This grant program supports coalitions that bring broad interests together to ensure that Colorados lands and waters thrive to sustain healthy wildlife and treasured outdoor recreation opportunities. The aim of this project is to establish a healthy and genetically viable assurance colony of Malayan Giant Turtles, with a focus on: Identifying founder individuals for the assurance colony, Developing appropriate housing facilities and husbandry management approaches, Irhamna Putri Rahmawati, Conservation Programme Supervisor of Wildlife Rescue Centre Jogja, is a participant in the ASAP Women in Conservation Leadership Programme. Letters of recommendation must be submitted online byFebruary 7, 2023 for your application to be considered. WebAsian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) provides grants to support ASAP Partners' efforts to conserve ASAP species and their habitats. Questions? Applications will ONLY be accepted through the ASP online grant submission system. The N.C Division of Coastal Management (DCM) is reminding interested parties that funding is available through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under the CZM Habitat Protection and Restoration Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Competition for habitat restoration and conservation projects. The first session will be held on Tuesday, April 4, at 3:30 p.m. EST. Email To draw funds, submit a payment request through ASAP. Have previously received funding from either the ASAP Species Rapid Action Fund or the ASAP Species Conservation Grant. ASAP+ The IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) has announced the ASAP Species Conservation Grants. Once enrolled, you can reassign the roles to maintain a proper separation of duties. NOAAs Coral Reef Conservation Program Call for Conservation Award Nominations and Grant Applications In general, the ASP Conservation Committee likes to see funds used for local employee salaries and support. LA117QY, UK All rights reserved. Please remember that changing a UEI or banking information will require significant coordination and possible NPS assistance. Conservation There are two components to the ASAP Species Continuation Grant: funding to enable follow-up conservation activities for ASAP Species and funding to Introduction to the EECBG Program for tribal governments webinar recording, Introduction to the EECBG Program for tribal governments webinar presentation slides, Watch the grant application webinar recording, Read through the webinar presentation slides, Watch the voucher optionwebinar recording, Read through the voucher option webinar presentation slides, Watch the technical assistance webinar recording, EECBG Program technical assistance webinar presentation slides, View the EECBG Justice40 presentation slides, Biden-Harris Administration Invests $32 Million to Strengthen Nations Critical Minerals Supply Chain, July 2023 Grid Deployment Office Newsletter, Biden-Harris Administration Invests Over $200 Million in States and Tribal Nations to Modernize Americas Electrical Grid, Biden-Harris Administration to Jumpstart Clean Hydrogen Economy with New Initiative to Provide Market Certainty And Unlock Private Investment, Biden- Harris Administration Announces $178 Million to Improve Health, Safety, and Lower Energy Costs at K-12 Public Schools. Remember, the POC role is required role and anything else is optional. All grantees will be required to register and enroll with multi-factor authentication by September 15, 2023, in order to ensure continued access to ASAP. If you would like to change or updated officials for an active Recipient Organization (called Points of Contact (POCs) or the Head of Organization (HOO) by ASAP), NPS must review and approve the change. In line with the Species Action Plan objectives, this project aims to develop an ex-situ Bleeding Toad breeding programme, with a focus on: Collecting microhabitat and breeding ecology data, Designing captive breeding facilities to house Bleeding Toads and other species of the same genus, Increasing capacity for amphibian keepers and herpetologists through husbandry training, Wildlife Rescue Centre Jogja Yayasan Konservasi Alam Yogyakarta (WRC Jogja). Grant All rights reserved. Disclaimer We have also heard reports that both User IDs and passwords are now being distributed via email. The fund will provide rapid disbursement of small amounts of funds to address urgent requests from the field for conservation actions. As long as the project is focused on conservation, is deemed feasible and of high quality, you are encouraged to apply. Monday to Friday | 6:30 am to 5:30 pm Central Time Email: Enrollment with National Park Service in ASAP Prior to setting up your ASAP account, all grant recipients MUST have an active registration in the System for Award Management (SAM). If you agree to the terms, click "I Agree:" otherwise, click "Cancel." WebDescription Deadline Date: 20-Jun-2022 The IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) is pleased to announce a new round of the ASAP Species Conservation Grants in 2022. The ASP Conservation Grants are awarded strictly for the purpose of supporting PRIMATE CONSERVATION. The IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) is an initiative aimed at reversing the declines in the wild of Species On The Brink of extinction Critically Endangered land and freshwater vertebrates in Southeast Asia. Eligible entities may choose to use a voucher or a grant, but not both. We and selected partners, use cookies or similar technologies as specified in the cookie policy and privacy policy. My research focuses on an endangered primate species. 