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A Strategy for Collaborative Leadership at Mt. Related: Information about AU's 3MT competition When and how is a dissertation/thesis sent to the Dissertation Office? Find books, videos, AU dissertations, and other items in JWL's collections. Andrews University is the flagship educational institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, including the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business Administration, School of Education, School of Health Professions, and the School of Architecture, Art & Design. Professional Dissertations DMin | Graduate Research | Andrews University Home > graduate > DMin Professional Dissertations DMin The Doctor of Ministry is a cohort-based professional doctoral degree designed for full-time professionals in the context of their ministry. School of Dissertation Office Congratulations! 319.273.2311. Strengthening Mission through Strategy: An Analysis of the Mission-Driven Excellence Strategy, Osvaldo Souza Santos Jr. An Investigation of Mathematics Self-Efficacy, the Sources of Mathematics Self-Efficacy, and Mathematics Achievement Among Primary School Students in Trinidad and Tobago, Ronald Sinanan, Church Planting: Exploring the Actual Experiences and Stories of Four Church Planters of the Plant1000 Evangelism Initiative in the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hyveth Williams, Leadership Styles and Effective Leadership Among Higher Education Leaders in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Patrice A. Wright, Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulation as Predictors of Academic Motivation among Undergraduate Students in the United States, Fatimah Aljuaid, An Exploratory Study of Mathematics Anxiety in Caribbean Preservice Teachers, Franka Atwell-Chin Hong. A History in Missiological Perspective of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Japan from 1945 to 1985. French language database of dissertations and theses. Home - Dissertation & Thesis Support - Andrews University The Doctor of Ministry is a cohort-based professional doctoral degree designed for full-time professionals in the context of their ministry. Professional Dissertations DMin | Graduate Research | Andrews University The below documents provide helpful information for understanding acceptable formatting and writing styles. Examining the Association Between Social Anxiety and Social Cognition on Daily Interpersonal Stress, Talha Alvi. Sinai Seventh-day Adventist Church in Orlando, Florida, Herman Leon Davis Sr. Escuela de Capacitacin de Liderazgo para Ancianos de la Misin sur Metropolitana de Chile, Josue G. Espinoza, Formation of a Millennial Cafe Ministry in Ogden, Utah: An Economically Viable Model, Ryan Kent Hablitzel, Seminario de Orientacion Matrimonial Basado en el Libro de Cantares para la Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia Hispana de Plano, Texas, Ronaldo D. Marsollier. Participants who are passionate about an issue can devote themselves wholeheartedly to a topic and thoroughly explore a valued question in great detail. The guide includes links to Open Educational Resources and Open Access resources. provide free access to Canadian digital theses and dissertations in the collection We suggest you use our work as a study aid and not as finalized material. Andrews University Seminary Doctoral Dissertation Series Using Christ's Method: Reshaping Evangelism in Milton Keynes International Seventh-day Adventist Church, Sampson Osei Aboagye, Seminario para Fortalecer La Dadivosidad en Las Ofrenda en La Iglesia Adventista del Sptimo Da de Perth Amboy, Nueva Jersey, Ricardo Cala, Strategy Implemented for Intentional Intergeneration Interaction at the Lacey Seventh-day Adventist Church, Jason Canfield, Programa de Capacitacin Evangelstica para la Iglesia Adventista Hispana de Poughkeepsie, New York, Fernando Rosario Castro, Finding a Voice: A Preaching Model To Address the Postmodern and Post-Soviet Young Adults at the Compass Seventh-day Adventist Church in Tallinn, Estonia, Mervi Cederstrom, The Creation of Virtual Online Small Groups To Increase Member Participation and Build Community at the Redding Seventh-day Adventist Church, Robert Fisher, Promoting Intergenerational Harmony at the Dedham Seventh-day Adventist Church of the Southern New England Conference, Yves Gerald Francis, Premarital Education : a Comprehensive Approach for Seventh-day Adventist Pastors in the Italian Union, Roberto Ianno. Andrews University Dissertation Series | Best Writing Service Apply Now. Dissertations from 2016 