; reporting; accountability "Bullying" means: (1) A pattern of any one or more of the following: (a) Gestures, including but not limited to obscene gestures and making faces. (iv) Activity that induces, causes, or requires an individual to perform a duty or task that involves the commission of a crime or an act of hazing. Each state's policies vary when it comes to how they: define bullying, harassment, threats, intimidation, and violence; expect reporting and investigating to be carried out, specify response strategies, define penalties, and prescribe certain types of prevention programs and practices. The training shall specifically include the following: (i) How to recognize the behaviors defined as bullying in Subsection C of this Section. A. School and district resources shall not be used to prohibit or dissuade any person who meets the specifications of this Item. Electronic communication includes but is not limited to a communication or image transmitted by email, instant message, text message, blog, or social networking website through the use of a telephone, mobile phone, pager, computer, or other electronic device. A. B. (c) A statement that aiding and abetting another person who engages in hazing is prohibited. If the school official does not take timely and effective action, the student, parent, or school employee may report the bullying incident to the school board. Discipline of students; suspension; expulsion, Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:416.13 Student code of conduct; requirement; bullying; prohibition; notice; reporting; accountability, Mental Health Supports for Students Involved in Bullying Incidents, Bullying Protections for Enumerated Groups, Chronic Absenteeism Early Warning Systems, Professional Development for Bullying Prevention, Professional Development for Cultural Competency, Alternative Education for Expelled Students, Reengagement Plans for Suspended or Expelled Students, Bullying Harassment and Intimidation Policy, Social-Emotional Learning or Character Development, State Models and SupportsSocial Emotional Climate, Bullying PolicyReporting and Investigations. Louisiana Anti-Bullying Laws & Policies | | Bullying (1) Each member of a city, parish, and other local public school board shall receive a minimum of sixteen hours of training and instruction during his first year of service on the board in order to receive the designation of "Distinguished School Board Member" pursuant to Paragraph (B)(3) of this Section. Student code of conduct; requirement. Any education institution who fails to comply with the provisions of this Paragraph may be subject to a fine of up to ten thousand dollars. 2. (d) A statement that consent of the hazing victim is not a defense. 697, 1, eff. If the governing authority has no other school under its jurisdiction serving the grade level of the victim, within fifteen school days of receiving the request, the superintendent or director of the governing authority shall: (aa) Inform the student and his parent or legal guardian and facilitate the student's enrollment in a statewide virtual school. Acts 2010, No. (i) Take prompt and appropriate disciplinary action, pursuant to R.S. (h) A description of the circumstances under which a violation of the policy shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. (v) Information on suicide prevention, including the relationship between suicide risk factors and bullying. As Louisiana soon will learn if SB 764 becomes law, half of the parental volunteers will quit for fear of being sued, and the other half will become hair-trigger bullying tattlers, reporting every kid who sticks out his tongue for fear of being sued by a victim's family if an incident goes ignored. Deliberately giving an individual an unrealistic amount of work to be done Deliberately or frequently uses abusive language or conduct Deliberately leaving out information from an individual so that individual may not properly complete a task Repeatedly threatening to terminate one's employment code of conduct shall be in compliance with all existing rules, regulations, and policies of Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Bullying - ed the local school governing authority and of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Save or instantly send your ready documents. violence prevention efforts. Upon receiving a report of bullying, the school shall notify the parents or legal guardians of the alleged offender and the alleged victim no later than the following school day. (2) It is not a defense to prosecution for a violation of this Section that the individual against whom the hazing was directed consented to or acquiesced in the hazing. State: Louisiana. (f) A description of the procedures for students, teachers, and other school employees to report violations of the policy and the procedures to file a complaint for a violation of the policy. (i) The form for reporting a transportation-related incident shall provide for the following information: (ee) A menu of check-off items to indicate the nature of the incident, including fighting or bullying at the bus stop, fighting or bullying on the bus, smoking on the bus, leaving the bus without permission, boarding the bus at the incorrect stop, showing disrespect toward the operator, committing an immoral or vicious act, throwing objects within the bus or out of bus windows or doors, refusing to occupy an assigned seat, using profane language, showing willful disobedience, defacing the bus, carrying objects or implements which can be used as weapons, or committing some other undesignated violation. A. Such training and instruction shall also include education policy issues, including but not limited to the minimum foundation program and formula, literacy and numeracy, leadership development, dropout prevention, career and technical education, redesigning high schools, early childhood education, school discipline, and harassment, intimidation, and bullying. 1458; School board may charge fee to attend conflict resolution class/es, not to exceed $100. The LEA shall develop a procedure for the reporting of incidents of bullying using the bullying report form approved by BESE and available on the DOE website. 5. information on suicide prevention, including the relationship between suicide risk factors and bullying. 3. June 29, 2010; Acts 2012, No. Such rules and regulations shall include but not be limited to the following provisions: (a) A procedure permitting any teacher or other school employee to report any violation of the provisions of this Subsection to the appropriate school principal. Bullying is defined as a pattern of one or more of the following behaviors: a. gestures, including but not limited to obscene gestures and making faces; b. written, electronic, or verbal communications, including but not limited to calling names, threatening harm, taunting, malicious teasing, or spreading untrue rumors; c. physical acts, including but not limited to hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, choking, damaging personal property, or unauthorized use of personal property; and. 17:416.17. Orientation instruction shall be provided by the school principal or his designees and shall include but not be limited to consequences for failing to comply with such school disciplinary rules and code requirements, including suspension, expulsion, the possibility of suspension of a student's driver's license for one year as provided in R.S. (cc) Keep complaints and investigative reports confidential, except as provided in this Section and where disclosure is required to be made pursuant to 20 U.S.C. harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Delivery of notice by an involved student shall not constitute notice as is required by this Section. Arlington, VA 22202-3289 D. (1) Except as provided in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection, whoever commits the crime of cyberbullying shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, imprisoned for not more than six months, or both. A. Please check official sources. (1) "Cable operator" means any person or group of persons who provides cable service over a cable system and directly, or through one or more affiliates, owns a significant interest in such cable system, or who otherwise controls or is responsible for, through any arrangement, the management and operation of such a cable system. 14:40.7, 17:416.13, Bullying and Cyberbullying Resources, Research, and Help, Social Media, Cyberbullying, and Online Safety Glossary, Report Cyberbullying | Social Media Apps, Gaming and Online Platforms,, Louisiana`s anti-bullying laws encourage districts to offer youth development and support programs, which may consist of prevention programs, including bullying prevention.
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