6:00. All applicants are required to submit a preproposal-; those successful at this stage Project activities funded by the ASAP grant should be completed within 12 months of receiving funds. The ASAP Species Conservation Grants will support ASAP Partners in their efforts to conserve ASAP species and their habitats. It is not necessary for your project to be connected to a larger program. You must be an ASP member to apply. ASAP (8) development and implementation of building codes and inspection services to promote building energy efficiency; (9) application and implementation of energy distribution technologies that significantly increase energy efficiency, including. That is why ASAP has created funding opportunities that are dedicated to the protection and recovery of ASAP species. All ASAP species information are extracted from the IUCN Red List. Funding for water conservation projects in Arizona is starting to flow. For the seamless continuation of important current conservation actions. Your email address will not be published. ASAP Does this mean the project qualifies for an ASP Conservation Grant? ASAP Please see the Program Application Instructions Section 4.5 and Appendix 2 for more information. DOE has published program guidance to provide more information about eligible uses of EECBG Program Funds, share examples of high-impact projects, and provide clear links for technical assistance opportunities across a range of project areas. Vouchers: As an alternative to traditional grants, DOE will providing Local and Tribal governments with the option to apply for vouchers to receive technical assistance and/or equipment rebates. This is the reason you are returning funds; you will select a reason from the dropdown menu provided. The ASAP Species Conservation Grant is designed to support ASAP Partners in their efforts to conserve ASAP Species and their habitats. This is the date range that includes the original payment settlement date you requested. Payment Management You must be an ASAP Partner to apply for the grant. to help us achieve the features and activities described below. WASHINGTON (June 28, 2023) Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched a $7 billion grant competition through President Bidens Investing in America agenda to increase access to affordable, resilient, and clean solar energy for millions of low-income households. For more information, please see the Program Application Instructions, Sections 2.3 and 9.0. Yesyou are required to be a member to be eligible for the Conservationist Award. An email message will then automatically be sent to the letter writer with information on how to submit the letter. ASAP Grant WebHeritage Preservation Grant. ASAP Read more here. Payment Management All grant recipients must use the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) system to access awarded grant funds. Read more, Southern River Terrapin populations face drastic declines in Malaysia, with the major causes being c. ollection and consumption of eggs, entanglement in fishing gear, and critical nesting habitat loss due to sand mining. $1100. The results highlight the importance of garnering local support for primate conservation projects, sustaining a long-term research presence at field sites, clearly defining terms used in monitoring and evaluation, building evaluation into the design of primate conservation projects, and encouraging and enabling researchers to share both successes and failures. We are hosting a virtual Puget Sound Nutrient Forum on July 25 that will include a presentation on nutrient trading in Puget Sound. You can select the payment vehicle within the ASAP drawdown process. ASAP From 2020, we have created new funding opportunities to support the efforts of ASAP Partners to save ASAP species from the brink of extinction. I have heard that ASP Conservation Grants cannot be used for primate censuses. If you have any questions, we highly recommend you reach out to your Program Officer as soon as possible so that we can assist. The IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) is an initiative aimed at reversing the declines in the wild of Species On The Brink of extinction Critically Endangered land and freshwater vertebrates in Southeast Asia. See our Frequently Asked Questions page with commonly asked questions. ASAP functions as a holding account from which you draw funds. ASAP DOE is excited to offer EECBG formula grant applicants the opportunity to participate in EECBG Office Hours! If your account access is deactivated due to inactivity, please contact the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, US Department of the Treasury ASAP Help Desk. Registration in SAM is free; you should not pay anything to establish or maintain your SAM account. CONSERVATION GRANT That is why we work to increase financial resources for conservation