PDF Identity Styles, Mediated by Commitment and Syncretism, as Predictors of Undergraduate Students' Attitudes Toward Selected Discipleship Practice at Vally View University in Ghana in 2015: Implications for Religious Education, Juvenal Balisasa PDF General Open Access Dissertaions Open Acces Theses & Dissertations WorldCat Dissertations TEL (thses-en-ligne) Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) PQDT Open Regional Open Access Dissertations DART Europe E-Theses Portal DiVA: Academic Archive Online EthOS National ETD Portal: South African Theses and Dissertations Includes the Global Electronic Theses and Dissertations search, which allows searching multiple worldwide databases. Related: Information about AU's 3MT competition. Developing Small Group Ministry Based on Spiritual Temperaments in the Olympic Korean Seventh-day Adventist Church in Los Angeles, California, Young Rin Kim, Creating a Culture Shift in the Tracy Seventh-day Adventist Church To Attract Millennials and Generation Z, Tyler Kraft, A Strategy To Increase Spiritual Maturity by Practicing Spiritual Disciplines at Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church in Houston, Texas, Robert W. Norwood, Programa de Discipulado para Lderes de las Unidades de Accin del Distrito Misonero de "La Era" de la Iglesia Adventista del Sptimo Da, Lima Este 2022, Hector Willy Roncal Salazar, Creating a Mission-Focused Stewardship Plan for the Shiloh Bilingual French Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brooklyn, New York, Herode J. Thomas, A Lay Preachers' Training Program at Reading West Adventist Church Focusing on Preaching that Connects with Second Generation Seventh-day Adventist Young Adults, Trevor A. Thomas, Building Intergenerational Relationships with Mutual Benefits at North Port Seventh-day Adventist Church, Breath of Life Seventh-day Adventist Church, and Conyers Seventh-day Adventist Church, Paul David Lincoln Wilson, To Make Man Whole: Towards a Strategy for Gospel-Centered, Comprehensive Health Evangelism, Kyle L. Allen, Intentional Discipleship: Using a Personal Growth Plan with Microgroup Support as a First Step in Creating a Culture of Discipleship at the University City Seventh-day Adventist Church, Ryan Lee Ashlock, Missional Leaders' Multiplication Through Holistic Discipleship: The Fishermen Project as a Model for German Millennials in the Central Rhenish Conference, Christian Badorrek, The Pilot Project for a Conference-Wide Church Multiplication Project in the Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Jakov Bibulovi, Training Local Church Leaders To Study and Teach the Bible Inductively at Manteca Seventh-day Adventist Church, Bruce Blum, God, Others, and Ourselves - The Stories We Tell and the Meaning We Make: A Narrative Approach to Adventist Mission in the South England Conference of the British Union Conference, United Kingdom, Wayne B. Erasmus, A Follow-Up Program for Public Evangelism Using Online Discipleship in the Indiana Conference, Eric Freking, An Evangelistic Approach to Children of the Brantford Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brantford, Canada, Alexander Gietsel, Programa de Capacitacion para el Desarrollo de Nuevos Secretarios Ejecutivos de Uniones y Campos de la Division Sudamericana, Edward Heidinger, A Strategy To Help Parents Realize and Fulfill Their Role As The Disciple-Makers of Their Children in the New Eden French Church, Wilfrid Louis Jean, Wholistic Stewardship Revitalization Strategy at Pueblo First Seventh-day Adventist Church Rocky Mountain Conference, Anton Kapusi, A Marital Growth Program for Adventist Couples in the Susanville and Quincy Churches of the Nevada Utah Conference, Emmanuel LaPorte, Apologetic-Based Curriculum Addressing Intellectual Skepticism among Young Adults in Knoxville, Tennessee and the Surrounding Areas, Bryan Laue, Leadership Strategy for Sustaining Mission-Focused Vision in Years Seven to Ten of Crosswalk Fellowship, Boyan Levterov, A Strategy for Planting a Growing Seventh-day Adventist Church in Rivers West Conference, Nigeria, Smart B. Maduagu, Utilizing Personality Theory To Help High School Students Find Meaningful Spiritual Growth Practices at Portland Adventist Academy in Portland, Oregon, Jonny Wesley Moor, Developing and Implementing a Community-Based Hospitality Awareness and Training Program in the Green Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church, Titus Naftanaila, A Small Group Ministry Combining Health Concepts with Biblical Narrative Analysis-Derived Principles at the Stevensville Seventh-day Adventist Church, Patricia Nesbit, A Strategy To Manage Members Expectation of Pastor's Work in Multicultural Churches in Birmingham, England, Steve Palmer, Using Transformational Preaching and Life-Skill Seminars To Promote Conversation and Dialogue on Abuse and Family Violence at Mount Olive Seventh-day Adventist Church in Toronto, Jacqueline D. Peart, Implementing a Faith-Based Weight Loss Outreach Program for the Westside Community of Jacksonville, Florida, Jonathan Peinado, Developing and Testing Concise Evangelistic Videos for Millennials and Generation Z in Columbia, Missouri, Hiram Rester, Programa Para Fomentar La Testificacion en La Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia Aliento de Vida en Memphis, Tennessee, Juan Rymer-Alvarez. TEL is actually a particular "environment" of HAL. Andrews University Dissertation Series | Best Writing Service *Changes may occur. The repository contains electronic theses and research publications including articles, conference proceedings, working papers and some research monographs. Please have your program director (or dissertation chair in CEIS) send the final, approved PDF document to:, in addition to your signed signature page (as a separate PDF). . Leadership research can provide understanding that in turn provides knowledge, resources and growth opportunities for leaders. That partnership, which also offers an International Partner Scholarship to qualified students, and offers those students the opportunity to complete an undergraduate degree at one of America's most diverse and global national universities. As of 2020, we no longer print theses/dissertations and the requirement that the student pay for print copies for the university is no longer in effect. Andrews University's Leadership Program - Sylvia Gonzalez > Research Seminary Library Portal: Dissertations - Andrews University Digital Commons @ Andrews University <macro publication.title encode='html_tags'> Graduate Research. Andrews University Digital Library includes dissertations and theses written for degrees from Andrews University, The Copyright Center can assist you with all copyright questions and needs, Access to a variety of scholarly articles and databases, Want some inspiration? This ProQuest database gives access to the dissertations and theses produced by students at Andrews University. DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses. Andrews University Dissertation Series | Best Writing Service You are in the prime of your life and hopeful about the bright future ahead. Purdue OWL The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material. Join students from over 90 countries who make Andrews University their home away from home. A searchable database of indexes and abstracts for doctoral projects and theses from programs accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). *If you want a personal printed copy, please order it through ProQuest. Dissertations | Department of Discipleship - Andrews University Sign the dissertation/thesis completion form and submit it to the records office for graduation. Theses and Dissertations from around the world. Dissertation Resources :: Andrews University Dissertation Resources Step-by-step guide and forms to help you every step of the way College of Education & International Services Bell Hall Room 105 (269) 471-3481 Introduction Those securing the EdD or PhD are securing terminal degrees. Developing a Discipleship Program for Chinese Speaking People to Create a Core Team for the Abiding Christ Net via Zoom Video Conference, Sung Sub Song, Discovering Successful Pastoral Mentors Based on their Spiritual Gifts Cluster and Engaging Them in Mentorship in the Wisconsin Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Adam Case, A Strategy To Coach Pastors to Revitalize Declining Churches in the Carolina Conference and other Seventh-day Adventist Conferences in the United States, Brad Cauley, Developing Spiritual Disciplines in Youth and Young Adult Leaders through Mentoring at the Peachtree City Seventh-day Adventist Church, Nathaniel E. Elias, A Strategy for Increasing the Levels of Financial Literacy Among African-Americans in the Greenville Neighborhood of Jersey City, NJ, Troy S. Levy, Increasing Effectiveness and Efficiency through a Collaborative evangelism Strategy within the Georgia-Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Victor Maddox, Strategy To Implement and Evaluate a Health and Wellness Program in the Inner-City of Benton Harbor, Michigan through the Harbor of Hope Church, Imasiku Mubita, Training, Equipping, and Deploying Teenagers for Preaching with a