of ASAP species. WebThe ASAP Species Conservation Grant is designed to support ASAP Partners in their efforts to conserve ASAP Species and their habitats. Sort By: To learn more about how these trackers help us If you would like to change or update officials for an active Recipient Organization (called Points of Contact (POCs) or the Head of Organization (HOO) by ASAP, NPS must review and approve the change. Proposals should be submitted in Singapore Dollars for a maximum ofSGD13,500and the duration of the ASAP-funded project or project component should be12 months or less. Managing Award Users All grantees must have the project lead (Principle Investigator) in Grants Online. About the Weatherization Assistance Program, Public Sector Technology Field Validation Project Map, Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Grant Program, Home Energy Rebate Programs Frequently Asked Questions, Office of State and Community Energy Programs, EECBG Competitive Program Application Hub, EECBG Eligible Activities and Program Guidance, EECBG Program Formula Grant Application Hub, Introduction to the EECBG Program for states and territories webinar recording, Introduction to the EECBG Program for states and territories webinar presentation slides, Introduction to the EECBG Program for local governments webinar recording. WebAsian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) provides grants to support ASAP Partners' efforts to conserve ASAP species and their habitats. The only funds I need would be covered entirely by an ASP Conservation Grant. ASAP species are some of the most at risk 2023 Conservation Recently Updated Prior to setting up your ASAP account, all grant recipients MUST have an active registration in the System for Award Management (SAM). There are two systems that ASAP recognizes to provide authentication: and Request payment via Fedwire (same-day payment may not be available if the request is made after 5:45 pm Eastern Monday - Friday), Request payment via ACH (same-day payment not available for large amounts or for any request made later in the day; if you need same-day ACH payment, plan to make your request generally not later than 11 am Eastern), Request payment via ACH (if you elect to receive payment via ACH for the next business day, there is no restriction on the dollar amount requested or the time of day the request is made). You will need toregister onlinein order to submit your application. Do not send a check to any part of the National Park Service without checking with your grant manager first. ASAP conservation There are two components to the ASAP Species Continuation Grant: funding to enable follow-up conservation activities for ASAP Species and funding to address the organisational needs or priorities of ASAP Partners. Learn more about the EECBG Program blueprints. Step 1 of 3 Enter Recipient Organization Officials, Head of Organization (HOO) - approves changes to users and their roles, Authorizing Official (AO) - adds payment requestors and inquirer only users, Financial Official (FO) - enters and maintains banking account information, Point of Contact (POC) - adds users or modified their roles; this is the minimum role that must be associated with your account, Payment Requestor - initiates payment requests, Inquirer Only - can only run reports; no other role allowed, Step 3 of 3 Define Officials Confirmation, Select: Approve Recipient Organization Officials, From the Enrollments drop down menu click on "Define Recipient Organization Information", Step 1 of 2, Enter Recipient Organization Information, Enter a Recipient Organization Short Name (this is used on ACH and Fedwire Transactions and is visible to NPS staff), In the System access field select only, Step 2 of 2, Recipient Organization Information Confirmation, From the Enrollments drop down menu click on "Add Users and Roles" and then on "Organization Pending Enrollment", Step 1 of 3, Enter User Information, Define the user profile including assigning the user role, Step 3 of 3, User Enrollment Confirmation, From the Enrollments drop down menu click on "Add Banking Data", Click the Federal Agency(s) from which payment can be drawn for this Recipient Organization *DOI-14-10-0099, Financial Official Certification Important Notice, Step 3 of 3, Banking Information Confirmation, Add official to an active Recipient Organization, ASAP username and password with appropriate privileges, ASAP ID (also called Recipient ID); this is a 7 digit number, ASAP account ID; this is a combination of your grant number and 4-8 additional alphanumeric characters, Knowledge of whether your award is High Risk or High Risk with Agency Review. All rights reserved. Projects that will take place within Southeast Asia and serve to accentuate ASAP spices that have been given less attention are This webinar includes information about the requirements and process for applying for an EECBG Program Voucher in lieu of a cash grant. Small grants are now available for urgent conservation action that focuses on Critically Endangered land and freshwater vertebrate species found in Southeast Asia (ASAP species). WebDeadline: 15-Aug-20. CONSERVATION GRANT WebASAP is inviting Partners to submit pre-proposals to the ASAP Species Conservation Grant programme.