Prophetic Emphasis at the Plantation Seventh-day Adventist Church, Iosif Salajan, Applying Biblical Principles Towards a Model of Theological Dialogue at the Hillside O'Malley Church, David Shin, A Strategy to Train Members to Encourage Non-Members to Make Decisions for Baptism and Church Membership at the Middletown Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church, Joshua William Voigt, The Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Preaching Discipleship Training Program for Church Members in the Knoxville First Seventh-day Adventist Church, Marcus Alden Swearingen Bates, Improving Marital Satisfaction: An Enrichment Program for Couples in the Huntington, New York Seventh-day Adventist Church, Eddly B. Benoit, Developing Awareness of Special Needs as Relating to Autism Spectrum Disorders in the All Nations Seventh-day Adventist Church and Creating a Strategy for Outreach to Affected Families, Shaun Brooks, Desarrollo e Implementacion de un Programa de Administracion para Pastores Distritales con Multiples Iglesias en la Union Peruana del Sur, Enzo Ronald Chvez Idrogo, Strategy To Retain Second Generation Immigrants at the Bethlehem French Seventh-day Adventist Church in New Jersey, Emile Duvivier, Desarrollo e Implementacion de Un Programa de Entrenamiento para Predicadores Laicos en las Iglesias Adventistas del Distrito de Fort Washington, Nueva York, S. Yeury Ferreira, A Training Program for Members to Minister to HIV/AIDS Patients at the Nyagiki Seventh-day Adventist Church, Kenya, Job Ogoti Getange, A Strategy To Reach Families with Children in Calgary, Alberta, Ghenadie Girleanu, Desarrollo y Evaluacion de Folletos Para Ensenar la Clase de Etica y Valores en la Institucion Educativa Agropecuaria Adventista del Llano (Instival), Colombia, Oscar Lucumi Gonzalez, Servant Leadership Development Model for Staff at the University of the Southern Caribbean, Lloyd Eric Jacott. First-time college students, transfer students, those seeking a degree at a Bachelors level, Post-college degrees in the Masters and Doctoral levels, Students who want to learn English as a Second Language (ESL). Access to abstracts is unrestricted. 1227 W 27th St. Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614. The Influence of Mentoring, Self-Efficacy and Perceived Organizational Support on Commitment among Novice Adventist Teachers, Kathleen E. Forbis, An Analysis and Comparison of the Missional Doctrine Hermeneutics of Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Veli-Matti Karkkainen, with Emphasis on their Notions of God, Eschatology, and Mission, Elmer Arrais Guzman, Involvement in Community Service and Spiritual Activities as Correlates of Socially Responsible Leadership among Undergraduate Students at Asia-Pacific International University, Thailand, Naltan Lampadan, The Effect of the Vocabulary Spelling City App on Student Performance in Spelling, Vocabulary, and Reading Comprehension in Grades 5-8 at Glenview Adventist Academy, Fernando Oleynick Lista, Coping Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Attachment, and Resilience on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Private Sector Emergency Medical Technicians, Brenda-Joyce Gonzales Orozco Markert-Green, Measures of Student Engagement as Predictors of Grade Point Average (GPA) and Degree Completion at Andrews University, Michael D. Milmine, A Multiple Case Study of the Training of Instructors Teaching Inclusive Postsecondary Education Students in Typical College Courses, Enoh Nkana, Pottery Horizons of the Jalul Ceramic Assemblage in the Iron Age IIA-C from Square G4 in its Historical and Geographical Context, Michael Christian Orellana Mendez, An Exploratory Analysis of Conflict in African Immigrant and African American Marriages, Cornelius Ayodeji Osuntade, Baccalaureate Nursing Students' Lived Experiences of a Leadership Role During Clinical Practicum, Gisela E. Schmidt, Healthcare Leadership in the Context of Cognitive Diseases of Aging: A Community-Based Participatory Research Model, Dean Sherzai, How Faculty and Student Preferences for Active and Traditional Instructional Methods Relate to their Beliefs, Quantity, and Quality of Experiences, Knowledge of the Benefits, and Professional Training, Tammy R. Shilling, Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by ESL Saudi Students in the United States, Alya Abdullah K. Suliman, Perceived Effectiveness of a Mentoring Program for Training Adventist Chinese Evangelists, Terry Man-Yuen Tsui, A Quantitative Comparative Study of Employee Engagement Among Full-Time Seventh-day Adventist Pastors in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists and Its Relationship to Level of Participation in Annual Pastoral Continuing Education (CE), Sharon Aka, Understanding Multiculturalism in Saudi Education: A Case Study of Two Schools in Mecca, Mohammed Alharbi, Preservice Teachers' Preferred Definitions of Intelligence, and Related Demographics (Age, Gender, Educational Level, Academic Domains and educational Psychology Enrollment), as Predictors of their Implicit Beliefs of Intelligence, Michelle A. Bacchiocchi, The Use of Differentiated Instruction by Teachers of the Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists, Jennifer Jill Bianco, Philosophy and Practice of Wholistic and Physical Student Development at Select Seventh-day Adventist Higher Educational Institutions and Work Colleges, Brenda Gay Palmer Chase, A Study of Nones in Brazil and the USA in Light of Secularization Theory with Missiological Implications, Jolive R. Chavez, High Stakes Testing and School Characteristics: A Comparative Study, Kelsey M. Dailey, A Hermeneutic for the Aqedah Test: A Way beyond Jon Levenson's and Terence Fretheim's Models, Arlyn Sunshine Drew, Ethnic Identity Salience, Socioeconomic Status, and Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Treatment as Predictors of Receptivity to Community-Based Psychoeducation among African American Men, Hadiya Suzanne DuBose-Smith, A Re-Examination of Pentateuchal Hamartiology and Atonement as a Hermeneutical Framework for Interpreting the Laying on of Hands, Slavisa Milodar Jankovic, Mother-Infant Attachment: Path Analysis of the Predictive Role of Trauma Therapy and Select Demographics on Mother's Cognitive Responses, Nicole D. Knapp, The Function of Military Language in the Feeding of the Five Thousand Narrative (Mark 6:30-44): A Narrative-Cognitive Study, Oleg Kostyuk, Exploring the Influence of Racial Diversity on Church Growth: A Case Study of Buffalo Suburban Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lancaster, New York, Luis A. Mancebo, Choice of God/Higher Power, Perceptions of God/Higher Power, Religious Beliefs and Behaviors, and Social Support as Predictors of Length of Sobriety, Satisfaction with Life, and Quality of Life Among People Recovering from Alcohol Addictions in Three Midwestern States, Carlton Martin, The Inclusion of Special Education Services in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in New York City, Marlene Morris-Lambert, Coaching and Being Coached: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Education Leaders in the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Arne P. Nielsen, Function and Nature of the Heavenly Sanctuary/Temple and its Earthly Counterparts in the New Testament Gospels, Acts, and the Epistles: A Motif Study of Major Passages, Leonardo G. Nunes, Teachers' Implementation of and Stages of Concern Regarding English Language Arts (ELA) Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in New York State, Alozie Augustine Ogbonna, Job Satisfaction as a Function of the Five Factor Model of Personality in the Community Mental Health Center Environment of Northern Indiana, Robert Ryan, Music Notation-to-Color Synesthesia and Early Stages of Music Education: A Grounded Theory Study, Eduardo Sola Chagas Lima, A Correlational Model of Burnout and Personality Among Clergy in the United States, Nathanael M. Stephens, Spiritual Coping as a Mediator of Distress and Posttraumatic Growth Among Adult Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Religious Leaders, Angela R. St. Hillaire, A Stratigraphic Analysis of the Middle Bronze Age from the Tell Taanach Excavations in 1963, '66 and '68, Ronald H. Wakeman, Islam, Christianity, Traditional Religions and Power Politics in Northern Nigeria Since Pre-Islamic Period, Emmanuel M. Abar, Working Memory and Attention as Predictors of Processing Speed in Elementary School Students: A Developmental Study, Monih Alshehri, Archaeological Backgrounds of the Sanctuary: A Search for Egyptian Cultural Influence in the Construction of the Hebrew Tent-Sanctuary, Leslie Scott Baker Jr, The Relationship Between Combat Experience, Veteran Pathology and the Pathology of Their Intimate Partners: What Factors Predict the Pathology of Veterans and Their Intimate Partners, Edwin A. Brennan, A Reassessment of the Excavations at Tall Safut, Owen D. Chesnut, Toward Engaging the Secular: Charles Taylor's Modern Social Imaginaries, Human Flourishing, and Theological Method, Jenifer A. Daley, Journey with Autism: Successful Educational and Social Interventions from a Single Case Study, Kwame M. De Jonge-Moore, Ceramic Architectural Models from the Madaba Plains Region: A Selected Art Historical Analysis, Stefanie P. Elkins, The Influence of Pornography Consumption, Religiosity, and Family Sexual Communication on Emerging Adults' Engagement in Hookup Culture in the United States, Angie Powels Horner, The Interplay of Racial Identity Attitude and Religious Orientation on the Social Integration Experiences of Black African College Students and African American College Students Attending Predominantly White Institutions in the United States, Christina Miattamengie Johnson, Advising Assessment Practices of Advising Professionals at an Accredited United Kingdom Urban Career-Focused Higher Education Institution: A Replicated Quantitative, Descriptive Analysis, Catherine E. Mahrt-Washington, Angels and Sub-Divine Supernatural Beings: Their Characteristics, Function, and Relationship to God and Humanity in Deuteronomy-Kings, Joni Amanda McGuire-Moushon, The Effects of a Transition Program on the Academic Achievement of Ninth Grade Students in a California Suburban High School, Igor Nicholas Milosavljevi, School Principal's Leadership Style and Teacher's Self-Efficacy in High and Low Achieving Schools in Chikankata, Zambia, Pardon Mwansa, Variations in Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultural Orientation and the Protective Factors that Contribute to Resilience: Comparisons from Jamaica, Rwanda, and the United States, Stacey Nicely, Public School Teachers' Gender, Years of Teaching Experience, Knowledge, and Perceptions as Predictors of Their Implementation of Brain-Based Learning Practices in K-12 Classrooms, Emmanuel Oduro-Bediako, Examining Perceptions of Service Quality of Student Services and Satisfaction Among International Students at Universities in Indiana and Michigan, Mordekai Ochieng Ongo, Sanctuary/Temple in Genesis 1-3: A Reevaluation of the Biblical Evidence, Jahisber Penuela Pineda, Adventist Healthcare: A Qualitative Study of 19th Century Founding Governing Principles in 21st Century Adventist Hospitals, Cesiah Yareth Pimentel Melendez, The Third Space: The Meeting of Jew and Christian in the Act of Remembering, Restoring, and Reconciling - A Case Study of the Matzevah Foundation, Steven D. Reece, "Let Us Make 'adam": An Edenic Model of Personal Ontology, Marla A. Samaan Nedelcu, Motivation for the Sharing of Material Possessions in Acts, Philo's De Vita Contemplativa and the Didache: A Comparative Study, Lena V. Toews, Constructing a Theology of Relational Life Through the Themes of Creation, Incarnation, and Re-Creation as an Alternative to Current Categories of Religions, Andrew Tompkins, Toward a Biblical Theology of God's Presence in Christian Theology: A Study of How Difference Interpretations of the Divine Presence affect liturgy, Karl Tsatalbasidis, The Nature of David's Kingship at Hebron: An Exegetical and Theological Study of 2 Samuel 2:1-5:5, Christian Vogel, The Theological Significance of the Relations of Freedom and Time in the Sciences and Humanities: An Evaluation of the Contributions of David Bohm and Pauli Pylkko, Michael F. Younker, The Influence of Social Support and Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction on Student Academic Motivation at a Cameroonian University: Structural Equation Modeling, Samuel Adamou, Student Evaluations of Teaching, Course and Student Characteristics at Andrews University, Fatimah Al Nasser, A Theory Base and Mission-Sending Model for the South American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Silvano Barbosa, Reading As A Disclosure Of The Thoughts Of The Heart: Proto-Halakhic Reuse And Appropriation Between Torah And The Prophets, Kenneth Bergland, Use of Stories in Courses and Student Engagement at Southwestern Michigan College, Heather Day, A Multi Case Study Of Sexual Assault Policies And Procedures Of Two Residential Higher Education Institutions In The Midwest, Slandah Dieujuste, The Impact of Family Satisfaction, Racial Identity and Perceived Ethnic Discrimination on African-American College Students' Vulnerability to Stereotype Threat, Erica Lynn Featherson, Family Relational Dialectics: A Systemic Model for Explaining Relational Factors Contributing to Adolescents' Faith Maturity, Life Values, and Commitment to Christ, Jasmine J. Fraser, A Study Of Collaborative Skills Of Graduates Of A National, Faith-Based, Leadership Development Program, Eileen Kooreman, The Impact of Media Influence About Hair Texture on Internalized Racial Oppression, Ethnic Identity, and Self-Efficacy, Kristy L. La Mar, Home |

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